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Emails based on user arm/disarm


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How about using an Elk rule to set a "phantom" output on the Elk. Then have ISY send the email based on the output status. As far as I know, ISY has no number of email limitations aside from just plain running out of memory. Using phantom outputs on Elk would open a couple hundred possible unique users.

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That's a great idea. I tried to set up a few outputs on the Elk side which were outputs 50-55. On the ISY side, I dont see them, but instead, only the outputs in the lower numbers and then starting from 65 plus to well over 200. So I must be missing something on the Elk side that enables more than the normal outputs.


I set up on the ISY side, a number of rules that would act upon the output status and send corresponding emails to match. I just have to figure out how to see the other outputs. Time to do some reading.




Lewis Hipkins

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On my ISY I see all outputs from 1 to 208.


It could have something to do with the fact that Elk allows naming of the first 64 outputs. Perhaps you need to check the "show" button on Elk to have them show up in ISY. I only have outputs 2 unchecked and it shows up but it has a "--" in the name section.


I might suggest you use higher numbers anyway. Just in case you buy more relays for your Elk.

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I looked around and did a "REFRESH TOPOLOGY" and made sure the SHOW was checked. After I did that, i can see the ones that I am looking for in the 50-55 range. This is great. Now I can test the emails. I like the fact that I can include system time and date. It looks like I can build a report that could go out at certain times of the day.


Thanks for the pointer.



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I've also found that every now and then when I do a "REFRESH TOPOLOGY" it locks up the controller and I have to reboot it. Luckily, I've run power for the ISY through one of the relays on the Elk, so I can reboot it via my iphone.


Not sure why this occurs but I've had issues over time that this reboot was necessary so I set it up.

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I've also found that every now and then when I do a "REFRESH TOPOLOGY" it locks up the controller and I have to reboot it. Luckily, I've run power for the ISY through one of the relays on the Elk, so I can reboot it via my iphone.


Not sure why this occurs but I've had issues over time that this reboot was necessary so I set it up.


I don't know what's up with that. In the 2 years I have had the ISY I can only recall one time I needed to power cycle the unit and that was after a firmware upgrade.

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Not sure to be honest. its running the latest firmware, but there are times it locks up. Its been in a customers location for a few years now. I was rebooting it periodically which kept things running smoothly. There were times that the customer used the Ekey app to control some lights and the ISY locked up. it would require a 45 minute drive to go reboot it. Especially when they travel and no one is there to reboot it for me. I wish I knew why.

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I did make out well with it today. the output idea worked great. however, i found out by trial and error, if I reboot the ISY, then the rule that comes into play if the output is off ends up sending an email that someone has arrived. I have 6 rules like that so the homeowner got hit with 6 emails stating that a lot of people arrived. Was pretty funny. I have to see how I can change the rule to make it work better. The off status is what caused the rule to apply.

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I think the way to do this would to write an Elk rule as such

      AND LAST USER WAS Lou (User 1)
            THEN TURN Output 208 ON FOR 1 SEC


       Elk Output 'Output 208' is On

       Send Notification to 'ellen gmail'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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update on my rules. I appreciate the help.


I can set up an Elk rule to turn on and off an output which does trigger an email. Like apostolakisl suggested, perhaps the ON for 1 sec will fix my reboot email issue but when i set up rules to turn on and off outputs and have the ISY send email based on those, its not working as I hoped since the following is occuring:


1) All outputs are OFF by default. So when person 1 arrives and disarms, I turn ON the relay which sends an email they have arrived.


2) Then, when person 1 leaves, I am turning off that Relay which triggers an AWAY email to be sent.


3) If someone else comes in and disarms,Person 2, since their relay is off (since it turned if off in step 2), no email is sent out when they arrive and only when they leave.


I thought perhaps of flipping arm/disarm with on/off but I think i would receive the same results. I'm using the Elk and ISY Elk module in this case. the Elk turns on the output and the ISY sends the emails. I know its logic, I have to think again about it. Perhaps the Turning output ON when they arrive would be a better way to go. I might have just answered my own question.

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You need to use two different phantom outputs.


One turns on for 1 second when they disarm, the other turns on for 1 second when they arm. This will tell you who is arming and who is disarming the system.


It will not tell you who is there. If you are having multiple people comming and going, I don't know how you could use this at all. If one person is already there and the alarm is off, then a second person showing up would not require any input into the alarm.

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I'm using multiple outputs now, so to use 2 for each of the 6 people wouldn't be a big deal. The 1 second on then off might fix the problem.


I'm using the ISY to send all of the emails. I never did it with the Elk since it ate up so many of the 16 emails we decided against it. The new ISY-ELK module should make this easier.


I'll try this tomorrow and see how it works.

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