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i2 devices not being recognized or added as i2

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I just added over 20 devices (all confirmed i2 engine) and every device showed the same error below in the log. Please help! I am brand new to the ISY-994i and hope to be a long time user.




Thu 07/26/2012 18:59:37 : ---- Add remaining devices ----


Thu 07/26/2012 18:59:38 : [18 54 1D 0 ] May not fully support i2, reverting to i1


Thu 07/26/2012 18:59:38 : [18 54 1D 1 ] Adding device to ISY


Thu 07/26/2012 18:59:38 : [18 54 1D 1 ] Start : Adding device to ISY


Thu 07/26/2012 18:59:38 : [18 54 1D 1 ] Finish : Adding device to ISY was Successful

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Hi Michael-


My devices are i2 (not i2CS). I am using 3.2.6. Everything seems to be working well. With the ISY-994i do you see a need or reason for me to change out all my devices? May I do it over time? I have had the ISY-994i for not even 12 hours and so far I am very happy with it! I'm sure I will be a regular on the forum. Thanks so much for the help.



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Some I2 devices didn't support all the I2 functions. I maybe incorrect but think the ISY uses I1 commands for those questionable I2 devices. I have also seen the reverting to I1 on some of mine.

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Greetings again-


If I am 100% sure a device is i2 (not i2CS) is there a way to make ISY communicate in i2 mode? I have a few i2CS devices and I amazed how much faster the communication is. Night and day difference. I compared logs in extended logging and syncing a motion sensor was a few lines in the log on i2CS and on i1 its pages and pages of peeking and poking.


Also, any way to have the device name show longer names and not cut off and end with ... ?


So far one week with the ISY-994i and it is fantastic!



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As pointed out earlier.

Some I2 modules report being I2 but only support some of the I2 features. I would say for the ISY firmware to try and keep track of what each modules firmware version supports would be a nightmare.

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Got it. It's a shame Smarthome doesn't create a way to update firmware on its devices (I know there are some hardware changes in devices so it's not totally possible). Changing devices is such a pain and there is only so much wire coming into a box and so much space for wire nuts with added wire. i2CS communication seems pretty impressive.

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They don't have a way for end users to update the firmware.

The modules have a programming connector in them. Smartlabs/Smarthome has decided not to do it for end users.

I know they did it for SimplehomeNet for the older PLMs. When you had your EZIO8SA updated. SimplehomeNet sends the PLM to Smartlabs and they updated the firmware in it.

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Thanks for all the help by the way! This forum is great.


Calling SimpleHome is on my list. I am trying to figure out how to accomplish creating a program to work with my motion sensor and I am struggling.

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Maybe you can help me out?


I am trying to accomplish the following:

(I have the on part figured out)

If "Motion Sensor" turns on

then activate "master bedroom light scene"


if "motion sensor" turns off

then wait 4 minutes and if "motion sensor" is still off turn off "master bedroom light scene" but if "motion sensor" is on do nothing

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This Program is triggered when the Motion Sensor turns Off. It Waits 4 minutes. Because If Status is used, should the Motion Sensor turn On before the Wait completes the If section is reevaluated which would be False and the Else clause runs, never turning Off the Scene.

       Status  'Motion Sensor I2CS-Sensor' is Off

       Wait  4 minutes 
       Set Scene 'SceneSwitchLincDimmer' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


What problem are you having with the EZIO8SA connected to a 2413S?


EDIT: SHN carries the EZIComm which is a functional equivalent to the 2412S

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AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Works great. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I'll reconnect the ezio8sa when I am home so I can give you an exact response on what is going on. Again, thank you so much for the help. I am really loving the ISY.

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Be sure Inputs 5 & 6 (AN1 and AN2) are connected to the EZIO8SA GND before adding to the ISY. Those Inputs have no internal pullup resister because they can operate in optional Analog mode. As such they are electrically floating. That can generate random Insteon traffic and interfere with the device add.


Also use New INSTEON Device and set the Device Type to the EZIO8SA. Auto discovery will not work on the EZIO8SA because it is an external PLM.

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I have the analog inputs hooked up to ground (using the 1 wire grounds). Everything linked fine and I can see all the inputs and outputs. The issue is I am unable to set the device options. I cannot set the timers for the relays and other options. Please help. Thanks again!



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The ISY does not support configuring the timers or other EZIOxx features. That type of configuration requires the Simplehomenet Utility Suite (free download from SHN). The SHN Utility requires a PC running windows and a PLM for powerline interface.

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