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How To: Configure All In One Router/Modem (ACTIONTEC)


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sloop and I have the same Router/Modem. I figured we should probably have a thread for this router/modem.


Verizon supplies this router/modem for their FIOS customers, and the HDTV is dependant on it. Changing to a D-Link or other is not applicable.


I guess our question would be…what are the requirements for the ISY so we can configure the router/modem manually for internet access, or visa versa




Excellent question!


The best option would be for us to get one of these routers and figure out what it takes for us to do it automatically. As far as I remember, the router is an Actiontec (MI424-WR). Do you know where we can buy one since the last time I checked it was a discontinued model and we couldn't buy it.


To enable internet access manually, you have to do Port Forwarding. Unfortunately, in the case of sloop, ActionTec did not allow Port Forwarding for devices which were not issued an IP address by the ActionTec (DHCP). Have you tried port forwarding? In short, what you have to do is:

a. Have your ISY use a static IP (if it's DHCP, then since ISY is not taking care of the forwarding, then when ISY gets a new IP, your port forwarding will not work)

b. Go to the firewall configuration page in your router

c. Forward all the TCP traffic directed to ISY's port, to ISY's IP address


This should do it. I would sincerely appreciate receiving your feedback and experiences in this regards.


Thanks and with kind regards,




sloop and I have the same Router/Modem. I figured we should probably have a thread for this router/modem.


Verizon supplies this router/modem for their FIOS customers, and the HDTV is dependant on it. Changing to a D-Link or other is not applicable.


I guess our question would be…what are the requirements for the ISY so we can configure the router/modem manually for internet access, or visa versa


Do we know what port to assign to the ISY?


I looked around in the router/modem and YIKES! so many options, gizmos and scary things




You are right! I think sloop has already tried this so he might be better able to help you with the gizmos and scary things!


As far as the port, you don't have to assign a port to ISY. ISY already has its own port:

a. Right mouse click on My lighting

b. Click on Properties

c. Look at the Device Address

you will see something like:


In the example above 16872 is ISY's port for my device. I hope this helps a little.


With kind regards,



Do we know what port to assign to the ISY?


I looked around in the router/modem and YIKES! so many options, gizmos and scary things


yep - i was writing up something about ouir router when my phone said you posted to this thread - give me awhile and i will have it done


don't let it spook you - but use caution and common sense - be sure you know what you change so you can put it back - from what i read on a forum about our router, even the most seasoned pc nerdlincs say the interface menus make no sense


i use xp/pro


from the other thread, michel posted these instructions


So, here are the instructions:

a. Make ISY use a static IP address:

i. In the Run dialog, type: telnet your.isy.ip 126

ii. type CT (configure TCP/IP)

iii. enter the desired IP address for ISY

iv. enter the mask (usually

v. enter the gateway IP (usually the IP address of your router; i.e.

vi. enter your DNS IP (you have to look at your router's configuration page for this address)

vii. you are done; wait for the system to reboot

b1. For Linksys, open up the router's adminstrative page

i. Go to Applications and Gaming

ii. Go to Port Forwarding (sometimes, it's under UPnP)

iii. Create a rule such that all TCP (not UDP) traffic directed to ISY's port is handled by ISY's static IP address

b2. For DLink

i. Go to Firewall tab (under Advanced)

ii. Follow steps ii and iii in b1 (above)


open your isy console (not the gui thing) - sign in


the prompt will display your ip address and port number - mine looks like this




(omitting a slash after the http:)


the ip address of my isy on my local lan is

the port number is 16618


michel said you can get the port from the properties option when you right click the 'my insteon' entry on the 'my network places' window


open your router config from your browser and login


the main menu should have a section that displays all the devices attached to your router - if you can't identify which one is the isy, click on the 'my network' selection at the top - that will show the mac addresses of the devices - the mac address of the isy is displayed in the isy console when the isy boots up - (the RS command in the isy console will cause the isy to reboot - you will see the messages there)


