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Mutually exclusive home/away KPL buttons. Options?


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I'd like to setup two mutually exclusive buttons on my KPL for 'Home' and 'Away' that will update respective state variables. I'm a bit confused by my options--the wiki and UI seem to offer conflicting advice.


The wiki entry describes a "Mutually Exclusive Buttons" button/window/process that I'm either overlooking, or has been changed. When I click the button that IS available to me, "Buttons Grouping," a window pops up warning me against proceeding, and advising me to create a scene instead. I'm not sure I understand how to do this via a scene, or whether the warning applies to my situation.


I'm running firmware/UI v3.3.3.





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The two options use the same underlying function in the device which is why the newer Scene approach is recommended. Do not use Button Grouping.


Define an ISY Scene, specify button X as the Controller and button Y as a Responder with a 0% On Level. Define another ISY Scene, specify button Y as the Controller and button X as a Responder with 0% On Level. Be sure to select the button node name below the Scene name when setting the Responder On Level to 0%.

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Thank you for your reply! I made those scenes and that will certainly work for me...


However, in an effort to idiot-proof my setup (is there such a thing?!) I'd like to eliminate the possibility of having both "home" and "away" buttons turned off. I noticed this will occur if the lit button, whichever it may be, is pressed again.


I thought that this program (along with a duplicate where home/away are swapped) would help:



Status 'Home Button' is off

and Control 'Away Button' is switched off


Set Scene 'Home' On


Instead, if the lit button is pressed, both buttons go dark, and then immediately BOTH home and away come on... Is there a better way of achieving the desired effect?

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It sounds like the Scene name Responder On Levels are not set as needed. When using the Scene name in a Program the PLM is the Controller which has a unique set of Responder On Levels, separate from button press Responder On Levels.


Click the ISY Scene Name and check the Responder On Levels

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Another option. When pressing the KPL button that turns Off an Off command is sent to responders which could be an inconvenience even though the ISY Program will put things back. The two KPL buttons can be put into non-toggle On mode. The buttons will always issue an On command no matter how many times the button is pressed. A KPL button in non-toggle mode blinks twice when pressed as in indication it is in one of the non-toggle modes. The other button LED will still turn Off as a result of the Responder On Level of 0%.

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For anyone stumbling upon this in the future...


By adjusting the On Levels of the two scenes at the scene-level, such that my 'Home' Scene has responder 'Home' set to 100% and responder 'Away' set to 0% (and vice-versa for the 'Away' Scene), I was able to eliminate the situation of both turning ON. I left my two programs described above as-is, and that eliminates the problem of both turning OFF.


I did not test your second option, but that information is helpful to know. Thanks!!!


...I may now depart without fear of limbo, being neither home nor away. (Yet the alternative of being home while away at work is rather appealing...)

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