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Hello all,


I am happy to announce the availability of our 3.2.3 release! For a list of changes, please take a look at this post.


This is a minor release addressing i1/i2/i2cs compatibility issues.


Know Issues



Things to test:

- SwitchLinc Timer

- I2CS devices

-- You might have to remove devices and then add them back to ISY



Important Information

1. Important If you have already installed a self signed certificate and your current firmware is 2.7.10 and below, you must reinstall a new one before the upgrade.


2. Please note that Safari does not support SSL session reuse and thus might take an exorbitant amount of time to communicate with ISY. As such, when using 2048 bit SSL, it's best not to use Safari.


3. If you are using the Irrigation Module and are upgrading from releases prior to 3.1.5, you must edit the programs using Irrigation variables and save the programs again. Irrigation module is no longer on promotion


4. Upgrading from 3.1.3 and below: If you are using WeatherBug Module's Rain Today in your programs, please note that the precision has changed from 1/10 to 1/100 and thus your programs might not run properly


5. For a discussion of variables, please look at our Program Variables forum.




1. Please backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY). If you are backing up a 3.1.6 system, please note that the backups are corrupted. If you have a backup from prior releases, you should be OK


2. Please download the firmware for your platform - please do not unzip

ISY 99i Series

ISY 994i Series


3. Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system]


4. Choose the file saved in step 2


5. After the upgrade, ISY reboots. Please do ensure to clear your Java Cache


6. IMPORTANT Once upgrade is completed and ISY reboots, use any of the following methods to access your ISY's Admin Console:

a. 99/994i - http://isy/admin - applet (Windows only)

b. 99/994i - http://isy/admin.jnlp - Java application (Windows only)

c. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin - applet

d. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp - Java application

e. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.2.4 - applet

f. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.2.4/admin.jnlp - Java application


Dashboard - not fully supported

- http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3. ... board.jnlp


8. Please backup your system again


Thanks and with kind regards,



Updated to 3.2.3 with no issues, but cant update remotelinc's (v2) and cant get status from thermostats. RF devices seem to have issues. Updated to 3.2.4, same issue.


I tried removing a remotelinc so i could re-add it, but now it want. When i try, it gives an error: -11002 file open failed /CONF/1c33c3.rec ®...looks like a file is left out there for that device???


[Edit] From error log:

Tue 2012/04/10 06:27:13 AM	System	-110022	/CONF/1C33C3.REC	
Tue 2012/04/10 06:27:13 AM	System	-110012	/CONF/1C33C3.REC	
Tue 2012/04/10 06:28:23 AM	System	-110022	/CONF/1C33C3.REC	
Tue 2012/04/10 06:28:23 AM	System	-110012	/CONF/1C33C3.REC	


Before the system was working though the RF was "flaky"...Any suggestions? Not sure if I should reset, and what that would mean...Please help.




- Installed 3.2.4 no problems. Upgraded from 3.2.3.

- Got ability to edit folders back (great!)

- Initially, got "request failed" on setting options for SWL Timer. But I removed the device and re-added it manually. It then worked!!! Has a weird 255 value in timer, but I will play with it to see what it does.


edit: everything works with SWL Timer except the timer value always reverts to 255. Frankly, I am not sure this switch will even support changing the value, so we may be chasing our tails on this one. But thanks so much for the effort on this legacy module (no longer being sold). I will play with this more tonight to see what impact the timer setting has, if any.


- Initially, got "request failed" on setting options for SWL Timer. But I removed the device and re-added it manually. It then worked!!! Has a weird 255 value in timer, but I will play with it to see what it does.


edit: everything works with SWL Timer except the timer value always reverts to 255. Frankly, I am not sure this switch will even support changing the value, so we may be chasing our tails on this one. But thanks so much for the effort on this legacy module (no longer being sold). I will play with this more tonight to see what impact the timer setting has, if any.


