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Release 3.1.10 (Beta) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Thanks for that post. It helped validate my initial post. I feel the same way about my weird ISY link table. I do not know if it is repeatable, and I was not sure I should even post about it, but is was such an obvious and serious anomaly I thought I should mention it in case others see it.


And to summarize:


The ISY link table reference for my KPL showed only 2 links, even though the ISY showed the KPL in lots of scenes and it should have 59 links. The ISY link table did not even have a link to each button, so the ISY was not even aware of button presses on the KPL until I did a full delete and add back.

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Halloween gremlins ??? my ISY has never locked up before and I have run every Beta since 2.8.1. I wish the rest of the Insteon world worked as well as the ISY. Things are so complex, it may not be possible to recreate something that required a very unique set of conditions to fail. Look at the Adjust Scene issue. Not sure that was ever actually recreateable but enough folks reported the symptom to indicate a problem.


Time will tell on these symptoms. I still love my ISY!!



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I have found a discrepancy in the pop up message for RemoteLincs and RemoteLinc2s.


In the Add A New Insteon X10 Device.

Picking a RemoteLinc gives you the older message about starting the linking process first.

Picking a RemoteLinc2 gives you no message about starting the linking process first.


Now in the Show Device Links Table of Diagnostics and picking a RemoteLinc.

I get an updated start linking process first message. That includes how to do for a RemoteLinc; RemoteLinc2 or a TriggerLinc/Motion Sensor.

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Upgrade went fine. However I do have some issues.


1. NTP server stops working until I reboot ISY.

2. Under my lighting devices do not show correct status, after I toggle off/on.

3. MobiLinc Pro ver 3.04.00 still will not sync with IPhone version 5.0


Any suggestions.

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Hi Moshe,


1. You had the same issue with NTP in 3.1.9 so we have to figure out what's going on

2. If you do not see status, the reason is that ISY is not able to publish them. Please do make sure you do not have firewall settings that block ISY

3. This has been thoroughly tested by Wes and our team ... if you can access ISY remotely, then please contact Wes so that he can help figure out the cause


With kind regards,


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Below is a snippet from the error log. Upgraded to 3.1.10 on 23rd Oct.

I'm not sure what 17001 Queue Full means and whether its a problem.


Sun 2011/10/23 01:29:16 PM System -60006 n/a

Sun 2011/10/23 05:36:43 PM System -170001 UDQ:Queue Full: LOG

Sun 2011/10/23 05:36:01 PM System -5 Start

Sun 2011/10/23 05:36:19 PM System -170001 [Network] Established

Mon 2011/10/24 05:56:14 AM System -100002 /LOG/A.LOG

Tue 2011/10/25 09:19:16 PM System -5012 29

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I'm not sure what 17001 Queue Full means and whether its a problem.
Are you running IR programs? If so, here is what Michel explained it to me:
The Queue Full ... (means) the following:


1. If you have many programs that are doing things to the underlying INSTEON network, then IR signals WAIT till all is complete


2. If you have IR turn a large scene on/off, and if you have many programs that check for the status of lights in those scenes as a condition, then IR will wait till its time comes on the queue.

Hope this helps.
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Installed 3.1.11 after first installing 3.1.10.


Used the link for the applet to version 3.1.10, since there was no 3.1.11 version.


The app window came up, but no login screen.


Ran the link to the 3.1.9 applet. Login screen appeared. I was able to login successfully.


Cleared the Java cache after upgrading the firmware, before running the applet.


Deleted the Java cache files again before attempting to run the 3.1.10 applet. Again, no login screen.


Only the 3.1.9 applet worked. The Admin UI Help/About reported 3.1.11 was installed.


Any suggestions?

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I have ISY-99i/pro. Just tried to install this upgrade using 4.6xMB file that was downloaded. It gets 2% into install and errors out.


Error Screens that appear:


2011-10-27 - isy-about

2011-10-27 - beta upgrade error 2

2011-10-27 - beta upgrade error .


Any ideas about why it won't upgrade.



- Rob

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Hello all, sincere apologies for tardy reply.




I would not worry about the log being full right before an upgrade. The rest of 17000x are benign and are informational messages only.




How are you clearing your Java cache? In almost all cases, with MAC, you need to either reboot your computer OR go click on View Cache and remove each cache file individually.




If you have any type of firewall software, please make sure ISY is in the trusted zone/White List. Avast and Kaspersky are notorious for blocking anything they do not know of. If you are still having problems, please do call our tech support and we'll help you.


With kind regards,


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I installed 3.11, first installing 3.10 and applying 3.11.