i went to a command shell (windows start button to run - type in cmd) and checked my network settings too - the ipconfig/all should show sutff like your default gateway (mine is, subnet mask (mine is and dns server (mine is


from the isy console (after login), enter the command CT (case sensitive) - it will prompt you for the following (using my config)


ip address -

netmask -

gateway -

dns server -


the isy will reboot after you assign these values


to set up the port forwarding rule in the actiontec router, click on the firewall settings option at the top - the navigation bar at the left has the port forwarding option - select it (it will threaten you that you are not smart enough to mess with this stuff, but continue by selecting yes)


at the botton left side you should see the word 'Add' in red - click it and a new panel is displayed (add port forwarding rule)


next to this


Networked Computer / Device:


is a dropdown menu - we want to specify address


next to that is an entry box - type in the ip address of your ISY (mine is


the next line down is




with another red 'Add' - click it once and it brings up a panel titled 'edit service'


in red, you will see 'add server ports' - click that and the 'edit service server ports' panel appears


next to this




is a dropdown menu - select tcp and the panel changes - leave the source port as 'Any' - next to this


Destination Ports:


ia another dropdown menu - select 'single' and the panel displays an entry area - type in the port that your isy is using (mine is 16618)


click apply and it will think a second or two, then take you back to the 'edit service' panel - click apply again and it will take you back to the 'add port forwarding rule' panel - click apply again


it should take you back to the 'you ain't smart enough' display - click yes and the main port forwarding display screen should appear


these are displayed for my isy


Networked Computer / Device:

Network Address:

Public IP Address: (blank)

Protocols: Application - TCP Any -> 16618

WAN Connection Type: All Broadband Devices

Status: Active (in green)

Action: the little blue thing with the pencil allows you to edit this rule - the little blue thing with the red x will delete the rule


on this screen, i clicked apply again - not sure its necessary though


that is port forwarding for an actiontec


now - does mine work? i don't think so


here is the isy console log


Rebooting ... please wait!




Please Log in


Username:Waiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort

Configured IP =

Configured Mask =

MAC Address= 00:03:f4:02:65:e2

Configuring Network Services

Configuring the File System

Loading Configurations

Changing the Priority to 1

Starting the Logger Service

Starting the Time Services

Initializing the Crypto Services

Initializing the UPnP Security Services

Security Level: 2

Retrieving Nodes

Binding the UPnP Device

Refreshing Nodes Configuration

Starting the SSDP Agent

Starting the UPnP Server

Starting the Logical Device Updater Service

Starting the Alarms & Notifications Service

Configuring Mail Service


Notification Thread Started

Starting the Device

Adding System Schedules

Adding the Polling Schedule

Retrieving Schedules

Starting the Scheduler

Starting the UPnP Notification Service

Starting the ShellÃ

Please Log in



PLM: Device ID: 5 EB 4E

Starting the D2D Service

Configuring Internet Access

Looking For an Internet Gateway













No Internet Gateway Found

-2,7 D7 19 1, ,

-2,7 E7 1B 1, ,




Welcome to ISY Shell

CT - Configure TCP/IP

CL - Configure max log size

LS - List files/directories

SU - Show external url

SM - Show memory utilization

ST - Show system time

DT - Disable telnet

EI - Enable internet access

XS - Exit the shell

RS - Reboot the system

RL - Reset login to admin/admin

FR - Factory reset

MN - Menu

VE - Display Version




now i use mcafee virus scan and firewall packaged in what they call their security center - i understand that the mcafee redirector service causes some problems, so i disabled it - if you have mcafee, here is how its done


control panel to administrative tools


select services and a new window opens


under name is mcafee redirector service - double click that


in the new window, you can change the startup type to manual to prevent it from starting - you can stop the service by clicking the stop button under service status


i stopped it to boot the isy with the results above - but i usually have to run it because i use a dynamic dns task since i have no static ip - with it stopped, the task gets errors


michel can tell me if i am doing anything wrong or what the error messages above indicate - one last thing - i have not registered this isy with universal devices - not sure if that matters - just looking at the mail server



Wow! Thanks so very much.


