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Record and Replay


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Hi all,


is there a feature available with which I can record my light behavior over a period of time and then replay it later for instance for when I am going on vacation ?


I have it programmed now to behave similar to what we usually do for vacation times, but I think it would be even cooler if I could record it and play it back because this would ACTUALLY reflect the past behavior.


Thanks for any comments


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This may be more trouble than it is worth, however you could write programs that turn variables to 1 or 0 to correspond to off/not off of the lights in question. Then run io_guys program on a pc that is used to sync the cai webcontrol board with ISY. But don't worry about the webcontrol board. The program has a logging function. IO_guys program log can then be downloaded into excel or some other program where the data can be analyzed. You can run graphs of each variable on the y axis and time on the x axis. This will be quite obvious when the light is off/not off based on the line being at 1 while not off and 0 when off.


It wouldn't be that much work if you were only doing 10 or 15 lights.


I have created graphs tracking 3 variables on ISY and it is pretty easy and only takes 5 or 10 minutes to get it all in a nice pretty graph if you are familiar with excel. You can set io_guys program to record the value of the variable at intervals of as little as 1 second or much higher (not sure the max but it is at least in the many minutes range if not hours or days). I would suggest logging every minute.

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