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Release 3.2.6 Is Now Official

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Hello Dr. Lazarow,


In all likelihood, you have another device with a static IP address which may have a conflict with ISY. Have you setup your ISY with a static IP address?


Hello mrp,


Do other WB variables report? Also, do you see Rain Max populated in the Admin Console?


With kind regards,


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Guest Dr. Emilio Lizardo



I believe I had a bad network cable. I replaced the cable with another one and there is joy in Mudville! Thanks for your help. BTW, it's just plain Art. Dr. Emilio Lizardo is a character from a favorite movie.


Just Plain Art

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Hello mrp,


Do other WB variables report? Also, do you see Rain Max populated in the Admin Console?


Sorry for omitting that information. Yes, the Admin Console reports fine, and the other WB variables seem to work fine. Here is the content of my Customization:

*** Automatic Watering Start ***
Time:  ${sys.date} ${sys.time24}  (sunrise: ${sys.sunrise24}; sunset: ${sys.sunset24})

--- Current Weather ---
Current Temperature:  ${mod.weather.temp.current} (feels like: ${mod.weather.temp.feelslike}) 
Temperature Rate: ${mod.weather.temp.rate} (hi: ${mod.weather.temp.high}, low: ${mod.weather.temp.low})
Humidity:  ${mod.weather.humidity} (Rate: ${mod.weather.humidity.rate})
Pressure: ${mod.weather.pressure} (Rate: ${mod.weather.pressure.rate})
Windspeed:  ${mod.weather.wind.speedavg} avg   (${mod.weather.gust.speed} gust)
Wind Direction:  ${mod.weather.wind.directionavg} avg (${mod.weather.wind.direction} current)
Rain Today:  ${mod.weather.rain.today}
Rain Rate:  ${mod.weather.rain.rate} current (${mod.weather.rain.ratemax} max)

--- Irrigation Status ---
Days since last water:  ${var.2.10}
Is Automatic Watering Enabled:  ${var.2.11}
Water Restriction Stage:  ${var.2.14} 

Evapotranspiration:  ${mod.weather.irrig.et0}
Irrigation Requirement:  ${mod.weather.irrig.req}
Water Deficit Yesterday:  ${mod.weather.irrig.deficit}


And here is the content of the email that I receive...

*** Automatic Watering Start ***
Time: 2012/05/12 02:59:12 (sunrise: 06:29:12; sunset: 20:15:24)

--- Current Weather ---
Current Temperature: 64.9 °F (feels like: 65 °F) 
Temperature Rate: 0.2 °F/h (hi: 65 °F, low: 63 °F)
Humidity: 91 % (Rate: 0 %/h)
Pressure: 29.98 inches (Rate: 0 inches/h)
Windspeed: 2 mph avg (5 mph gust)
Wind Direction: WNW avg (NW current)
Rain Today: 0 inches
Rain Rate: 0 inches/h current ( max)

--- Irrigation Status ---
Days since last water: 6
Is Automatic Watering Enabled: 1
Water Restriction Stage: 0 

Evapotranspiration: 0.1158 inches/day
Irrigation Requirement: 0.5194 inches
Water Deficit Yesterday: -0.0413 inches


For this given email, the Max Rain Rate should have been "0.04 inches/hr".


Hope this helps & thanks again!



P.S. - As a future enhancement, could we have a button on the Emails/Notifications-Customizations page that "sends a test email" for the entry selected? This would make certain that I've got everything the way I want it without having to kludge-run a test program to get the effect. Thanks.


Also, some email servers jettison mail with 'empty bodies' as spam. Google is a good example of this. Perhaps a note toward the bottom warning users not to create email with empty bodies (e.g., subject only). It took me a couple of hours to figure out this was the problem (and I'm a techie-type). If I walk away for a few months and come back, I'm likely to forget about this, and spend more hours figuring it out again. :)

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Hello Art,


Thanks so very much for the update and I am so very glad everything is back to operational.


Hello mrp,


Thanks so very much for detailed explanation and your feedback.


Would you please go to Configuration | Climate tab and make sure you do indeed have Max Rain Rate listed? I have check a few stations and none provide this element. So, the difference is rain-rate vs. rain-rate-max the former of which is available and the latter is not.


Do you get regular rain-rate?


With kind regards,


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Hello mrp,


Thanks so very much for detailed explanation and your feedback.


Would you please go to Configuration | Climate tab and make sure you do indeed have Max Rain Rate listed? I have check a few stations and none provide this element. So, the difference is rain-rate vs. rain-rate-max the former of which is available and the latter is not.


Do you get regular rain-rate?


Yes, rain-rate-max is listed and the regular rain-rate is populated correctly on the Climate tab. The LocationID is FTWR1.


I didn't realize it was an unusual stat. Its not important to me--the Admin console just made the information available as part of the "Add Variable" button, and I didn't understand why it didn't work.





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Hello mrp,


Thank you. I configured my system with FTWR1 station and it seems that there has been no rain yesterday/today. As I have to reconfigure my system back to our station, would you be kind enough to let me know when you have rain-rate > 0?