Here are my comments:



open your router config from your browser and login


the main menu should have a section that displays all the devices attached to your router - if you can't identify which one is the isy, click on the 'my network' selection at the top - that will show the mac addresses of the devices - the mac address of the isy is displayed in the isy console when the isy boots up - (the RS command in the isy console will cause the isy to reboot - you will see the messages there)


i went to a command shell (windows start button to run - type in cmd) and checked my network settings too - the ipconfig/all should show sutff like your default gateway (mine is, subnet mask (mine is and dns server (mine is


from the isy console (after login), enter the command CT (case sensitive) - it will prompt you for the following (using my config)


ip address -

netmask -

gateway -

dns server -


the isy will reboot after you assign these values


to set up the port forwarding rule in the actiontec router, click on the firewall settings option at the top - the navigation bar at the left has the port forwarding option - select it (it will threaten you that you are not smart enough to mess with this stuff, but continue by selecting yes)


at the botton left side you should see the word 'Add' in red - click it and a new panel is displayed (add port forwarding rule)


next to this


Networked Computer / Device:


is a dropdown menu - we want to specify address


next to that is an entry box - type in the ip address of your ISY (mine is


the next line down is




with another red 'Add' - click it once and it brings up a panel titled 'edit service'


in red, you will see 'add server ports' - click that and the 'edit service server ports' panel appears


next to this




is a dropdown menu - select tcp and the panel changes - leave the source port as 'Any' - next to this

Any for the source port is not correct. In effect, what you are doing is creating a "DMZ" device out of ISY; this means that all requests to any ports on your router will be directed to ISY's port (16618) which, of course, cannot handle any other requests except those that it understands! So, in short, the source port should be = destination port = the ISY's port (16618 in your case).


Destination Ports:


ia another dropdown menu - select 'single' and the panel displays an entry area - type in the port that your isy is using (mine is 16618)


click apply and it will think a second or two, then take you back to the 'edit service' panel - click apply again and it will take you back to the 'add port forwarding rule' panel - click apply again


it should take you back to the 'you ain't smart enough' display - click yes and the main port forwarding display screen should appear


these are displayed for my isy


Networked Computer / Device:

Network Address:

Public IP Address: (blank)

Protocols: Application - TCP Any -> 16618

Protocols should be:

Application - TCP 16618 -> 16618


WAN Connection Type: All Broadband Devices

Status: Active (in green)

Action: the little blue thing with the pencil allows you to edit this rule - the little blue thing with the red x will delete the rule


on this screen, i clicked apply again - not sure its necessary though


that is port forwarding for an actiontec


now - does mine work? i don't think so


here is the isy console log


Rebooting ... please wait!




Please Log in


Username:Waiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort

Configured IP =

Configured Mask =

MAC Address= 00:03:f4:02:65:e2

Configuring Network Services

Configuring the File System

Loading Configurations

Changing the Priority to 1

Starting the Logger Service

Starting the Time Services

Initializing the Crypto Services

Initializing the UPnP Security Services

Security Level: 2

Retrieving Nodes

Binding the UPnP Device

Refreshing Nodes Configuration

Starting the SSDP Agent

Starting the UPnP Server

Starting the Logical Device Updater Service

Starting the Alarms & Notifications Service

Configuring Mail Service


Notification Thread Started

Starting the Device

Adding System Schedules

Adding the Polling Schedule

Retrieving Schedules

Starting the Scheduler

Starting the UPnP Notification Service

Starting the ShellÍ

Please Log in



-7029 means that ISY tried to configure mail service but you don't have any recipients

