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General WeatherBug Questions


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When I go to set my location in the WeatherBug, the Locate Me button consistently returns a location that is about 12 miles away and more importantly about 1,000 feet lower in elevation. I then use the Find button and enter my corfrect zip code and it finds my correct location. I can set the best compromise station, save it, and it seems to work fine. Whenever I return to Configuration -> Climate and use the Locate Me button it puts me back in the wrong location.


Also as long as the Admin Console is active, no new updates become visible. Whatever is first displayed remains there until I close the Admin Console and restart it. Is that normal?


Finally, if I click on the WeatherBug RSS link or just leave the Configuration -> Climate screen visible for longer than a minute or so the Admin Console ignores all mouse clicks and I have to close and restart it in order to regain control.


By way of info I'm running Windows 7 (64 bit) and using Opera as my browser.

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Locate Me is based on the location that your ISP reports for your location. It may not be as accurate as using the Zip Code. So, please use Zip Code instead of Locate Me.


If you are not getting any status updates from WeatherBug, the main question is whether or not you get any status updates from any of your devices. Also, you may want to:

1. decrease the polling interval to 10 seconds

2. open up the Event Viewer on Device Communications

3. check and see if there are any weatherbug releated events/errors


Once done, please change the interval back to 60 seconds or more.


With kind regards,


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've noticed that the Admin Console will cease functioning if I leave it pointed at Climate for longer than 60 seconds. It appears that if the Climate window is open when the WeatherBug updates, the window stops functioning and I have to shut it down and restart a new window. I'm wondering if that is a known issue or possibly due to my using Opera for a browser?

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  • 1 month later...
Hello JMC,


Not a known issue (or at least one that has never been reported). What firmware version?


With kind regards,



The admin console freezing was resolved by removing Java 7 and reverting to Java 6.


My main problem lies with finding a WeatherBug station that reports rainfall. I've checked every station in about a 40 mile radius of my location and none are reporting rainfall even though it has been raining steadily with significant amounts for the last 24 hours. Not having rainfall data would seem to seriously degrade the irrigation module. I do have an old rain sensor which my ISY sees as an X-10 on/off and I have my program set so that when the rain sensor no longer reports rain it will reset the irrigation variables and also report an irrigation cycle complete. Hopefully that will give the irrigation module a workable restart.


Has there been any decision about providing multiple zones and soil types in the irrigation module?



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It's not your fault Michel and I don't intend to uninstall anything. Even without the rain data, the Irrigation module is very valuable for most of the year. Northern California has very long periods with no rain and the module can properly calculate the irrigation requirement.


It would be nice if the Irrigation module could support more than one zone though. Differences in soil even on a single property, or the difference in irrigation requirements between lawn and fruit trees for example, seem to call for that functionality.


Incidentally, I just rediscovered the similar thread under WeatherBug Not Reporting Light...

where I posted some more.



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