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Editing ISY=>ELK export .xml file


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I have just completed the installation of the ELK M1 Gold (with Ethernet adapter) in my house. I have the ISY-99i running 3.2.2 (newest beta) firmware. I do not have the ELK module. I simply set up the ELK parameters correctly in the Config/System/ELK M1EXP settings, generated the ELK export file and imported it into the ELK RP program.


All is working OK, but now my ELK Lighting menu is cluttered with a LOT of junk that was imported from the ISY that is either not needed or does not work. For example, the only items I can get ELK to control are actual load switches. All scenes do nothing. All non-load switches (e.g. KeyPad Linc 8, switches B-H) will turn on the KP light, but will not cause the linked load switch to trigger.


I assume that this is normal, and that the ELK can only control actual load bearing switches, and cannot trigger scenes or linked devices (??). Therefore, I decided to just delete all the non-working stuff in the .xml file so it does not clutter up my list in the ELK Light menu. For example, I removed items like this from the .xml file:


XX XX XX 3  (for security, I removed insteon address)
MbrKP-C mbr Linda Lamp


This, for example, is the 3rd key on a KP8 which is linked to a lamp module. When the ELK tries to control this KPL key, it does not activate the linked lamp module. So I deleted the entry from the .xml file. And this worked fine! I deleted about 190 items like this that were not useful and left only the 15 load switches in my house. The ELK controls the 15 loads now just fine without the clutter from the other 190 items. Yeah!


But here is the problem. When the ISY does an export, it assigns each item (devices and scenes) with an x10 type code (e.g. A10, B12, etc). These go from A01 to M12 given my roughly 200 items in the original .xml file. When I delete the non working items, I still have devices scattered all over the place from A to M. This is very hard to work with in the ELK RP screen. It would be great to consolidate them all into A01 - B15. I wanted to consolidate all my loads into A and B rather than having them scattered from A to M. But when I change the "C11" to another value (like A01), the ELK system places them item in the A01 slot, still will only control the load using C11 in the RP menu.


Any ideas what else I need to change? Or are the x10 codes assigned by ISY not changeable for export to ELK???

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  • 2 weeks later...
You will find that you don't even need the export file. Just do all of your lighting/elk programs directly in ISY. I no longer have even a single rule in Elk referencing Insteon devices.


True dat! Man, I love the ELK module!! Just an amazing job of integration into the ELK. I have dropped all the ELK programing and moved it over to ISY. I now need to buy a good UPS for my router and ISY unit for power loss.

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