Thanks again and with kind regards,


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With trying to give as much info as possible, I had a issue trying to add a 2456S3 3.2.4 so I upgraded to 3.2.6 when I go into Link Manag. click start linking, the press the set button on device I eventually hear the PLM beep and my device go into linking mode but it never shows up into the ISY link table. I would enter it my self but the sticker wore off so not sure of the address, I tried a newer lamp link 2457D2 with exact same result. Every firmware upgrade I made between 3.x.x. and 3.2.4 worked fine thus far but I make very little changes to my programing or add new devices (40 and wife is ripping hair out on money I spent) Now both my newer lamp link and plm are dual band and 6 feet apart so connection should not be a issue, epically since I hear the plm chime. Only reason im changing anything because I accidentally put lamp link on pool pump load which fried my device so I have to replace it. Once upgrade was done the ISY rebooted which should have corrected any issues with stale data. Im probably overlooking something very stupid. I did try to enter the newer dual band lamp link manually with no luck either with both 3.2.4 and 3.2.6, not sure which version I was running prior to 3.2.4 it was a few months old but it did work back then, whatever was current around November had to add two devices for Christmas lights with no problems.

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Hello Mr. Zurakowski,


That's indeed quite odd. Would you be kind enough to keep an eye and keep us posted? I really do not think the firmware had anything to do with it. So, the fact that you had to factory reset it and reinstall it in ISY is suspect. That's why I think there's a good chance that it will happen again.


With kind regards,


Hello, again, Michel,


Sorry it took so long to respond but I was experimenting some more and got quite confused for a while. You were right in that I experienced more problems with the 2476ST SwitchLinc Relay. But it seems that using "auto" to add the device from scratch is a no-no. It reports it as a 2476ST whereas it is in fact a 2476S. After I deleted and added manually as an 2476S and experimented for a while, all now seems to be OK after several days and cycles, queries, etc.

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Hi, Michel,


I upgraded from 3.1.7. All fine EXCEPT my 2476ST SwitchLinc Relay no longer recognized (no communication with device, supposedly). Tried to restore device but that didn't work as couldn't communicate with device. So did a factory reset on Switchlinc, then added the Switchlinc to ISY99i from scratch using explicit choice of type of device. Now all is back to normal.


Would you be so kind and also confirm that your 2476ST 15 timers still operate as expected, along with the 1, 2 hour timers.


Also, would you also try to change the default 15 timer using the ISY's option function and change that value to say 20 minutes and let me know if it sticks. As I continue to experience a loss in functionality of these key features.


Teken . . .

Hello, again, Teken and Michel


I'm quoting because of the time lapse. I think I have solved the problem as explained in the previous message to Michel. The device is actually a 2476S and there are no timer functions on this unit. However, it still seems strange that my problems only manifested after I upgraded to 3.2.6. Also, I reviewed the topology report from 3.1.7 and my unit indicated (2476S) SwitchLinc Relay v.2C, which I believe is correct. It now reports as (2476S) SwitchLinc Relay v.00

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I have a number of programs that change the on-level of a scene, in particular, at night one program sets the on-level to 40% and then in the morning it sets it back to 100%. These programs have worked flawlessy under 3.1.17 but since upgrading to the latest official release (3.2.6) these programs no longer work. A sample program is below. All devices in question where these programs fail are 2476D v.38 SWL dimmers and 2476D v.40 SWL dimmers.


Sample Program that no longer works:


Time is 12:10:00AM



In Scene 'Upstairs - Bathroom - Light' Set 'Upstairs - Bathroom - Light' 40% (On Level)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Some follow up: I installed the latest firmware last week and all appears well. During the testing and validation process some of my problems regarding the switchlinc timer relays seem to be partially corrected. :?:


To bring everyone back up to speed as to the events leading to this problem(s). During the 2.X.X release all of my SLT would operate in terms of their 15 min. default timers. Pressing the switch multiple times would add an extra hour to the clock.


During the 3.X.X release several improvements were introduced which allowed the end user to make global changes to the SLT's. These include the ability to change the 1 minute blink status, timer values, traffic LED status, etc.


At this time all my SLT switches stopped functioning in terms of basic timers. All of the 15 min. timers stopped working. Power cycling, hard resetting, adding / removing, and performing Insteon Engine queries proved unhelpful. :cry:


Using the ISY interface to bring up the option settings of each device would display corrupted *default* timers. They either displayed as 0, 15, 255 minutes. The SLT switches with 0 & 15 min. timer values did not work at all.


They simply acted like standard switchlinc relays . . . The ones with 255 minutes would indeed turn the SLT switch at the 4.25 hour mark.


Having stated all of the above behaviors: In this latest release, the default timers have since changed to 0, 15, 30 minutes, all with no user intervention.


I have tested these switches endlessly to confirm what I see, and what is happening. Currently the one switch with the 0 minute value (Tia's Room) operates with a 15 min. timer, the 30 minute (Ceiling) lights does indeed turn off at the 30 minute mark and also blinks the lights accordingly.


