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cameras and isy


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  • 4 months later...



Thanks, that resource is 'somewhat' helpful. If you spend a few minutes with it, you will see that the language is rather poor, to the extent that it's even hard to know what the purpose of some of the commands are. Nevermind that it has typos and mistakes etc. in it as well.


Putting that aside, I am able to work with it and come up with a URL that allows me to enable the motion detection in my camera. It looks like this;




However, what's not clear to me is then how to make this into a resource inside ISY.


Is it a GET, a POST, etc? Where does the rest of the URL go, is it in the PATH or is it in the BODY? Do I need to add an Authorization Header? Because as you can see, the user name and password for the camera are embedded into the URL itself - but I notice that in some of the posts, the forum users suggest you have to add this when you create a network resource. Is the Encode URL checkbox checked or unchecked? What is the MODE: URL Encode, Raw Text, etc?


Lots of questions right? Is there a resource somewhere that lays this out clearly for me to resolve on my own?

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Hello MARosen,








You do not need anything else checked. For timeout, I would leave it at 1000 ms (1 second).


With kind regards,


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Thanks Michel - I get an error message when I try this of: TCP client request failed [Net Module Rule: 1:401]. By 'try' I mean using the 'Test' button in the ISY Network Resources module.


The first time I tried it, I also got an additional error message, which seems to refer to the WeatherBug module. Only the first time, on subsequent tries I just get the error message above.


If I simply paste the command into a browser it works. One note, the first time I paste it into the browser, the browser still prompts me to manually enter the USER and PASSWORD again. Even thought they are embedded as parameters in the URL. Once I enter the first time, it does not prompt me again in that session. I can turn the MOTION DETECTION on and off without re-entering the user and password. Just the first time in a session.

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I did have the correct USER and PASSWORD ... but, the 401 error and your interpretation of it were still the key here to solving this. That and something I had noted earlier in the post as well. That the first time I would try the same command directly in a browser window, the browser still prompted me to enter the USER and PASSWORD a 2nd time. And then from that point forward, I could issue further commands directly in the browser without having to re-enter that information.


Both of these combined made me realize that the error was not the PASSWORD itself, but rather the PARAMETER name of the password. I was using PASSWORD= and should have used PWD= instead. So whether directly in the browser or in ISY, the camera was not getting the password sent correctly. The browser's response was to prompt again, the ISY obviously cannot do that as a resource, and so it simply gave the error.


Once I corrected this mistake... (how did I ever do that, I was sure I copied the URL right out of the .pdf from Foscam that you guided me towards? No, wait, I didn't. It had so many parameters that I didn't care to set, that I only copied the first important bit of it, and then manually typed the remainder of it!) ... well once I corrected this, it of course worked like a charm. I can now enable and disable the the motion detection through ISY.


Thanks for your excellent guidance. Now I am off to figure out how to make use of that resource and somehow tie it my MobiLinc application. Good stuff!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have a few Foscam F18910W cameras and wanted to be able to activate and deactive the motion detection email. Would you have documentation on how to set that up from beginning to end using the network module. I would really appreciate it as I cant seem to get it to work myself and I cannot find specific documentation to do it.


Thanks Again

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If you use Firefox and show the web developer console while you submit the form to enable/disable the email, you will see the message content for the network resource. I just created 2 resources today for one of those cams to enable/disable ftp on motion detected. Almost exactly what you want.


Protocol: HTTP

Method: GET

Host: ip or hostname of cam

Port: 80

Path: /set_alarm.cgi?next_url=alarm.htm&motion_armed=1&input_armed=1&motion_sensitivity=3&motion_compensation=0&iolinkage=0&mail=0&upload_interval=2&ioin_level=1&ioout_level=1&schedule_enable=0&schedule_sun_0=0&schedule_sun_1=0&schedule_sun_2=0&schedule_mon_0=0&schedule_mon_1=0&schedule_mon_2=0&schedule_tue_0=0&schedule_tue_1=0&schedule_tue_2=0&schedule_wed_0=0&schedule_wed_1=0&schedule_wed_2=0&schedule_thu_0=0&schedule_thu_1=0&schedule_thu_2=0&schedule_fri_0=0&schedule_fri_1=0&schedule_fri_2=0&schedule_sat_0=0&schedule_sat_1=0&schedule_sat_2=0


Don't forget to add Authorization header and fill in the user/pass for the cam.


I am using "motion_armed=1/0" to enable/disable. You will want to change "mail=0" to "mail=1"


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FWIW: The smarthome is just a rebranded Foscam and my experience with these is the same as oberkc's. Mine are pan/tilt and I find that function to work smoother/quieter/better than my old Trendnet PTZ cam.



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  • 6 months later...
maybe someone can help me, I want the Foscam camera to be set to a different preset based on the time of the day using the ISY. How would I setup the Network resource for that ?

Can you be more specific as to wat you want to do? Ill see if I can post an example to match.

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maybe someone can help me, I want the Foscam camera to be set to a different preset based on the time of the day using the ISY. How would I setup the Network resource for that ?


It looks like the URL would be along the lines of:

http://camera-ip/decoder_control.cgi?co ... d=password


The SDK at http://www.foscam.es/descarga/ipcam_cgi_sdk.pdf has the different command #'s for telling it to go to different presets. Preset #1 is 31, preset #2 is command 33, etc. (it goes up by 2 for each preset since there's a set and a get for each one).


It should just be a regular http GET. Earlier posts in this thread mention using similar GET commands to trigger the motion alert, as a reference.


I guess a program to execute that at a certain time of day... I'm honestly new enough at really tinkering with my ISY that I don't know how to get a program to do that. I have a simple program to turn my porch lights on/off depending on the sunset/sunrise times, and one to trigger a set of lights when a motion sensor is activated, but that's all I've done really.


I was actually searching on here for something similar, although for my Foscam cameras, I use Blue Iris, so I need a way for the ISY to trigger that software package to start recording, like when one of my Insteon motion sensors triggers, or maybe have it trigger recording when a certain light switch goes from off to on. But since that's a software package, I guess I'll have to root around in their documentation for a way to trigger that from some command.

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