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ISY Tree Navigation


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I would like to propose an enhancement to the tree navigation structure. It doesn’t necessarily have to replace the current view but maybe it could be an alternate view. What are your thoughts on the attached image below? I believe for many people this might be a more logical and organized approach.



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Very good idea and one which has already been requested and is on our list of requirements.


With kind regards,



I would like to propose an enhancement to the tree navigation structure. It doesn’t necessarily have to replace the current view but maybe it could be an alternate view. What are your thoughts on the attached image below? I believe for many people this might be a more logical and organized approach.


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Mark and accessha,


Thanks so very much for the feedback and suggestions. Our philosophy is to implement what users suggest and thus we create a priority based on the requirements and what we feel is important. GUI related requirements, if not impediments to correct operation and if not simple enough to implement, are usually at our low priority. For instance, in the span of time since Mark and others suggested the navigation enhancement, we have implemented:

X10 Support


Triggers and Programming

Soon to be release SSL/HTTPS mobile phone support

IRLinc, Thermostat, etc.

Web Services and REST


With kind regards,



Maybe it should be marked Sticky. :)
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I'd like to chime in and second this request. I am a fairly new Insteon/ISY adopter, but with 20+ devices and 20+ scenes, am already running into organizational issues with the current display. Being able to organize devices and scenes logicially is huge to me, and as I grow this to 50+ devices, this will become a significant (and much needed) improvement.


I look forward to this enhancement.





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User Interface design tends to be very subjective. Ask a programmer their idea of the perfect user interface and they might say it’s the Command Line. Ask someone unfamiliar with technology and they would probably prefer something more graphical and intuitive like OS/X.


I try to stress the importance of “User Experience†and “Usability†to anyone developing a product designed for the masses. I’ve spent my entire life in the field of technology and if there is something I find confusing, I’m fairly certain the average user will be utterly perplexed.


Other than the improvements to the navigation tree, I would also like to see more Wizards and Confirmation prompts for the various tasks within the ISY, particularly when tap-adding new devices. A simple confirmation after a critical action is initiated like: “Are you sure you want to delete all Insteon device links?†would make a huge difference for the first time user.


That being said, I think the ISY is a wonderful product and way ahead of the competition.

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Accessha has expressed something that I have always agreed with ever since I started coding my first GUI. I am one of the few guys that in my code spend lots of time up front designing my GUIs then I add the supporting code. I find that the more I spend on GUI always pays me back in much less support for users to use my program which leads to more time coding.


The hard part for Michel is I think the current ISY device tree was created from scratch and has lots of custom callbacks/variables and may requre lots of rework and testing to gut and rebuild. The programming tree in the ISY you can see that the guys used a built in Java widget so no custom widget code, which I think they will convert to this same Java widget (seperate trees) in the future for devices too.


Michel maybe you could express when you think it might be worked on so all might understand its coming.

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While I'm sure that additional GUI features would be nice, I have to say that with 175 devices I have no problems with organization. As long as your naming convention is logical you should have no trouble keeping things straight. My naming standard is constructed as .


is obviously a room or area such as "kitchen" or "outside" or "3rd floor" or "bsmt". I try not to make these too granular since this is the top level for sorting. I would lump all of "3rd floor" or "attic" together for example rather than making each 3rd floor or attic room a location. On the main floor it is usually a single room such as kitchen or office.


is used to be more specific about what is being controlled. This might be something like "ceiling" or "lamp" or "fan" or "chandelier". It could also be a subroom in a larger area. For example, I have "workshop" and "pump room" and "lab" and "stairwell" as different devices in my "Bsmt" location. If the device is a keypadlinc then this field is always "keypad". If it is a controlinc or remotelinc then would be "Ctrl" or "Remote" respectively. (If there is more than one in the same room it might be something like "Desk Ctrl", "Back Ctrl", etc.)


generally refers to details about the actual switch or module. By convention, if the switch directly controls the load then I put the type of load; light, fan, etc, into this field. If the switch does not control a load I will put "switch" in this field. This makes it very easy in a 3-way set up to know which switch actually controls the load as in: "Bsmt stairwell light" and "Bsmt stairwell switch".


For a keypadlinc the for button 1 is "1 - " since the field always says "keypad". So my laundry room keypad top button is called "Laundry Keypad 1 - No Load" and my Kitchen keypad top button is called "Kit Keypad 1- Countertops". The field for secondary buttons is just "Btn A", "Btn B", etc. So I have a "Laundry Keypad Btn A", "Laundry Keypad Btn B", etc.


