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Latest version of PLM

Morris Hansen

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Hello mohansen,


Unfortunately, at the moment, the only way to figure out the PLM version is to reboot ISY while connected to Hyperterminal; PLM ID and version are listed when ISY starts communicating with the PLM.


With kind regards,





I think this as been discussed somewhere but could not find it.


Is there a way to tell other than the version number? Is there a way to poll the PLM to get the necessary information?

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I have a unit coming in tomorrow, I'll post back with what it's labeled.


My previous extended memory PLM was labeled Rev 2.75, and firmware was v63.


What is the change from 2.75 you have and the new one coming?

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What is the change from 2.75 you have and the new one coming?




Not sure I follow you. I don't know if it will be different. Like I posted above I'll report back what the rev label and firmware version is.


Why are you replacing the one you already have is what I meant. I thought stated you already have one with extended memory etc. that was 2.75 and V63. "Was" seemed to imply something happened to it or you were looking for one with upgraded features.

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I had 2 PLM's that came at the same time. Both labeled 1.75 and with firmware version 62.


It appears that others that have 2.75 have firmware version 63.


Still seems odd to me and not consistent.


I thought you checked and your v1.75 labeled PLM had v63 firmware?


Does seem odd... I'd give SmartHome a call to check what's up.

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