Well that isn't very inspiring for me then . . . :| As my device(s) all showed a 15 minute prior to the 3.X.X firmware launch. Now, some of them show 0, 15, 255 minute values. Which clearly indicates that these devices can in fact be written too. :evil:


It would be most helpful if SmartHome would help UDI in the trouble shooting this problem! Currently none of the SwitchLinc timers operate as they did before. They no longer blink 1 minute prior to turning off. They no longer respond to mulit-taps to extend the run time. And, they certainly don't have the base 15 minute timers as they had when first installed.


Blueman2, what is the version and firmware level of this device?? I will load this new release when I get home. I am currently locked out of the ISY at this moment and have no idea why this is! :evil:


Teken . . .


My 2476ST is v.40. Teken, I am curious, have you tried to do a factory reset on your SWL Timer? Maybe they need to be unlinked from ISY, factory reset, then relinked. A factory reset should return everything to the original settings for 15 minute based and 1 hour per paddle click, for example.


Here is my log when I try to update the SWL Timer 'timer' option to 5 minutes from the 255 value it shows:


Tue 04/10/2012 10:53:26 AM : [All         ] Writing 0 bytes to devices

Tue 04/10/2012 10:53:32 AM : [All         ] Writing 0 bytes to devices


Removing the device has no impact on the device. :cry: What process have you used to reset the SWT?? As this lone device is the only one where the clear plastic tab has zero affect. There is physically no relay behind this device to kill the power.


Teken . . .

Removing the device has no impact on the device. :cry: What process have you used to reset the SWT?? As this lone device is the only one where the clear plastic tab has zero affect. There is physically no relay behind this device to kill the power.


Teken . . .


I have not done this myself on the 2476ST, but are you saying the following (from the manual) does not work? Ugh if so!



Resetting SwitchLinc Timer to its Factory Default Settings

The factory reset procedure can be used to clear the SwitchLinc memory of all INSTEON Links,

programmed On-Levels and Ramp Rates, X10 addresses, etc.


1) If you are using a Controller to control SwitchLinc, be sure to Unlink it from the Controller. See

Unlinking SwitchLinc Timer from an INSTEON Controller.


2) If you are using SwitchLinc to control any Responders, Unlink them from SwitchLinc. See Unlinking

an INSTEON Responder from SwitchLinc Timer.


3) Gently pull the Set button out as far as it will go (about 1

/8 inch) to remove all power from SwitchLinc

The load and the SwitchLinc Status LED will turn off


4) Wait 10 seconds. Then, push the Set button all the way down and hold until it beeps (3 seconds).

The SwitchLinc Status LED will turn on. After a few seconds, SwitchLinc will double-beep and its

load will turn on

Removing the device has no impact on the device. :cry: What process have you used to reset the SWT?? As this lone device is the only one where the clear plastic tab has zero affect. There is physically no relay behind this device to kill the power.


Teken . . .


I have not done this myself on the 2476ST, but are you saying the following (from the manual) does not work? Ugh if so!



Resetting SwitchLinc Timer to its Factory Default Settings

The factory reset procedure can be used to clear the SwitchLinc memory of all INSTEON Links,

programmed On-Levels and Ramp Rates, X10 addresses, etc.


1) If you are using a Controller to control SwitchLinc, be sure to Unlink it from the Controller. See

Unlinking SwitchLinc Timer from an INSTEON Controller.


2) If you are using SwitchLinc to control any Responders, Unlink them from SwitchLinc. See Unlinking

an INSTEON Responder from SwitchLinc Timer.


3) Gently pull the Set button out as far as it will go (about 1

/8 inch) to remove all power from SwitchLinc

The load and the SwitchLinc Status LED will turn off


4) Wait 10 seconds. Then, push the Set button all the way down and hold until it beeps (3 seconds).

The SwitchLinc Status LED will turn on. After a few seconds, SwitchLinc will double-beep and its

load will turn on


Those steps will not work on this specific device at all. This sole product deviates from the standard Insteon has set forth on all other devices. You will notice that when you attempt to pull on the plastic tab it will NOT remain in that position. :evil: The reason being is there is no physical tab / spring to pull out which disengages the two contact points within the switch.


