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KPL button question


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I have an 8 button KPL at my front door at my lake house. I use button B as a way to tell my ISY if I am there or not. When I leave I usually turn on button B but when I left yesterday I forgot to. Is there a way from the admin console to turn it on? When I look at it from the main tab I see the current state of off but don't see a way to turn it on.



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Secondary KeypadLinc buttons have to the controlled with a Scene. They do not respond to Insteon Direct On/Off commands. Define an ISY Scene with KeypadLinc button B as Responder. Turning the Scene On will turn On the button LED.


However, that does not turn On devices that have been linked to button B. Insteon does not work that way. Button B would normally be a Controller of a Scene. If that Scene is turned On button B will be turned On along with the Scene Responders.


If button B has no Responders but is used as a Condition in a Program, the first answer is the approach. Define a Scene with the button as a Responder and turn the Scene On. The only issue that could arise is if a Program condition is using If Control ‘kplbuttonB’ is switched On. That is checking for a command coming from the KeypadLinc so turning the button On will not trigger the Program.


Sorry for the long winded response. Trying to cover all the bases.

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