The SLT at the stairs is the only device which shows a 15 min. timer, and operates as it should. With that said I would like to ask the forum members if these switches require a complete power cycle to take on new settings?? :?:


I will be performing these tests in the next few days as I will have the home all to myself. It is apparent that these devices can in fact be impacted by outside forces, whether it be firmware or the possible changing of values, and then power cycling them.


It comes down to confirming how this is done and if its something that can be repeated reliably.


Teken . . .



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Hello Teken,


Thanks so very much for the update. I really do not know what to make of this since my own SWL still not behaving properly.


The platform error = -100 means that at some point in time, ISY had a problem getting on the network. Please check your Error Log for network errors.


With kind regards,


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If a Mac the download unzips the file which makes it invalid to install on the ISY. There is an option to download without the unzip.


If windows it is likely a firewall or AV problem. Is Avast or Kaspersky being used?

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I've just bought a ISY-994i/IR Pro and have been setting it up. I upgraded to v 3.2.6 as soon as I set it up. I'm having a lot of trouble with my 2476S switch. At first, it configured with no problems then it quit working. I deleted it from the ISY, then did a factory reset and it came back. A few hours later, it once again quit working but this time, I can't get it to register even after a factory reset and re-register. I keep getting a message saying the ISY can't communicate with the 2476S. Once I manually configured it and I got an error that said "Node not added - Failed restoring device (1C BF 16 1) [ -200000 / -10]. Is there a problem with this switch and version 3.2.6?

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Hello brausse,


Would you please be a little more specific as far as what you mean when you say "it quit" ... is it only communications from ISY that quit?


If communications only, please check the firmware version on this switch (though it has to be added to ISY for you to get the version). Do you remember whether or not it reported as v35? If so, that's the root cause.


If not, there are two cases:

1. Signal quality ...

2. Signal strength ..


You might want to change the location of your PLM just to make sure you are on the same phase as the switch. If not, you may want to use dual band devices and/or access points to bridge the phases and extend the range and improve signal strength.


Signal quality is a little more difficult to figure out but, in short, we will need to figure out whether or not one or more of your devices are noisy.


With kind regards,


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I just purchased all of the Insteon equipment I'm working with so I'd hope it is up to date on firmware but if I ever get the 2476S configured again, I'll check the firmware version. The 2476S seems to quit communicating at random intervals. I will be using it for a while, testing programs etc when suddenly, it will no longer respond to any commands. At first, I thought it was either a bridging problem or a noise problem so I've switched that circuit onto the same phase as my PLM but the problem is still there. I've also changed all of my CFL bulbs back to standard ones to eliminate a possible source of noise. The device is not working right now so I've moved the PLM right next to the switch and then did a delete, factory reset reconfigure but it won't configure now. If I wait for a while and try it again, eventually, it will start working. It works fine from the manual switch. This switch is controlling a fluorescent light in my kitchen. Could that be the problem? I ordered this switch because the site documentation said it could be used with CFL's and fluorescent.

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I was able to get the 2476S to configure and it shows up as V.41. I then issued a couple on/off commands and it stopped communicating again. I then tried a delete/factory reset/configure and this time turned the diagnostic trace on. I can see the switch communicating but it never shows up in the admin console of my ISY994i/IR Pro. There is an error message that you might make some sense of, it says: Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:07 PM : [LNK-END ] 02 65 06 : : Unexpected, ignored (65)


Trace file: 2476S - 1C.BF.16


Thu 05/24/2012 02:43:28 PM : [LNK-BGN ] 02 64 01 00 06


Thu 05/24/2012 02:43:45 PM : [LNK-STAT ] 02 53 M(01) gid=00 1C.BF.16 021C 41


Thu 05/24/2012 02:43:45 PM : Linked: Linked 1C.BF.16.00 type=02.1C.41


Thu 05/24/2012 02:43:45 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 1C BF 16 0F 0D 00


Thu 05/24/2012 02:43:45 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1C.BF.16 0F 0D 00 06 (00)


Thu 05/24/2012 02:43:54 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 1C BF 16 0F 0D 00


Thu 05/24/2012 02:43:54 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1C.BF.16 0F 0D 00 06 (00)


Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:03 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 1C BF 16 0F 0D 00


Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:03 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1C.BF.16 0F 0D 00 06 (00)


Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:07 PM : ---- Initializing the linked devices ----


Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:07 PM : [LNK-END ] 02 65 06 : : Unexpected, ignored (65)


Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:07 PM : ---- All Linked Devices are now initialized ----


Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:07 PM : ---- Initializing the linked devices ----


Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:07 PM : ---- All Linked Devices are now initialized ----


Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:07 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices


Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:07 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices


Thu 05/24/2012 02:44:07 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices

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The Start Linking process generates the referenced message. The PLM is coming out of linking mode. It is not indicating an actual error. The problem is device 1C BF 16 failed to respond to the Insteon commands issued by the ISY. It issued the command three times, failed to get any response from the device.


Something is interfering with communication between the device and the ISY PLM.

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