For controlincs and remotelincs I just use "Btn 1", "Btn 2", etc, for the as in "Living Room Remote Btn 1".


This naming convention really helps me to keep track of what I am doing when it comes to linking stuff and the device tree sorts very nicely!

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  • 3 weeks later...

In our current tree, My Lighting is a top level node, and each scene is a top level node. In accessha's screen shot, it appears as though his suggested view is a top level node (Home), and that the scene nodes remain the same but have all been collected under a top level node called 'Links & Scenes'.


It occurs to me that the current My Lighting top level node could also exist within that structure. So there would be three top level nodes (I think of them as Devices [My Lighting], Home, and Scenes). The user could simply expand whichever node (or all of them) he was interested in at any point.

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The main point about this change is the tree is fully customizable by the user just as the programs folders are, and the folders should allow all devices/groups(scenes)/programs in them. Unlimited folders deep would also be needed. Any newly added devices and not filed devices/groups(scenes)/programs would default to going into an un-filed "My ISY Nodes" folder which is a big part to making a fully custom tree design possible.


The ability to add and remove folders for KPLs, to gather scenes by rooms, to cluster programs with the rooms. The ability to put your program timers in a folder with the device(s) that are controlled by the timer. To gather together device groups(scenes) with the individual devices. Put folders in anywhere in the whole tree. The combinations are endless just as how a house design combination is endless.


The folder system is one of the biggest confusion reducers, because the user can gather things together that connect and interact with each other the way they understand them. Also the user could collapse the entire tree to show a single room thus giving the ability to work on a single room at a time.


In the end users should be able to make the folders match the way their house is divided, so they can look at their folders and see how the house is put together, this puts the power to understand in the users hands not the predefined folder structure.


The "My Home" section at the code level is really symbolic links to the nodes list in the "My ISY Nodes" section, but the user would not be aware of this because they are just doing drag-drop or context-menu manipulations. This would also give the ability to have more than one of the same entry in the tree.


