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Hi guys;

For some reason I can't seem to get the ISY to see the remotelinc2.

(or I can't figure out how to set the remotelinc2 in link mode)


A quick tutorial would be great.



(even though it doesn't show up on my GUI, when I push buttons the ISY flashes like it sees the signal)

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Thanks Lee.


That doesn't seem to work. (tried doing it before)


I tried linking it as a remotelinc 1 and it but it in the ISY but as a 6 button remotelinc 1


I had to press and hold the set button repeatedly to get it to be seen by the gui.


Any other things I may be over looking?



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Did you fully charge the RL2 battery?


The RL2 requires no special handling as far as the ISY is concerned compared to other battery devices. It should go into linking mode with the Set button, then add the RL2 using New INSTEON Device, selecting the appropriate RL2 type from the Device Type pulldown.


If the battery was fully charged and it will not enter linking mode the RL2 is defective. Just a thought, you did turn it On with the On/Off slide switch next to the Set button.


As with any RF only device the distance from a Dual Band device can be factor but this has nothing to do with getting the RL2 into linking mode.

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You cannot use Start Linking with the battery devices. Use New INSTEON Device for Motion Sensor, TriggerLinc, RemoteLinc and RemoteLinc2, selecting the type from the Device Type pulldown.


EDIT: there is an item in the Link Management pulldown specific to the RemoteLinc2. If you use that technique the New INSTEON Device popup is populated with the RL2 device type. The process still uses New INSTEON Device, not Start Linking, and saves having to scroll through the Device Type pulldown looking for the correct RL2 type.

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That is correct. The ISY-26 cannot be updated past 2.7.15. Had something to do with the size of the later images (I think). There are many new Insteon devices that have become supported across the dozens 2.8.x and 3.1.x images. You will have to upgrade to the ISY-99 if you want support for any of the Insteon devices that have been released over the last two years.

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Try it. No idea if that will work. The RL2 button group numbers are odd compared to other Insteon devices. RL2 button A will not be RemoteLinc button 1. If it works at all click on My Lighting to display all the nodes in the right pane. Cycle the RL2 buttons to see which RemoteLinc nodes turn On/Off.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The RemoteLinc2 devices are near the top of the Device Type pulldown list. It they are not there the wrong level of Admin Console is being used. Go to Help | About and look for two lines, Firmware and UI immediately below Firmware. Both should indicate 3.1.17. If not clear the Java cache and check the URL being used to access the Admin Console.


Also under Link Management there is an entry for Link a RermoteLinc 2. If this entry is not there the above applies. The wrong Admin Console is being invoked.

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Still don't see the RL2.


When I click on HELP-ABOUT, I see the version 3.1.17 (only once though, I'm not sure what LeeG is referring to)

On the Mac, I've gone into Java preferences, Security, and deleted the UD signed content.

When I do that it downloads a new console. I also go to NETWORK and "Delete Files"

I'm assuming that's how I clear the cache.


Everything runs fine. I just don't see the RL2 in the drop down menu.



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I think that's got it.

It downloaded another console (?) and I see a Remotelinc 2 Keypad 4 button and 8 button in the drop down menu.

(I'm assuming the 8 is what I want.)


Thanks guys,

I'll set it up and see if I get it working.



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If you have the 2444A2WH8 that has eight individual scene buttons use the 8 scene.

If you have the 2444A2WH4 that has four scene buttons pairs use the 4 scene.


When you you update the firmware. You should also get the new Administrative Console from the link in the firmwares information page. So it matches the current firmware you have installed.

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FYI for others.


The is what the Help | About should look like. There must be a Firmware line and a UI line and they both must reflect the level of firmware in the ISY. The lack of the UI line indicates an old level of Admin Console. A UI value that does not match the Firmware level means the same thing. Either the Java cache has not been cleared resulting in an old cached version of the Admin Console being invoked or the wrong URL is being used, invoking the incorrect level of Admin Console.


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Again with the questions.


I have a program that says

"If KPL C button is switched on, dim lights to 50%.

When KPL C button is switched off, Brighten Lights to 100%"


Can I use the RL2 button to trigger a program?

I tried adding it to the program but it seems to give me communication issues.


I did get the RL2 to control devices, but not programs.




PS I seem to have frequent communication issues with the RL2

Am I doing something wrong?

It can control the device but it doesnt show that its on in the GUI

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"Can I use the RL2 button to trigger a program?"


Yes. I ran a test where RL2 button A On triggered a Program.


Being an RF device it has to be in range of a Dual Band device. If the RL2 is being held in the hand the RF range could be reduced.


What kind of comm errors are you getting?


"It can control the device but it doesnt show that its on in the GUI"


Was the RL2 linked to the device with an ISY Scene?

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