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Irrigation Cycle Complete Question


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Hello Nuttycomputer,


Apologies for tardy reply ... it's been quite hectic here lately.


Things that you have to note:

Irrigation Requirement is calculated in two cases and two cases only:

- At midnight (which may increase in case of summer/decrease in case of rain)

- Every time cycle complete is called (decreased)


Absorption factor is the amount of water that's absorbed by the the soil (NOT the plant); i.e. the amount of water that's wasted. Unless I am not seeing things correctly, then, allowable depletion is the fraction of water that's ultimately applied to the plant. And, thus, this is the amount that can be depleted to get to empty. As far as I know, this value is a constant and not a rate as you suggest it would be.


Again, I must emphasize that my knowledge in this realm is not extensive and what I have posted above is based on the gist of our discussions with the forum members. As such, I do think that it would be best to post your question on the same forum. I am hoping that we can get this issue cleared up as soon as possible.


With kind regards,


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  • 1 month later...

I have little problem understanding the irrigation requirements. If you see the first post in this current thread the irrigation requirement has increased in a day inspite of the person watering and has a 'water per cycle' of 0.75.


If this keeps on increasing each day does this mean that the watering is not enough?

What happens when it rains does the irrigation requiments adjust itself?


Do we have to do a Reset Variables after Cycle Complete?

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  • 4 weeks later...


I understand from your post above that Irrigation Requirement is calculated only at Midnight and when Cycle Complete is issued. During these hot summer days, it would be great to be able to water plants in the afternoon based on an updated, current Irrigation Requirement calculation (vs. the value calculated at midnight). Would you consider adding an on-demand Calculate/Update Irrigation Requirement command to the Irrigation module?


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  • 3 months later...
Hello wrj0,


We have been going through a lot of discussions as far as the accuracy of the irrigation module. Thanks to IM and Nuttycomputer, we'll be making some minor changes and hopefully we'll include this feature if it does not break anything else.


With kind regards,



When was this fixed...which update? Thanks!

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