PLM: Device ID: 5 EB 4E

Starting the D2D Service

Configuring Internet Access

Looking For an Internet Gateway













No Internet Gateway Found

-80000 means that although your router furnished a URL throughwhich we can configure UPnP, but when we tried to get the description, it returned 404 (not found). If you have a static ip address and port forwarding setup, then you can ignore all errors starting at 80,000

-2,7 D7 19 1, ,

-2,7 E7 1B 1, ,

-2 means Device communication Error with the device at the given address; so, ISY starts querying all your devices at startup. In your case, two of your devices did not respond:

7 D7 19 and

7 E7 1B

Do you know why these devices fail to communicate?



now i use mcafee virus scan and firewall packaged in what they call their security center - i understand that the mcafee redirector service causes some problems, so i disabled it - if you have mcafee, here is how its done


control panel to administrative tools


select services and a new window opens


under name is mcafee redirector service - double click that


in the new window, you can change the startup type to manual to prevent it from starting - you can stop the service by clicking the stop button under service status


i stopped it to boot the isy with the results above - but i usually have to run it because i use a dynamic dns task since i have no static ip - with it stopped, the task gets errors

We finally found a "hidden" workaround to resolve McAfee issues which doesn't require you to disable the Redirector Service. Please checkout this topic


michel can tell me if i am doing anything wrong or what the error messages above indicate - one last thing - i have not registered this isy with universal devices - not sure if that matters - just looking at the mail server

The only issue I see is using Any as your source port (in port forwarding). You do not need to register but we do surely appreciate it if you did.


i added my sprintpcs phone number and bigger than dawgcrap, the error (-7029) went away - have not tried sending a message yet though


i talked with michel - seems the config works - i will edit my registry for the mcafee change and let you know what happens


as i understand it, to access the isy remorely, you use your computer ip address in the browser url - this format




(one slash onitted in the http:)




= the address verizon assigns your router

= the port we forwarded above

0 = zero

x stands for external


the ip address verizon has assigned to your router is on the main menu of your router config screen - inside the 'my router' box, next to


Modem IP Address:


i don't have a static ip address, so verizon can (and does) change my ip address whenever they want - so next week it might be different - if i am out of town and verizon has changed my ip address, i won't be able to access my isy


there is a way to assign a url address to the ip address that verizon assigns to your modem - dyndns (dynamic dns) will track changes to your ip address and assign it to the url automatically - so i use




to access my isy - the dyndns service allowed me to register sloopzip.fancyname.net and equates it to whatever ip address verizon assigns to my router - and automatically updates any change verizon decides to do - the only lie here being the url name - that ain't the one i registered - i sent it to michel to test the router config and found all kindsa stuff goin on and off - if i posted my url, i would not know who to blame when all the lights in my master bedroom flash on at 04:00 am


anyway, the service has a task that runs on your pc too but is very little overhead - i use the url to access my pc via remote desktop and most importantly, my slingbox!! works for accessing remote desktop and the slingbox on your pdaphone too


i am not associated with dyndns - its a free service - the url registration is free, the software is free and the tracking is free


if you are interested, i can let you know what i did to set it up


there may be another way to accomplish this though - under the advanced settings is a dynamic dns screen - the description is


Setup Dynamic DNS (Domain Name Server)


Dynamic DNS is a dynamic IP address to be aliased to a static hostname, allowing a computer on the network to be more easily accessible from the Internet


i have not played with it but it seems to do the same thing - not sure who registers the url though - maybe i will read the reouter manual and check it out




Thanks so very much for the detailed instructions. I really do appreciate it.