I cleared the Java cache, then tried running the Admin Console applet, assuming there was one available for 3.1.11: http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.1.11/.


I discovered there wasn't one, so I tried the 3.1.10 applet. The admin console came up, but no login screen.


I then tried the 3.1.9 applet. This came up.


I tried clearing the Java cache again using the Java Preferences application again. I could not bring up the login screen for the 3.1.10 applet.

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Since installing version 3.1.10 there is a problem with one of the lights within a scene, it wont turn on when the scene

is activated using a program at a certain time. The other light in the scene works and the lights in question does turn on if I manually

activate it via the Administrator interface. The status of the light is 'ON' in the administrator but the light doesn't actually turn on.

How else can I trouble shoot this issue.


Thank you,


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When a device will reliably turn On/Off with Direct commands but not respond to a Scene it is either a Scene link record problem in the device or a communications problem with that device.


Suggest running a Scene Test for that Scene. Right click on Scene name in My Lighting tree, select Diagnostics | Scene Test. If the Scene Test is successful but the device continues to not respond to the Scene Action in the Program there is likely a communications problem with the device. If the device fails the Scene Test do a Restore Device for the failing device to restore the device link records and repeat Scene Test.


If that does not resolve the problem delete the device from the Scene and then add it back.



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Hi Lee,


Below are the scene test results, it appears that it succeeded. According to you this indicates a communication problem but this issue has only started since upgrading (on the 23rd Oct), prior to that the light came on every night at the correct time. It manually works without fail from the Admin console, if it was a communication issue it would fail occassionally from the Admin console but it doesn't. I have already removed and added the device back into the scene. I'll try removing the device from ISY and re-adding it.


Many thanks,



Fri 10/28/2011 07:29:30 PM : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 15 13 00 06

Fri 10/28/2011 07:29:30 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.1B.10 19.75.00 61 13 15 LTOFFRR(15)

Fri 10/28/2011 07:29:30 PM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][13.1B.10-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

Fri 10/28/2011 07:29:30 PM : [CLEAN-UP-RPT] 02 58 06

Fri 10/28/2011 07:29:30 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.49.0C 19.75.00 61 13 15 LTOFFRR(15)

Fri 10/28/2011 07:29:30 PM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][0F.49.0C-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

----- Night Lights Test Results -----

[succeeded] External SL - Wall Sconce (13 1B 10 1)

[succeeded] Furnace Room OL - Pot Lights (F 49 C 1)

----- Night Lights Test Results -----

Fri 10/28/2011 07:29:38 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.15 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

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When a failure attributed to an image upgrade turned out to be a surge suppression power strip that should not have been used was determined to be the cause I stopped trying to explain why symptoms occur only when an image is changed.


There are message retries associated with a Scene Test that do not occur for a Scene On/Off from a Program. When the Scene Test works it indicates the link records in the ISY PLM and devices are intact. When the Scene On/Off does not then communications are the question because a single message must result in all the Responders reacting for a Scene On/Off compared to multiple message attempts for a Scene Test.


Direct commands have the same retries as the Scene Test. If it takes two or three attempts (all automatic by Insteon hardware) before a Direct message or Scene Test message is successful the result is the same, the device has responded. All devices must respond to a single message for a Scene On/Off making good communications much more important.



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Why would the Admin console indicate that the light is on when in fact it isn't. So if I look under the My Devices tab, and select the light in question the 'Current State' is ON.

If there was communication issues shouldn't the status be off.

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The single Scene command that is issued to turn a Scene On does not include device addresses and it is not ACKed by any responder. The ISY looks at the Scene definition and marks the responders according to what should happen, not what does happen.



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The single Scene command that is issued to turn a Scene On does not include device addresses and it is not ACKed by any responder. The ISY looks at the Scene definition and marks the responders according to what should happen, not what does happen.



I have a little more infomation. After discovering that it wasn't a single light that was not working but everything that depending on the ISY links table, I discovered that the ISY links table was completely empty of data. I'm not entirely certain when it happened but it seemed to coincide with the upgrade from 3.1.2 to 3.1.10.

This is not the first time this has happened, back in 2010 when upgrading to 2.7.15 the exact same problem occured, the data in the ISY links table disappeared after the upgrade. I reported the problem but I don't think the issue was ever replicated. Actually its happened numerous times, probably 3 or 4 time all up. I'm not sure where to go wit this issue, its almost impossible to replicate on demand.




ps. I was able to restore the backup prior to the upgrade which restored the links table so I'm back up and running (for now).

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