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Insteon Energy Display - ISY support?


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Insteon should REALLY just make a compatible stand-alone temp / humidity device.


It should report back to the ISY upon change.


Ideally, it should be battery or 5v wall wart compatible.


Local display is optional (as far as I am concerned).


I've seen a lot of demand for this type of sensor, and there doesn't seem to be an existing product.



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Has anyone considered using the Z-wave module to achieve the same basic things?


I am finishing my basement, and have an A/V "closet" that I am going to put some gear in. I am mostly concerned about the temp, so I wanted to do something similar to what is being discussed here. Basically, turn on an exhaust fan when it gets too warm. Yesterday I ordered a Z-wave temp/hum sensor off Amazon because it is less than half the price of an IOLinc with the temp sensor package on SmartHome.com.


Since the Z-wave stuff is so new, I know I may be in for a rude awakening when I get the sensor. (i.e. It may not work.) But, it seems like this could be a potential solution to this type of problem.

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Has anyone considered using the Z-wave module to achieve the same basic things?


I am finishing my basement, and have an A/V "closet" that I am going to put some gear in. I am mostly concerned about the temp, so I wanted to do something similar to what is being discussed here. Basically, turn on an exhaust fan when it gets too warm. Yesterday I ordered a Z-wave temp/hum sensor off Amazon because it is less than half the price of an IOLinc with the temp sensor package on SmartHome.com.


Since the Z-wave stuff is so new, I know I may be in for a rude awakening when I get the sensor. (i.e. It may not work.) But, it seems like this could be a potential solution to this type of problem.


I have but given the fact I am already using the Zigbee dongle in the ISY-994. Z-Wave is not an option for me in my system. The Zigbee dongle allows me to take energy information from my GEM and use the Insteon network to control various loads.


The GEM has 4 pulse channels, and 8 temperature channels also available. If both of these data streams could be obtained from the ISY-994 iZ Pro. This whole Energy Monitor support issue would be a moot point for me.


I am not sure where the barrier lies with obtaining these streams of data. But, I was assured that purchasing the ISY-994 iZ Pro was the path for support in all of this. Currently, there is / was a low request rate for such features from the masses. Even though *so called countless people* chirped up and said they would be one of the first to purchase the iZ models.


Its safe to say much of them were full of hot air because the Brultech forum has been stagnant in the UDI forum. Based on a few threads in this forum some Energy features are still being worked on so I have hope.


Teken . . .

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Hi Teken,


I was in touch with Ben last week and he basically gave us the packet format for "current" and not temp.


In short, this is a requirement that we are tracking and we'll eventually implement.


With kind regards,





That is most excellent to hear and know! I do realize there are countless people with 9999999999 requests for your support in so many areas.


So, prioritizing them with an eye toward ROI is challenging to say the least for UDI. If you could please ask Ben for the temp / pulse packet format that would be most excellent. As long as this is on the radar and going to be implemented.


This would add even more value to the ISY / GEM for both companies. It would also allow others to have a simple path to capture energy, temperature, and pulse data. This has been a very long road for both companies, and the on going development has been staggering.


But its safe to say everyone will reap the rewards once its done. As always I thank you for your continued support, insight, and vision.


Teken . . .

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Even though *so called countless people* chirped up and said they would be one of the first to purchase the iZ models.


Well, if it makes you feel any better, I bought it and it's still on a shelf, uninstalled. My little 99 just keeps humming along and my free time remains scarce.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Teken -


I noticed you had some in one of your posts somewhere. I take it they haven't been working out.


If the Insteon display can't get data from the ISY, can you recommend another display that works with the GEM? It doesn't need to be insteon.




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Hello Greg,


I do use them for local monitoring of specific loads around the home. For monitoring all 32 channels from the GEM the best solution is to purchase one of many cheap Andriod style tablets.


They go for $89.00 each these days all over the net.


Would allow you to view all your channels in One decent sized screen also.


The Energy Monitor was a great idea from Insteon but requires more development to get it further along.


Teken . . .



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