My Home

___ Family Room

_______ Family Room Chair Light

_______ Family Room Light

_______ Family Room Fan

_______ Family Room Group

_______ Family Room Dim Program

_______ Family Room Timer Program

___ Bath Room

_______ Bath Room Light

_______ Bath Room Fan

_______ Bath Room Timer Program

___ Christmas

_______ Christmas Inside

___________ Christmas Tree

___________ Christmas Fire Place Lights

___________ Christmas Village Lights

___________ Christmas Inside Group

___________ Christmas Timer On/Off Program

_______ Christmas Outside

___________ Christmas Music Radio

___________ Christmas Sign

___________ Christmas Outside Lights

___________ Christmas Sign Timer Program

___________ Christmas Outside Lights Timer Program

___________ Christmas Music Radio Motion Program

___ Dog House (aka. shed)

_______ Dog House KPL

___________ Dog House KPL Main Light

___________ A: All Lights

_______________ A: All Lights Button

_______________ All Lights Group

_______________ All Lights LED Follow Program

___________ B: Lets Party Button

___________ C: Party Over Button

___________ D: All Shed Lights Button

_______ Dog House Easy Chair Light

_______ Dog House Disco Ball

_______ Dog House Fog Machine

_______ Dog House Arcade Games

_______ Dog House Popcorn Machine

_______ Dog House Party Group

_______ Dog House Popcorn Machine Timer Program

My ISY Nodes

___ Devices

_______ Family Room Chair Light

_______ Family Room Light

_______ Family Room Fan

_______ Bath Room Light

_______ Bath Room Fan

_______ Christmas Tree

_______ Christmas Fire Place Lights

_______ Christmas Village Lights

_______ Christmas Music Radio

_______ Christmas Sign

_______ Christmas Outside Lights

_______ Dog House KPL Main Light

_______ Dog House Easy Chair Light

_______ Dog House Disco Ball

_______ Dog House Fog Machine

_______ Dog House Arcade Games

_______ Dog House Popcorn Machine

___ Groups

_______ Family Room Group

___________ Chair Light

___________ Room Light

___________ Room Fan

_______ Christmas Inside Group

___________ Christmas Tree

___________ Fire Place Lights

___________ Village Lights

_______ Dog House Party Group

___________ Dog House KPL Main Light

___________ Dog House Easy Chair Light

___________ Dog House Disco Ball

___________ Dog House Fog Machine

___________ Dog House Arcade Games

___________ Dog House Popcorn Machine

_______ All Lights Group

___________ Family Room Chair Light

___________ Family Room Light

___________ Family Room Fan

___________ Bath Room Light

___________ Bath Room Fan

___________ Christmas Tree

___________ Christmas Fire Place Lights

___________ Christmas Village Lights

___________ Christmas Sign

___________ Christmas Outside Lights

___________ Dog House KPL Main Light

___________ Dog House Easy Chair Light

_______ All Appliances Group

___________ Christmas Music Radio

___________ Dog House Disco Ball

___________ Dog House Fog Machine

___________ Dog House Arcade Games

___________ Dog House Popcorn Machine

___ Programs

_______ Family Room Dim Program

_______ Family Room Timer Program

_______ Bath Room Timer Program

_______ Christmas Programs

___________ Christmas Timer On/Off Program

___________ Christmas Sign Timer Program

___________ Christmas Outside Lights Timer Program

___________ Christmas Music Radio Motion Program

_______ All Lights LED Follow Program

_______ Dog House Popcorn Machine Timer Program



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My Home

___ Family Room

_______ Family Room Chair Light

_______ Family Room Light

_______ Family Room Fan

_______ Family Room Group

_______ Family Room Dim Program

_______ Family Room Timer Program

___ Bath Room

_______ Bath Room Light

_______ Bath Room Fan

_______ Bath Room Timer Program

___ Christmas

_______ Christmas Inside

___________ Christmas Tree

___________ Christmas Fire Place Lights

___________ Christmas Village Lights

___________ Christmas Inside Group

___________ Christmas Timer On/Off Program

_______ Christmas Outside

___________ Christmas Music Radio

___________ Christmas Sign

___________ Christmas Outside Lights

___________ Christmas Sign Timer Program

___________ Christmas Outside Lights Timer Program

___________ Christmas Music Radio Motion Program

___ Dog House (aka. shed)

_______ Dog House KPL Main Light

___________ A: Folder

_______________ A: All Lights Button

_______________ All Lights Group

_______________ All Lights LED Follow Program

___________ B: Lets Party Button

___________ C: Party Over Button

___________ D: All Shed Lights Button

_______ Dog House Easy Chair Light

_______ Dog House Disco Ball

_______ Dog House Fog Machine

_______ Dog House Arcade Games

_______ Dog House Popcorn Machine

_______ Dog House Party Group

_______ Dog House Popcorn Machine Timer Program

My ISY Nodes

___ Devices

_______ Family Room Chair Light

_______ Family Room Light

_______ Family Room Fan

_______ Bath Room Light

_______ Bath Room Fan

_______ Christmas Tree

_______ Christmas Fire Place Lights

_______ Christmas Village Lights

_______ Christmas Music Radio

_______ Christmas Sign

_______ Christmas Outside Lights

_______ Dog House KPL Main Light

_______ Dog House Easy Chair Light

_______ Dog House Disco Ball

_______ Dog House Fog Machine

_______ Dog House Arcade Games

_______ Dog House Popcorn Machine

___ Groups

_______ Family Room Group

___________ Chair Light

___________ Room Light

___________ Room Fan

_______ Christmas Inside Group

___________ Christmas Tree

___________ Fire Place Lights

___________ Village Lights

_______ Dog House Party Group

___________ Dog House KPL Main Light

___________ Dog House Easy Chair Light

___________ Dog House Disco Ball

___________ Dog House Fog Machine

___________ Dog House Arcade Games

___________ Dog House Popcorn Machine

_______ All Lights Group

___________ Family Room Chair Light

___________ Family Room Light

___________ Family Room Fan

___________ Bath Room Light

___________ Bath Room Fan

___________ Christmas Tree

___________ Christmas Fire Place Lights

___________ Christmas Village Lights

___________ Christmas Sign

___________ Christmas Outside Lights

___________ Dog House KPL Main Light

___________ Dog House Easy Chair Light

_______ All Appliances Group

___________ Christmas Music Radio

___________ Dog House Disco Ball

___________ Dog House Fog Machine

___________ Dog House Arcade Games

___________ Dog House Popcorn Machine

___ Programs

_______ Family Room Dim Program

_______ Family Room Timer Program

_______ Bath Room Timer Program

_______ Christmas

___________ Christmas Timer On/Off Program

___________ Christmas Sign Timer Program

___________ Christmas Outside Lights Timer Program

___________ Christmas Music Radio Motion Program

_______ All Lights LED Follow Program

_______ Dog House Popcorn Machine Timer Program




Hi Mark,


Do you spend a lot of time in the dog house :lol: ?

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