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Mobilinc wont connect two devices but will on one.


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So today I added one switch and a motion sensor. I also did some playing around with some test programming as I'm a newbie and want to see how things react.


I turned power off to most of the house while I was doing the install of the switches and reset it a few times.


After turning everything back on I could test and operate both from the ISY front end and from the admin console. For some reason I could not connect via my Iphone and my Ipad on Mobilince Pro. I had no problems at all prior to these changes and have added quite a few devices over the weekend. Also with no issues, but now I cannot connect.


When my wife got home she could connect via her phone and control over the wireless network in the house. I still could not connect via either of my devices. I read somewhere on the forum about others who have had similar problems after not saving programs. I went back in and re-saved the ones that were working fine and deleted the new ones.


The message that I am getting on my devices looks something like this:




Please ensure that your ISY is connected to the internet. Mobilinc is reporting that your ISY with UUID :xxxxxxxxxxx is not connected to Mobilinc Connect Service under this user account... (my email.com)


I have double checked the back of my router to see if it shows network activity lights and it does. I can also operate the lights and functions both via the ISY home page and the admin console.


Anyone have any ideas of something simple or what it might be.


Like I said my wifes Iphone works fine over the local wireless. Neither my Ipad, (wireless only) or my Iphone (wireless and cell) will not work.


Thanks for the help in advance.



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Hi Greg,


The first thing I suggest is to look at your Tools | Error Log and look for errors relating to "mobilinc". I suspect that when ISY came back on line, it did not get a correct DNS from your router.


Also, as a simple test, you can go to Admin Console | Configuration | System Tab | Clock and then click on Synchronize Now ... if you see an exclamation mark next to NTP server then my hypothesis is correct. You might want to reboot ISY and retry.


With kind regards,


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Here is a sample of the error log near the end of it.


Mon 2012/10/29 09:43:04 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED

Mon 2012/10/29 09:43:09 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED

Mon 2012/10/29 09:43:14 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED

Mon 2012/10/29 09:43:19 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=NOT STARTED

Mon 2012/10/29 09:44:00 PM System -5 Start

Mon 2012/10/29 09:44:02 PM System -110022 /CONF/INSTENG.OPT

Mon 2012/10/29 09:44:02 PM System -110012 /CONF/INSTENG.OPT

Mon 2012/10/29 09:44:03 PM System -170001 [Network] Established

Mon 2012/10/29 09:44:12 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch

Mon 2012/10/29 09:44:52 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch

Mon 2012/10/29 09:45:33 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch

Mon 2012/10/29 09:46:13 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-



Everything appears to be working and I can talk with the ISY. I did see earlier that the error light was blinking and the mem light was blinking. I powered down the ISY and powered it back up and still no luck from my two devices.


Like I said it is weird because my wifes phone works fine. It has the free version and I have the pro version on my devices. I cant imagine that there would be a problem there, or could it be?


Just weird because up to now everything has been fine.


Thanks for the help, Greg

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Also, still getting the error about not being able to connect to Mobilinc Connect.


And I did what you said about the time sync and did not get the exclamation point next to the NTP server. It basically did not change on the screen so I'm assuming that it is fine?


Wife's phone still works but very slow.


I'll power down the ISY for the night and reboot in the morning and see what happens....


Hopefully after a good nights sleep it will feel like doing its job again! :-)



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And one last piece of troubleshooting info.


My IP address for the ISY is


I can ping that from my PC and get a reply no problems.


It's just that I can't get to it from the outside with my wireless devices.



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Hello gmhayes,


You see all those -1400xx errors with Portal-Dispatch, those error indicate that ISY cannot communicate with the MobiLic dispatch server. This has nothing to do with your internal IP address and a lot to do with the fact that the server is not responding OR ISY cannot find a route to the server. For a list of errors, please take a look here:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... r_Messages


Have you setup your ISY with a static IP address? If so, the first thing I recommend is to reconfigure with DHCP.


If not, can you tell me your network topology? i.e. what's connected to what?


With kind regards,


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Thank you for the link.


To answer your questions no I have not set up a static IP address. I'm not really completely sure how to do that but I could figure it out with some help.


As for my topology - The ISY is connected directly to my ATT Uverse routher via a hard wired connection. I have moved it from one port to another on the back of the router and I notice traffic lights on the back of the router Ethernet port. I didn't look at the first connection but I did look at the second one for traffic lights. When the ISY boots up after a removed power reboot the TX/RX lights on it blink as well.


The ISY is directly powered by another outlet that I am assuming is not on the same circuit as the router and the other stuff. The only thing I could think of next is to move the ISY to another room and put on another power source. But like I said it was working earlier in the day yesterday. I was showing one of my coworkers my fancy new system that I could turn off my lights from anywhere. That was using the cell connection via my Iphone.


Like I said I think I've verified all connections, cables, etc. are good. Doing a ping test to the ISY from the PC over wireless to the router and then via hard wired to the ISY works. The should verify all the hard parts are working.


I've also tried to deinstall the Mobilinc from my devices and reinstall them. No luck.


I can go to the registration status page on the Mobilinc device and it shows my email address, my ISY UUID, and says my registration status as "registered".


Looks like the real issue is the connection to the outside world.


I will be home later today and will have some time to work through it.


Thanks a bunch!



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One last thing before I head off to work.


In the Admin Console when I go to File, Enable Internet Access - It looks like it tries to talk to the ISY and then errors out. I get a message that says something like "Enable Internet Access - Failed"



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Hi Greg,


Thanks for the details. Can you tell me what's your ISY's firmware version (Help | About)?


Please do not use File | Enable Internet Access as it might exacerbate our diagnosis.


The problem is that the portal dispatcher cannot be reached and I do not think the problem is related to your setup or your router.


We are collaborating with MobiLinc to see where the problem could be coming from.


With kind regards,


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The firmware is V 3.2.6


Just FYI I did try to enable internet access but it failed. Also said in the Help|About that it was disabled. I hope I didn't mess anything up.


Also another quirky deal is that sometimes when I launch the admin console it doesn't show the current status of devices. I can control the device but I don't get the return feed back from each device. It's hit and miss as to whether or not its there.


I was playing around with programs and scenes last night and it looks like the ISY is working OK. Once again it's just the remote link between the ISY and the outside world to Mobilinc.


If you need any further details like my registered email address or anything else let me know.


Thanks, Greg

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Between yesterday and noon today we implemented a planned patch that apparently affected a small number of ISY's out there. We rolled the patch back and have confirmation from those that directly contacted us that their ISYs are now talking to our servers again.


If you continue to have issues, please contact us at support@mobilinc.com.


Also, we are closely monitoring the status of our service as Hurricane Sandy batters the east coast. So far our service provider is holding steady. If any issues arise we will be posting on our Facebook page to disseminate immediate information and provide updates. http://facebook.com/mobilinc



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Thank you for the update and explanation.


What a weird coincidence that I was installing some new hardware during this time...


I thought I had screwed something up during the process.


And yes my Mobilinc is now working on my Iphone. I haven't checked my Ipad yet but since it was acting the same way I'm sure it will be fine too.


Thanks again for all the support!!



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