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setup account for my wife


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I think for now you only get one user/password.


I would be nice if you could set up user accounts and give it specific permissions. A check box for viewing a device and another check box for controlling a device would be an awesome start.


I second that. In addition I would like to see access control to the admin console. For example I would like to set it up so the admin console is only accessible via the "admin" account and only on local LAN not available via internet. Other users can access the granted devices either locally or over internet.


To me this would provide great functionality, no need for standard day to day users to be able to run all programs/scenes/devices or access the admin console.

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Yeah I looked into these and we are currently using Mobilinc at my house and it performs well. The problem with every solution I've found so far (aside from building my own) is it provides too much information and is difficult to understand for a non-technical individual and/or someone who doesn't care/know what is going on in the background.


For example I have a program to set the On Level and Ramp Rate for the Master Bathroom depending on time of day. This requires the Device, a Scene, and 2 Programs (One to change the levels and another to determine whether it is night or not). With the solutions I've seen, including mobilinc, all of these is visible/controllable from the device.


While I may be interested in the true/false status of the programs and I know why there is a scene with only one device, it just adds confusion for end users of the system when all the end user really cares about is switching the light on/off. Being able to restrict a user to seeing/doing just that would be be helpful all around.

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Hello Nuttycomputer,


Support for multiple userid/password support has been on our list for a long time now but it keeps getting pushed down the priority list.


If I understand you correctly, above and beyond multiple userid/password, you would like to have granular control over authorization (what can each user do). Although this can be accomplished on the Admin Console but we have to make sure other clients, such as MobiLinc, can retrieve authorization information in a secure manner. Otherwise, above and beyond Admin Console, this feature becomes much less useful.


I know MobiLinc has a favorites section wherein you can add specific programs, scenes, devices. Would this not address your requirement?


With kind regards,


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Hello Nuttycomputer,


Support for multiple userid/password support has been on our list for a long time now but it keeps getting pushed down the priority list.


If I understand you correctly, above and beyond multiple userid/password, you would like to have granular control over authorization (what can each user do). Although this can be accomplished on the Admin Console but we have to make sure other clients, such as MobiLinc, can retrieve authorization information in a secure manner. Otherwise, above and beyond Admin Console, this feature becomes much less useful.


I know MobiLinc has a favorites section wherein you can add specific programs, scenes, devices. Would this not address your requirement?


With kind regards,



To add to what Michel suggested above, once you set up favorites on Mobilink, you can put it into "Guest" mode which restricts access to Favorites only. Plus there is an option to prevent configuration changes but I don't think that requires a password so it's more of a casual defense than anything else.


With the ability hide unused statuses and commands and the ability to set custom text for the remaining statuses and commands in Mobilink, I have come very close to completely Wife/Kid/Guest friendly controllers using iPhones, iPads and iPod touches each customized for user or location.



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Hello Nuttycomputer,

I know MobiLinc has a favorites section wherein you can add specific programs, scenes, devices. Would this not address your requirement?


The guest ability does get close and works great for guests. Unfortunately (and this is something Mobilinc could adjust) the Favorites is one page and doesn't carry over folders which I'm using to logically separate buttons/scenes by room. Nor does it allow you to exit out to check out something as simple as weather. In addition anytime I do programing (add new scenes/buttons/etc) I would need to go to each additional device instead of setting it locally. Again a lot of this could probably be done on the Mobilinc side.


The control I would eventually be looking for would be something I could sit down and just input into the ISY then when the user performs a sync only the devices/programs/scenes (and in a perfect world how users could interact with those things) would be sent to the device. This would save management time and also provide some autonomy to the users. I don't know about anyone else but the WAF for me is all about simplicity for her. Me needing to get on her devices and control her app/favorites lowers the factor somewhat.


However, my immediate concern (Since I assume you'll approach this in gradual steps) is the ability to restrict at the very least config changes to just the "administrative" account and to additionally only allow that account to be logged in via Lan.


Edit: All this does provide good suggestions that I could provide mobilinc. Perhaps they could offer a cloud service in which they sync a "master controller" with the ISY. Then have slave controllers sync to master. Seems like the type of functionality I'm dreaming of could be accomplished that way.


P.S. Though I'm not a programmer in the slightest so the actual technical feasibility of my suggestions and therefore ROI are beyond me.

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Posting this here for completeness only as your last post explains why this is not an option for you either but it my benefit other readers of this thread and does answer some of your initial requirements of customization and end user simplicity.


ISY Panel: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=6177







Not knowing what exactly WAF stood for, I looked it up here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wife_acceptance_factor and was quite amused to see X10 and home automation in the first two paragraphs! :)

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Thanks for that thread. I don't have the required programming knowledge or right now the network module but in the future it may work very well for cheaper wall panels or internet enabled TVs (far away for my setup) and I'm not above learning the required scripting. I mentioned this in another thread but the user-base and direct contact with developers is the reason I chose the do it yourself ISY centered setup I have now over just having someone like ADT come in and install a system. Granted I may have already been setup with them for a lot cheaper but the support would not be 1/10th as good nor would I have the vast functionality I already do.

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Hi Xathros,


Thanks so very much for the detailed answers.


Hi Nuttycomputer,


Your suggestions and feedback are invaluable and, as I mentioned before, we do have precisely what you're suggesting in our requirements. The main problem is that they are the victims of "this is desirable" rather than "this is mandatory" (such as support for FanLinc or I2CS or ELK).


Based on our history, I do very much think that MobiLinc (with MobiLinc Connnect solution) can address your requirements sooner than we can!


With kind regards,


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