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Connecting Remotely via MibiLinc Pro


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I have the ISY99 and the Insteon Modem. Everything works great while I am on my own network. However, I cannot access anything away from home via the internet. I purchased Mibilinc Pro and it works at home but not via cellular / internet. I am assuming something is not set up properly. Could someone point me in the right direction?





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  • 3 weeks later...



You should go down to the MobiLinc board further down and get some help setting up your MobiLinc Pro.


I have MobiLinc Pro on the iPhone 4 and it works fine via cellular. Same with my iPad via wifi anywhere.


You may have to learn how to login to your router if you don't already know how.


Here are my MobiLinc settings under lighting controller:

Local http:// -I set the IP address after logging into my wireless router.

Local Port 80

Secure https:// To find this type into google "what is my IP address" and hit enter

Secure port 443

Connect method https

UUID of ISY this is the MAC address of your ISY. it should be printed on the outside of the ISY.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First, you will need a truly static IP address or a dynamic DNS service to supply a dynamic address that points to your router. I was able to get this to work by getting a DynDNS.org account set up, and then using my Cisco/Linksys E4200v2 router to manage my DynDNS account. Without a static IP or a dynamic DNS address (e.g. myname.dyndns.org), you will not be able to communicate with your ISY from outside your LAN when the router's "outside" IP address changes.


Next, you need to make sure you have the 443 port open. This allows you to access your ISY99i via HTTPS. So, read up on port forwarding, and make sure that port 443 points to the LAN ip address of your ISY99i (e.g. something like, if your modem is using the 192.168.x.x address space).


Next, you need to go to My Settings in MobiLinc Pro. Press Lighting Controller Settings, and then make sure Host Type is set to ISY. Type in user name and password. Give the LAN ip address for local access (e.g. as above; you can find this address in your router's device list). The local port will likely be 80. Under Secure - https://, type in your static ip or your dynamic address name (e.g. myname.dyndns.org). Your secure port by default will be 443. Under connect method, I use autodetect, but to test that your outside addressing works, click on secure. Once this is set, click on Tap to Sync with ISY. You should be able to connect up.

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