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Temperature controlled fan on or off


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I am looking for some suggestions to create a program for this unpredictable spring Weather.


I have an ISY, Insteon Thermostat, and 4 Insteon controlled celing fans.


I would like to create a program so that if the temp is above 70 degrees according to the thermostat that the ceiling fans kick on in the evening at 6:30pm. (This part I have figured out and working)


I would then like to create a program so that if the temp falls below 70 degrees in the evening the ceiling fans automatically kick off. I could have the the program check at various times during the evening.


Just trying to figure out the best way to do this and would love any suggestions.

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Hello rmlinnovator,


My suggestion is that you create a folder for evenings and add a condition (say from sunset till 11:00 PM every day). Then, within the folder, create two programs:

1. One for status of the thermostat being greater than 70 (If Status Thermostat >=70) and

2. one for status of the thermostat being less than 70 (If Status Thermostat


With kind regards,


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Hello rmlinnovator,


My suggestion is that you create a folder for evenings and add a condition (say from sunset till 11:00 PM every day). Then, within the folder, create two programs:

1. One for status of the thermostat being greater than 70 (If Status Thermostat >=70) and

2. one for status of the thermostat being less than 70 (If Status Thermostat < 70)


With kind regards,



And possibly a third program outside the folder to run at 11:01pm that turns the fans off independent of the temp otherwise if the temp doesn't drop below 70 until after 11pm the fans will stay on all night as the folder becomes inactive at 11.


Or did I miss something ?



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My suggestion is that you create a folder for evenings and add a condition (say from sunset till 11:00 PM every day). Then, within the folder, create two programs:

1. One for status of the thermostat being greater than 70 (If Status Thermostat >=70) and

2. one for status of the thermostat being less than 70 (If Status Thermostat < 70)

Why not combine into a single program, with the off command going in the else?

It will be re-evaluated (send new command) each time the temperature changes, but that shouldn't be a large amount of traffic.


I control my ceiling fan (fanlinc) using a single program checking whether the upstairs temperature is > the downstairs temperature (one-wire sensors via WebControl/WCLink).

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