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Discovering nodes retry


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Hi everybody,


I have now spent hours trying to set my ISY-994I/IR PRO and keep getting Discovering nodes retry message. I was following the instructions that came with the device and was doing well up until i needed to set up the Query.


How do I fix this? Why do I get this message? I am discourage dont know what to do anymore. Please help

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Hello pitbull5.0,


I am so very sorry to hear. This problem is mostly caused by a firewall software on your computer not allowing ISY to publish events to the Admin Console. If you have a firewall software, please do make sure ISY is in the trusted zone/whitelist/exclusion list and then:

1. Reboot ISY

2. Retry launching the Admin Console


If you are still having problems, please do not hesitate to contact our support team (links below).


With kind regards,


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