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What's this Michel?


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Someone's cat got loose at U-D and must've put all those Oct 29, 2011 posts up for Michel. However, looking at each topic no such posts exist. That was annoying!



Hi everyone,


Sincere apologies ... I think I know exactly who that person might be. We have had numerous ads for a certain LED company posted to our forum. First, I sent them an email and on Thursday I called them on the phone to complain ......


With kind regards,



I am not sure if you forum software can do it.

I know over in the X10 forums where I am an adviser.

They use a known bad spamer list along with known IP addresses database. Any known IP address or uses name in that database is automatically band for life.


Hi Brian,


Thanks so very much. Yes, we can ban by IP address but the main issue is that - in this case at least - the IP address is from a well known ISP and thus banning by IP might ban others who are not spammers.


Unlike bots, these are real people who go through the trouble of registering and actually posting something relevant to the topic before adding a link.


With kind regards,



Yes I hear what you are saying.

Occasionally as the early morning accessing adviser on X10. I will sometime find multiple posts that need deleting and one moved to the review section where an Administrator with ban privileges has to handle the abuser.


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