With kind regards,



i added my sprintpcs phone number and bigger than dawgcrap, the error (-7029) went away - have not tried sending a message yet though


i talked with michel - seems the config works - i will edit my registry for the mcafee change and let you know what happens


as i understand it, to access the isy remorely, you use your computer ip address in the browser url - this format




(one slash onitted in the http:)




= the address verizon assigns your router

= the port we forwarded above

0 = zero

x stands for external


the ip address verizon has assigned to your router is on the main menu of your router config screen - inside the 'my router' box, next to


Modem IP Address:


i don't have a static ip address, so verizon can (and does) change my ip address whenever they want - so next week it might be different - if i am out of town and verizon has changed my ip address, i won't be able to access my isy


there is a way to assign a url address to the ip address that verizon assigns to your modem - dyndns (dynamic dns) will track changes to your ip address and assign it to the url automatically - so i use




to access my isy - the dyndns service allowed me to register sloopzip.fancyname.net and equates it to whatever ip address verizon assigns to my router - and automatically updates any change verizon decides to do - the only lie here being the url name - that ain't the one i registered - i sent it to michel to test the router config and found all kindsa stuff goin on and off - if i posted my url, i would not know who to blame when all the lights in my master bedroom flash on at 04:00 am


anyway, the service has a task that runs on your pc too but is very little overhead - i use the url to access my pc via remote desktop and most importantly, my slingbox!! works for accessing remote desktop and the slingbox on your pdaphone too


i am not associated with dyndns - its a free service - the url registration is free, the software is free and the tracking is free


if you are interested, i can let you know what i did to set it up


there may be another way to accomplish this though - under the advanced settings is a dynamic dns screen - the description is


Setup Dynamic DNS (Domain Name Server)


Dynamic DNS is a dynamic IP address to be aliased to a static hostname, allowing a computer on the network to be more easily accessible from the Internet


i have not played with it but it seems to do the same thing - not sure who registers the url though - maybe i will read the reouter manual and check it out


Still no luck here, trying to configure the ISY with the router/modem. Heck, I can't even get the NOTIFY to send email :?




I am so very sorry to hear this.


1) You don't have to do anything with your modem/router to send a NOTIFY as long as you're on DHCP (i.e. your router assigns the DNS address). So, let's try to resolve this issue before anything else.

a. Do you have the right email address in your Configuration page?

b. Please try logging with telnet to our box (telnet your.isy.ip 126) and issue TM (test mail). Please let me know what you get.


With regards,



Still no luck here, trying to configure the ISY with the router/modem. Heck, I can't even get the NOTIFY to send email :?

Hi HAS and sloop,


Here's the issue:

ISY cannot get the IP for our mail server; the reason, DNS (Domain Name Server/Service) is not available to ISY.


If you remember correctly, for the DNS server, we used your router's IP address which is really not a DNS server. What we have to do is to figure out what is your ISP's DNS address. You can find this in your router; something along the lines of:

Domain Server 1:

Domain Server 2:


Then, all you have to do is to go back to ISY's shell, issue CT (configure TCP/IP) and enter the DNS server IP as found in your router.


I hope this helps and please do let me know of the outcome.


Thanks so very much and with kind regards,



my test failed too




Email: 9999999999@messaging.sprintpcs.com

Send Message (Y/N)Y-50000,null,null,null



Failed to send message to: 9999999999@messaging.sprintpcs.com>


my nunber ain't 9999999999 but i cut and pasted the one in the isy and sent myself a test e/mail to be the address was correct


will the error message help?


a. Do you have the right email address in your Configuration page?




b. Please try logging with telnet to our box (telnet your.isy.ip 126) and issue TM (test mail). Please let me know what you get.






Please see my comment to sloop (previous thread).


Thanks so very much,

With kind regards,



a. Do you have the right email address in your Configuration page?




b. Please try logging with telnet to our box (telnet your.isy.ip 126) and issue TM (test mail). Please let me know what you get.




i can't find an ip address in the router for the verizon dns name server - i can find the ip address for my router - but i don't think that is what we need


i found an interesting setting though - under dns server - the description says


Add, edit or delete computers known by the routers DNS Server


i added the isy ip address - but it still is not correct


i called verizon (they hide contact numbers - like everyone is doing on the net) - they won't give me an ip address - they said it must come from the dhcp exchange - i told them it won't work - they say too bad


i will upload and post the screen shots now - might take a few minutes

my ramblings probably need pictures - but i did not know how to do a screen capture - so i downloaded a product and learded how to get something that looks like my router config screens - i posted them them here


http://mysite.verizon.net/respkm62/sloo ... asterplan/


near the bottom - might help


OMG...sloop is a hippy! er, I mean my settings are the same, except for the "ANY"


pictures are loaded


still got this




Rebooting ... please wait!