I have no clue why this sole device is built this way . . . :evil:


All 5 of these devices from various periods of time, production, and years are all the same. When this product works it is simply the best thing since sliced bread! When it doesn't, its a pain in the aszz!


Teken . . .


Teken; You just don't have any older hardware 2476S SwitchLinc Relays.

They all didn't have an Air Gap Switch and used a 100% different Factory Reset procedure.

My thoughts are the 2476ST was also developed from the before Air Gap Switch was added to the relay style Switchlincs.


To factory reset a 2476S that has no Air Gap Switch:

Hold top paddle for 10 seconds. Then release.

Press the set Button and then release.

Press the set button again and continue to hold it for 10 seconds before releasing.

In a few seconds the load turns On and the Factory reset is complete.


The Smarthome wiki also indicates the above procedure works for the 2467ST.

http://wiki.smarthome.com/index.php?tit ... t_Settings


Hello rls,


Can you tell me if this is a regular remotelinc or remotelinc2?




I had explicitly asked if anyone had EVER been able to set this value using ISY and on which ISY version. I have never ever been able to set this value and it would be great if you could tell me which version of ISY was able to set this value.


With kind regards,



all are remotelinv2's i have a v1.10 and 2 v1.2's...

Guess what, they just updated!

So, question, I went to a spot nearer the PLM (2413S) and they work better...I thought the RF devices were "meshed"? I have lots of plugins and switches/dimmers that are dual band around that puts me no more than 10 feet from a device...


My 1st floor thermostat wont query, but my basement and 2nd floor will (2nd floor is opposite side of house from PLM, basement very close)...any ideas?


Thanks again!


Have the tstat dongles been updated with 2.2R or later?


The 120v phases may not be well coupled if moving closer the PLM itself worked better.


the thermos are 2491T's v2.3

I was assuming the mesh would take care of coupling...

I heard there is a way to test that "easily"? I can put a phase coupler in, but would like to avoid it...


The phase test varies by device. The User Guide for the specific device will detail the process. Wired Dual Band devices seem to have less range than the pluggable Access Points. Perhaps because the wired units are in the wall with lots of 120V wiring around them.


I have seen some internal photos of the Dual Band wired in devices, in the FCC database.

There antennas are not in an ideal place for coverage.


Ok, swaped two single band lamplinc plugins with dual band ones (I am ordering way too much stuff :wink: and that helped the remotelincs. I also ran the phase test on the switches and lamplincs and it seems fine.

The last thermo is still not responding and the led is off...I have factory reset it twice, no joy...contacting smarthome...


Thanks for the feed back and sorry to be such a noob...


BTW, swapped all my Control4 stuff out for insteon...not bad...not as quality, but at 1/3 the price and DIY friendly, I'll take it...

Teken; You just don't have any older hardware 2476S SwitchLinc Relays.

They all didn't have an Air Gap Switch and used a 100% different Factory Reset procedure.

My thoughts are the 2476ST was also developed from the before Air Gap Switch was added to the relay style Switchlincs.


To factory reset a 2476S that has no Air Gap Switch:

Hold top paddle for 10 seconds. Then release.

Press the set Button and then release.

Press the set button again and continue to hold it for 10 seconds before releasing.

In a few seconds the load turns On and the Factory reset is complete.


The Smarthome wiki also indicates the above procedure works for the 2467ST.

http://wiki.smarthome.com/index.php?tit ... t_Settings


Hey Brian,


Thanks for the steps for the factory reset for this device. Unfortunately there was no joy in doing this reset. Everything remains the same as before. :cry:


Teken . . .




I had explicitly asked if anyone had EVER been able to set this value using ISY and on which ISY version. I have never ever been able to set this value and it would be great if you could tell me which version of ISY was able to set this value.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


I have updated the ISY with out issue. Unfortunately this firmware update does not address the SWT problem. With the help of Brian, all of the SWT have all been factory reset.


