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Trying to do a Scene of "All Off" not a Program


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I have a number of programs which run automatically based on time. For example, on Friday evening at 11:55 pm, I have a command that says set scene "My Lighting" to Fast Off. This turns off all of the lights in the house, (and then I run another program at 11:57 to turn on the Outside lights)


I then created a Scene called "Coming Home" which I marked as a Favourite and using MobiLinc Pro on my iPhone, I can turn the Scene On as I am getting home to turn on those lights I selected to include in the Scene.


I now want to create a Scene called "House to Bed" which would turn off all the lights in the house, not necessarily with a keypad press, but just with my iPhone by running the Scene. The problem is, when I set the Program, I have the choice of setting "My Lighting" to Fast Off. When I am trying to add to the Scene "House to Bed", there is no "My Lighting" in the list that I can add to the Scene and turn it Off. Not sure if this is question is clear, but basically, while I can set My Lighting to Off in a program, I do not seem to have the same choice / capability when trying to create a Scene.


I am sure there is a simple answer but I must be "misunderstanding" how something is supposed to work.


Thanx in advance.

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Hello birdman,


If I understand your question correctly, you are asking whether or not it would be possible to have nested scenes. If this is indeed the question, the answer is no.


Furthermore, I strongly recommend against using the My Lighting Scene to turn everything on/off. The problem is that if you have thermostats, All On/Off will change the set points to an illegitimate value.


With kind regards,


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No use to add RF devices like RemoteLincs.


Functionally I agree, cosmetically though, maybe not. If you use the original RemoteLinc with seperate On/Off buttons at least sending an On or Off to a remotelinc cleans up the ISY status list. The ISY will reflect the On or Off status sent to the RemoteLinc even if the RemoteLinc can't receive the status.


Of course, the new RemoteLinc 2 with toggle On/Off is useless. You'll get the ISY display out of sync with the actual RemoteLinc 2 state.

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