Please Log in


Username:Waiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort

Configured IP =

Configured Mask =

MAC Address= 00:03:f4:02:65:e2

Configuring Network Services

Configuring the File System

Loading Configurations

Changing the Priority to 1

Starting the Logger Service

Starting the Time Services

Initializing the Crypto Services

Initializing the UPnP Security Services

Security Level: 2

Retrieving Nodes

Binding the UPnP Device

Refreshing Nodes Configuration

Starting the SSDP Agent

Starting the UPnP Server

Starting the Logical Device Updater Service

Starting the Alarms & Notifications Service

Configuring Mail Service

Notification Thread Started

Starting the Device

Adding System Schedules

Adding the Polling Schedule

Retrieving Schedules

Starting the Scheduler

Starting the UPnP Notification Service

Starting the ShellÃ

Please Log in


Username:PLM: Device ID: 5 EB 4E

Starting the D2D Service

-2,5 66 E 1, ,

Configuring Internet Access

Looking For an Internet Gateway













No Internet Gateway Found


i am gonna call verizon back and see if i get a nicer person - you want me to conference with you, michel?




But you didn't get the 50,000 error which means that ISY couldn't communicate with our mail server. Can you please try TM one more time?


Thanks so very much,

With kind regards,



P.S. I cannot believe the Verizon people. It just doesn't make sense.


pictures are loaded


still got this




Rebooting ... please wait!




Please Log in


Username:Waiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort

Configured IP =

Configured Mask =

MAC Address= 00:03:f4:02:65:e2

Configuring Network Services

Configuring the File System

Loading Configurations

Changing the Priority to 1

Starting the Logger Service

Starting the Time Services

Initializing the Crypto Services

Initializing the UPnP Security Services

Security Level: 2

Retrieving Nodes

Binding the UPnP Device

Refreshing Nodes Configuration

Starting the SSDP Agent

Starting the UPnP Server

Starting the Logical Device Updater Service

Starting the Alarms & Notifications Service

Configuring Mail Service

Notification Thread Started

Starting the Device

Adding System Schedules

Adding the Polling Schedule

Retrieving Schedules

Starting the Scheduler

Starting the UPnP Notification Service

Starting the ShellÍ

Please Log in


Username:PLM: Device ID: 5 EB 4E

Starting the D2D Service

-2,5 66 E 1, ,

Configuring Internet Access

Looking For an Internet Gateway













No Internet Gateway Found


i am gonna call verizon back and see if i get a nicer person - you want me to conference with you, michel?


well i don't know what it wants for the messaging part - i can get you to the remote access and tell you where to get your default gateway and dns server


on the router config main menu - click on the blue globe under my router


i tried entering the gateway and dns server in the isy console - test e/mail still faile - i still get the no internet gateway found - i changed the port forwarding to the 16618 -> 16618 (source and destinations) - i tried entering the isy to that dns server screen - the only thing i can see that might impact this is under the advanced functions - there is a display of protocols - it looks almost like a bunch of port forwards - evidently, you can use the application name instead of creating the protocol for ports - kinda a modular way of doing the port forward


i will play more - but i think the mail is beyond me


a. Do you have the right email address in your Configuration page?




b. Please try logging with telnet to our box (telnet your.isy.ip 126) and issue TM (test mail). Please let me know what you get.




I left the IP Address, NetMask and Gateway settings, but removed the DNS Server ( and no longer have the -500000,null,null,null message.


The new message is: Failed to send message to: (my email address)



I tell ya, I think all the settings in my router are correct. The ISY should have access to the internet / email

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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