Prior to doing this I removed all the scenes from the ISY. I than deleted the device from the ISY controller. At that point I performed a factory hard reset.


The final outcome is the same. Any and all SWT which had working 15 timers do not work any longer. As stated before some of the devices now show 0, 15, 255 minutes in their respective captured timer values from the options list.


Note, prior to this event in 3.1.7 release all of the SWT worked just fine and operated as expected. I have been able to confirm that all of the other check box's also operated as expected.


ie. LED traffic, 1 minute count down, etc.


Somewhere in the firmware update(s) all of these SWT have since stopped working in terms of timers. They do in fact operate as normal switches and always take on any programming from the ISY for work around fix.


These devices appear to take on all program updates. But, something has corrupted them from their default firmware settings. :oops:


Teken . . .


OK, I am home and able to do more testing. I can confirm that all the "set options" check boxes work exactly as labeled. If i check 'LED on' it switches the LED on the SWL Timer. If I switch "LED on TX", I can see the LED flash off/on when it is communicating. These values also survive closing the "set options" box and re-opening. So all good there.


The only thing not working is the Default Timeout. It keeps going back to 255. As I open the set options box, it first starts at 0, then reads from the switch (I see the switch LED flash), and it goes to 255. I set it to 5, see the LED flash indicating it is getting communicaiton. I close the set options box, then open it again. I see the LED flash when I open the box, indicating I guess reading the values. But the value is back to 255.


Because the switch is linked to my whole house fan, I cannot actually turn it on to see if it is perhaps responding to the Default Timout value, but perhaps just not reading it back correctly when reopening. Maybe this weekend I can disconnect from the fan and test it fully.


Hello Teken,


Thanks so very much for the detailed response. This said, unfortunately I do not have enough information to go by. I have tried all releases starting from 2.8.16 (in which case this switch was not even supported) all the way up to 3.2.4 and, even though all (except 3.2.2/3 where you would get request failed) let you set the timeout value, but NONE sticks. I just need to know if you were ever able to set this value with any of the previous ISY firmware and, if so, which. Is it possible that these values were set using HouseLinc?


Hello blueman2, thanks so very much for the verification. That's precisely the behavior I am experiencing here.


With kind regards,


Hello Teken,


Thanks so very much for the detailed response. This said, unfortunately I do not have enough information to go by. I have tried all releases starting from 2.8.16 (in which case this switch was not even supported) all the way up to 3.2.4 and, even though all (except 3.2.2/3 where you would get request failed) let you set the timeout value, but NONE sticks. I just need to know if you were ever able to set this value with any of the previous ISY firmware and, if so, which. Is it possible that these values were set using HouseLinc?


Hello blueman2, thanks so very much for the verification. That's precisely the behavior I am experiencing here.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


I have never been able to set the timer values in any firmware release. I do not use the HouseLinc software in any fashion any longer. The problem I have is that all of these SWT devices no longer operate in their native fashion.


1. All of them had a 15 minute timer at one point in time. They all flashed the lights at the 1 minute timer period. All of the switches would in fact increase in time from 15 minutes to XX hours, based on multiple taps.


2. Since 3.X.X firmware the values show with in the ISY *Options* list of 0, 15, 255 minutes for various devices. During one release (I don't recall which one) the switches still continued to operate their timer values regardless of what was being displayed.


3. Now, in the latest versions of the 3.X.X ISY firmware. All timer aspects no longer operate at all. It is clear to me that these devices can be written to. Otherwise there would be no way for the values to have changed from the default of 15 minutes.


What is odd is that when you perform a Query Insteon Engine. Performing this same task in random order, will sometimes show a value from 15, to 255. This value will be restored once you log out and re-enter the ISY control panel. I am not sure how it is these devices can be written to in one instant. Then, later on not have the ability to do so later??


Performing a hard reset, removal, and deletion, then adding back dozens of times has no affect on these switches. I can not replace them as they are no longer being produced! :cry:


Teken . . .

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