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Sporadic Comm Errors While Admin Console Running

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I'm getting sporadic Communication Error alerts in the Admin Console.


Just as a preface, I've removed all of the v35 devices on my network, beefed up the communication paths available between devices using Dual Band devices, and run Scene Tests on all of my scenes after disabling programs, with no errors.


Apart from the once in a blue moon errors I get from the Insteon Motion sensors, which is known, I get random comm errors when a Switchlinc or Keypadlinc load is toggled while the Admin Console is running. After the error occurs, I query the device, and there is no problems I can see communicating with the device.


The other time I get an error on occasion is when I start up the Admin Console for the first time in the morning. A device on the network will occasionally report a comm error. Not the same device, mind you. Very infrequently.


What is the cause of these comm errors? Are they cause for any concern?

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99% of the time. I can do a Query of My Lighting and my small installation is fine.

1% of the time the whole system hangs up and the progress bar continues but it seem like there is no talking going on.

That the can't communicate messages start popping up.

Of course the only time it happens. I have not set the Event Viewer to the Device Communications Events.

Has been happening for a fairly long time and I don't know if I could say when it started.

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