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Not able to discover devices


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I am adding more devices to my home insteon network, and now when I try to discover my devices it cannot find them. I put in the address of the device (2476S) and now I get an error. Even tried another device(Appiancelinc 2456S3) and it did the exact same thing. Error is "Node not added - faile restoring the device" (1x.xx.xx 1) [-200000/-10]. Thanks in advance for your help.


If I add it manually it by picking the device from the list, it adds the device but I am not able to control it.




What firmware are you running?


Are these very new (just purchased) devices?


Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Level 3-Device communications events selected. Try discovering one of the new devices. Post the event trace.


If they are new. Good chance they are the new I2CS ones.

If so; you have to be running firmware 3.2.1 that added I2CS protocol devices.


Thanks for the trace. It is an I2CS device. These devices require 3.2.1. Note that 3.2.2 is projected to be released today (Friday). That is an estimate so it could be a few days past today.

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