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Firmware v00


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I have some old v1.3 Keypadlincs that could not be auto-discovered by ISY when the Keypadlinc was added to the network.


I was able to add them manually to the network by providing the address of the device and specifying the device type.

ISY99 is aware of these devices and can talk to them.


The firmware version shows up as "v00" if one adds devices manually. I've discovered that this is normal from reading the postings here.




1. Is it possible for ISY to retrieve the device firmware version and update the Admin Console and its own database via an explicit command?


2. Why are some devices not auto discoverable? Is this an artifact of attempting to discover an older device?

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To question 1, yes it is an option. Don't know how much work that would require to implement. The device firmware level is returned with the command that is used to obtain the device type (cat/subcat) information when Auto Discover is used. When the device type is specifically selected it is not necessary to ask the device what type it is so the firmware level is not known.


To question 2, what was the situation with the old KeypadLinc? Error message, hang, it would be useful to know that to answer the question. If you are able to delete and add the KeypadLinc back with the Event Viewer running with Level: Device communication events selected (most important) I can analyze the trace.



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Regarding Q2: this is the auto discover scenario.


1. Set up ISY to initiate linking via auto discover mode.

2. Set KPD in linking mode.


Expect: KPD to be discovered and show up in Admin Console.

Actual: No device shows up in the Admin Console.


With other devices, the expected result usually occurs.

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I'm assuming Start Linking was used. If the KPL went into linking mode the Set button was held too long. It should have sent a message identifying itself as a Responder in 3-5 seconds. For the KPL to go into Controller linking mode it requires 10 seconds of Set button. An old device may operate differently but that is what the ISY is expecting. Once it goes into linking mode the KPL is looking for messages from other Responders rather than identifying itself as a Responder.


You might be able to use New INSTEON Device, enter the Insteon address and a device name, leaving the device type set to Auto Discover. This procedure does not use a Set button press to identify the device type. The ISY asks the device what type it is. If it works (device reports a device type known to the ISY) the device firmware level will also be known.

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The Start Linking command was used, to confirm.


My understanding is that if the Keypad load button is pressed for 10 seconds, it's supposed to go into linking mode, at which point, the KPD identifies itself to ISY. Isn't that the way it works? I know it does for my other devices, like Switchlincs.


I'll try manually adding the device using the auto discover device type setting the next time I'm around the device. Thanks!

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When the PLM is in linking mode resulting from clicking Start Linking and SwitchLinc sends a message at the 3-5 second mark (mine also beeps) it does not go into linking mode itself (LED blinking) as it is aware the PLM is looking for Responders. Holding the SwitchLinc Set button for 10 seconds did not put the SwitchLinc into Controller linking mode (SwitchLinc LED blinking) in this scenario.


Pressing the SwitchLinc Set button for 10 seconds when the PLM is not in linking mode (not looking for Responders) does put the SwitchLinc into linking mode (SwitchLinc LED blinking).


It may be that older devices operate differently. In the following Event Viewer trace entries the first line in blue is the PLM being put into linking mode. The message in red is from the device where the Set button was pressed for 3-5 seconds. If the KeypadLinc does not send this message while holding the KeypadLinc Set button it is not operating as newer devices do. It might take more than 3-5 second Set button press but it should not itself enter linking mode (its LED blinking).


Thu 01/05/2012 12:25:44 PM : [LNK-BGN ] 02 64 01 00 06


Thu 01/05/2012 12:25:51 PM : [LNK-STAT ] 02 53 M(01) gid=00 16.3F.93 0119 38

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