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Notification of a Failed Query


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This may be quite simple, but I monitor several houses with ISY devices. Each one runs a daily query in the middle of the night. Occasionally, a device will fail to respond and I will need to deal with it. I would like to be procactive. Is there any way that the ISY could send a notification that the query failed and which device was responsible? Currently, I need to open the admin console and the device error pops up, but this is a pain given the number of houses that I am responsible for.

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3.2.0 added a Responding option to the list of Status values.


If Status 'xxxxx' is not Responding

Or Status ‘yyyyy’ is not Responding

Or Status ‘zzzzz’ is not Responding


would allow a Notify to be sent. Each device has to be checked individually.

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I have over 40-60 devices in each house. There must be a more elegant way. Since I am using the query all command, could a failure notice not be added. Clearly, the ISY knows there was a fault immediately after it runs the query all command and displays it the next time I log into the console.

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Is there any need to worry about "upsetting" ISY and the network of switchs by querrying. With a vacation home and being away, I always tend to not mess with the system while away. Does querry cause any undo stress and leave me open to a possible lock-up while away?



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Hello dougos2,


We will surely take your input into consideration. To recap, you basically want a condition to test for "any" devices not responding, correct?


aLf, query does indeed have a negative impact. For devices that ISY is not in charge of controlling while you are out, I would just add a program condition of not responding. For others, I do not think you would want to keep querying them. The 3:00 AM query should be fine.


With kind regards,


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The 3am query is what I currently do and it identifies the non responding devices, but again I need to login to the admin console of each ISY. However, a once a day check for any devices that are not responding with notification would be very very helpful. Basically, I monitor other peoples homes and want to make sure their systems are working fine. This way I could proactively respond to any failure, hopefully before the homeowner is even aware of a problem. Good customer service. As you know, I am a longtime insteon customer and have started to install systems in other peoples homes and all use an ISY to control them. Lots of vacation homes in my area and business is great.


This notification upgrade would help immensely.

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Hello dougos2,


Thanks so very much for the explanations. I am a little confused since with 3.2.1, you can do what you are suggesting (with notifications) ... i.e. when the 3:00 AM query runs, if you have a program where all your devices are ORed (not responding) and the action is custom notification. Although a little ugly, but it does precisely (I think) what you are seeking till we implement an "any" condition.


If this is not what you are looking for, can you please elaborate a little bit more as to what you need?


With kind regards,


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You are correct. I can do it with 3.2.1 and list every device. This is exactly what I will do, but these are large houses with tons of devices and it would be very helpful to have the "any" feature. Just need to upgrade my ISYs and write the additional programs. Trying to save myself work if you guys are willing to make the upgrade.

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