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Program Every Day but NOT Saturday


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I am trying to refine a program that I wrote which will turn off my daughter's closet if she leaves the light on for more than 10 minutes. I want this program be operative every day, except I do NOT want it to run from 6pm on Friday until Saturday evening.

I tried (for example) If on Sunday, from 9:00am to 6:00 pm (5 days later) AND [daughter's closet] is ON, then [send email and turn off light].


The program works fine during the week, but for some reason, Friday evening it is still shutting it off.

Is there a way of doing something like IF ON Sunday, OR Monday OR Tue, etc. (but not Friday night or Saturday) AND time is between [ ] and [ ] AND close light is on, THEN...


Any suggestions would be appreciated. (What I do now is I manually disable that program on Friday afternoon)

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