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IRLinc cc remote button linking issues...


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I really hope I'm not going to waste anybody's time with a really stupid question here, but I've been attempting over the course of the past several nights to link buttons on my IRLinc ((2411R) IRLinc Receiver v.00) credit card remote to ISY scenes in what I understand to be "toggle" mode (I want the first button press to turn the scene on, the next to turn it off). A forum search turned up a few folks who seemed to be struggling with linking these buttons in "non-toggle" mode, but not in "toggle" mode


I am using the Scene Activation buttons (I - L) to do this, linking them according to the "toggle mode" instructions on the "Add Button To IRLinc Receiver" dialog. After following the link procedure I am able to see the node in the admin console, and I add it to a simple test scene as a Controller. The resulting scene can be turned (or brightened) ON, but subsequent button presses do not turn (or dim) it off. The only way the scene can be turned off is via the "All Off" button on the remote or via the admin console...


I have linked several of the "Scene Control" buttons in the same manner, they all work as expected with the up arrow button turning (or brightening) on and the down arrow button turning (or dimming) off.


Any suggestions..? Are the Scene Activation buttons meant / able to be used in this manner..? Is my understanding of "toggle mode" correct..? Any guidance here would be much appreciated...



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Hello bipto,


It seems that your buttons are being activated as non-toggle (you can only send ON and not OFF). I am very sorry to have to ask this question: are you certain you were following the instructions for toggle mode.


With kind regards,


Thanks for your reply, Michel!


As far as I can see, I'm following the "toggle" mode linking instructions on the "Add Button To IRLinc Receiver" dialog to the letter. I am reasonably certain of this because if I remember correctly (I dont have the instructions in front of me), linking in the "non-toggle" modes requires the added step of hitting the set button prior to pressing the remote button I am attempting to program.


Starting with a "clean" IRLinc (I am repeatedly resetting it to factory defaults between my linking attempts), I press and hold the "Scene Add" button until the IRLinc LED goes out, then I press and hold the scene activation button that I am attempting to program until the IRLinc LED flashes. At that point I hit "Ok" on the dialog and the button node appears, but as you mention the resulting linked button seems to function in the "non-toggle" ON mode...


I'm hoping that this is "operator error" somewhere on my part, but for the life of me I can't see it... :?

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Hello again, Michel...


The scene behavior I see in the admin console is also quite odd - I forgot to mention it in my original post. Though the button status starts out as OFF, as soon as the scene is activated the first time it changes to ON and then sticks there. Like forever... I can turn the scene load OFF either via its node in the admin console, or by hitting "All Off" on the remote, but I cannot affect the button status in any way that I have found. Also worth noting is that if I manually turn the load OFF, I then can use the remote button to turn the load ON again but again, the button status remains stuck ON.


Hopefully this means something..?


Thanks again for your help!

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I do not use the IRLinc Rx but I think it functions like any other Smarthome "Controller Only" device. The IRLinc button status is simply a reflection of the last command received from the IRLinc. Turning an individual responder device Off or On has no affect on the Controller of the Scene even if that device does have Responder capability (which the IRLinc Rx does not). This is not unique to the IRLinc Rx. Insteon architecture does not propagate a command sent to a Responder to other devices that may be linked with to that Responder. Again, this is consistent with all Insteon devices, not something unique to the IRLinc Rx.

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Hi Lee -


Thanks for your explanation. Seemed like odd behavior at first glance, but it makes sense. So now that I know that status behavior in and of itself is not a problem, the question remains is why I cannot seem to get any of the Scene Activation buttons to link in "toggle" mode, even though I believe I am following the proper procedure.


Is there any logging / diagnostic information that I might use to dig deeper on this issue..?




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Looking at the IRLinc user Guide it indicates the I-L buttons send On only, not Off.


Scene Activation Buttons

These buttons provide smooth and simple scene transitions for when a scene doesn’t need an OFF command


Tap to activate a scene


Press & hold to toggle between brightening or dimming the scene



The A-H buttons send On and Off.


As I mentioned initially I do not use the IRLinc Rx. What documentation indicates I-L can be defined to toggle On and Off?

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Hi Lee -


I'm sure you're probably correct. One of the questions I posed in my original post was whether my attempt to "toggle" was a misuse of the "Scene Activation" buttons (I - L), and it may very well be that the answer is yes... :oops: The instructions do indicate that these buttons do not support OFF, but on the other hand they also state that buttons (in general) can be linked in a "toggle" mode, which didn't seem to make much sense to me for the A - H buttons, given that they are automatically linked in pairs. That's what led me down this path...


My eventual goal is to migrate this functionality to my universal remote, and given that this scenario will pretty much force me to use soft keys, I'm trying to avoid having more than one button per device - thus my preference for "toggle" functionality. Looks like I have some more tinkering to do...


Thanks again for your help!


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