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Timer support


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Any chance we could get the icon/photo on the device screens changed to represent the names on the buttons for the # 2484DWH8 KeypadLinc TImer?

It would be nice to have the 2 min. to 2 hr. respresented in the picture on the screen instead of Main On/Off - B - C - etc.

Using the iPad App MobiLinc HD v1.03.00 - lovin' it!


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Hi dstanley,


Thanks for the feedback! Here's how you can (mostly) get what you want to see today. Go into your ISY and rename the sub-buttons to 2 min., 5 min., etc and relaunch MobiLinc. MobiLinc will pull down the latest info (assuming you have Auto-Sync turned on under My Settings->Lighting Controller) and will show your custom names for the buttons.


There is one exception. The Main On/Off button is currently fixed. I'll add this to my to-do list to use the device name instead of fixing the graphic to Main On/Off.



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I guess I have some more learning to do on the ISY side of this timer - these buttons will need scenes associated with them to make them of any use with MobiLinc or from within the ISY.

The 'physical' button presses runs the internal timer but the ISY and Mobilinc 'button' presses need a scene ...

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Hi dstanley,


Thanks for the followup. You could mimic the timer function with a scene and a program. Drop the KPL button into a new scene and make the button the controller. This satisifies MobiLinc as MobiLinc now has a scene to control when that KPL virtual button is pressed. In the ISY, you'll need to write a timer program that turns the main load of that timer KPL ON for the duration associated with the KPL button.


That (or something like this) would bridge the virtual KPL button with your real-world timer KPL device using the ISY as the middle man.



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  • 1 month later...

I finally got around to messing with this a little more and I have a small issue that I need to work on.

You mention a scene where the secondary timer buttons are a controller will help - well in the ISY these buttons are ONLY listed as RESPONDERS.

So I made scenes with a secondary KPL button (in my Hall) and a secondary TIMER button and I can turn this scene on in MobiLinc using the Scene Page but the DEVICE page buttons do not work since they are not controllers. Does this make any sense?

If I had of known previously about the programming of the ISY I would have just used another KPL in the Garage and programmed tuimers rather than have this dedicated unit.



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Unlike a standard KeypadLinc where each button can control a separate Scene with different devices, the Timer interval buttons are only setting a time interval for the local load this device is controlling and/or any Responders that are linked to the Primary button. That is why the Secondary buttons are defined as Responder nodes only because they cannot control anything separate from what the Primary button is controlling. It is the design of this KeypadLinc Timer hardware/firmware, not an ISY decision.



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Ok - I think I got it now - still learning lots but this is real interesting. Knowing this about the timer then I can make some programs to make it do what I want.

Thanks Lee and Wes!

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You can generally tell how each device works by the Quick Start guide and the User Guide for each device. For example, the documentation for a standard KeypadLinc describes how to link each KeypadLinc button as both a Controller and a Responder. The documentation for the Timer buttons does not describe a method for linking each Timer button as a Controller. It does not say the buttons cannot be Controllers but since it does not describe how to link them as Controllers they cannot be used as Controllers.


Same with devices like the OutletLinc and ApplianceLinc. The documentation explains how to link these devices as Responders but there is nothing that explains how to link them as Controllers which indicates they have no means of reporting local state changes (cannot be Controllers).


This little trick might help in understanding what a particular device can and cannot do before purchasing one.



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