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Android Camera Support???


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Hi robertarak,


We don't have a timeline on IP Camera support in Android.


Unfortunately IP Cameras will not work going through MobiLinc Connect. Each camera manufacturer would need to build in support for our service. We would really like that opportunity to work with a camera vendor to supply this service for them as port forwarding and IP issues plague the industry preventing a wider adoption.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jeff,


The Apple and Google platforms are quite different and require us to rewrite the code for each platform. We invested in the iOS platform for IP Cameras due to the overwhelming demand for this feature and we are evaluating the effort/return on porting this code over to Android/MobiLinc.



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Hi Jeff,


The Apple and Google platforms are quite different and require us to rewrite the code for each platform. We invested in the iOS platform for IP Cameras due to the overwhelming demand for this feature and we are evaluating the effort/return on porting this code over to Android/MobiLinc.





Apple has ~35% of the market....

Android has ~52% of the market....


Seems the effort would have been better placed in Android.

For what it's worth, of the 6 smart home people I know, only one uses Apple.


You said the camera manufactures would have to build in support for your service... but I mean they must if you have it on your iOS version. That is where my confusion is. You say it is the camera manufactures in one post, and then in the next you say you don't think the larger market share would be interested...

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Unfortunately the raw market numbers for iOS and Android are not translating into the home automation space where we sit. Interest and demand from iOS users FAR exceeds Android users.


In the earlier post, a user was asking about MobiLinc Connect integration with cameras. That's our no port forward service for the ISY controller. My comment was that the IP Camera manufactures would have to build support for this into their products in order to use our service.


Currently the IP Camera plug-in makes a direct IP connection to the camera(s) to exchange video/sound data. In order to support Android, we would have to port our iOS code to Android to support cameras.


Hopefully this clarifies our position and previous comments.



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It's partly a chicken and egg deal Wes. I don't have an cameras because you cannot access them reliably with integration on android, I won't buy them until the software works with what I have.


Ios has been around longer and has a more aware customer base that you can do this, most of the people I know just got their android as their first smart phone. they don't know what all you can do with it.


Build it and get the bloggers talking about it, you will be first.


Does Iris already have a larger user base than ISY? How about Mi Casa Verde, larger user base?


More youtube videos of what you can do would help too. I often go there first to learn how to do things now.


From my cameras I want "motion" detection, why buy two devices when one could serve the purpose of both.


Add the DVR feature to the streams on your website and you add another source of a revenue stream.


Wes, take a look at doing a kickstarter fund raising for it and presell it. How much would you need to do it, $25K, $50K? Get a limited demo running and toss it up there, you pay nothing if it doesn't make it. Include a GOOD camera that you can fully support, can see my driveway at night, can give the police a good image to arrest someone from.


Maybe do some zoom on motion capabilities.

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arw01 and robertarak,


Always appreciate the feedback.


arw01, there's some confusion here (on my part) as to your response. Let me try to clarify:

- The IP Camera plug-in code for iOS talks directly to existing IP Cameras.

- We would need to invest in development to port the IP Camera plug-in code to Android. Demand from Android users is growing and might make sense at some point.

- It's an interesting idea to build our own physical IP camera, however, there are many manufacturers out there better suited to do this work.

- We would be interested in partnering with an existing IP camera manufacturer to bring our no-port-forward service to an IP Camera so that you could access it anywhere easily. Just like we did with the ISY and lighting controls in MobiLinc.



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  • 2 months later...

I'd love to see your market research numbers.


Android users tend to be the bleeding-edge developer type more than the Apple crowd.

I have a feeling that there is little statistical significance to the decision to support the iFanboi platform first.


Any update on development plans for the Android platform?

I'll happily support the first developer to add proper IP camera support for the Android market.

I just wish your team would pursue this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Nikki and arw01,


Nikki, you are right in stating that there are at least or more Android handsets. What we've witnessed over the last few years as iOS and Android duke it out is the home automation space is absolutely dominated by iOS devices and users. As a result we skew heavily to iOS as that's where the majority user base resides. There are enough Android users out there to keep us engaged and supporting the Android platform, but we're having to focus our energy and limited resources on features that we think the respective platforms will respond to.


Unfortunately for Android users, the Android tablet market is not competing well with the iPad. Especially when you only look at the home automation user market. Because of the lack of demand, we've placed out MobiLinc HD plans on hold for Android.


We do have plans for adding IP Camera support after our Tasker integration is complete.


Hopefully this info helps to explain our new feature decisions. If you want to discuss further, please feel free to contact us at support@mobilinc.com



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I think you will see more Android users when Android is more supported. In this case the horse needs to come before the cart.


At any rate, if you are trying to guage Android demand, I am an Android user and I demand camera support! Did that work at all? ;)

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It's always great when you pay for something and then get to hear "well screw you *android* or xyz users". We are making more money of ios or xyz, so we don't care about you. It's good to know and I am already sorry I even purchased this product.

Seriously, don't even sell an Android version if you are like that and "can't" or better don't want to support it! *SMH*

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You might be right, however, that hasn't been our experience. In some of our previous software adventures we experimented with the cart before the horse approach and was unsuccessful. Our approach has been to follow the demand/market and deliver based on the demand curve. This has been a more successful model for us and allowed us to stay focused and engaged with the community.



Seriously, don't even sell an Android version if you are like that and "can't" or better don't want to support it!

I am sorry that you feel like you/Android users are getting "screwed". We 100% stand behind and support all of our products. Android, iOS, or otherwise. Nowhere have we claimed that we "can't" or "don't want to support" our Android users. In fact, we just recently released an Android update a few weeks ago to address a number of bugs and implemented a few minor features.


The Google Play writeup for MobiLinc/Android is clear about what this version of MobiLinc supports. IP Camera support is not listed, nor promised or enticed as a reason why you should purchase the app. Future features and support for those add-on features are purely driven by demand and market opportunity from the community. If we invest our time and resources into a major development effort like IP Camera support, we need to enter that market with a reasonable expectation to provide a quality product for the community and at least break even on our investment.


That said, our position has been that IP Cameras will be coming to Android. Our Android resources are limited by my previous discussion on market share/demand, but we have plans to bring this feature to Android. We are currently working Tasker integration which is a very specific Android feature that is quite unique to the Android world. We think this feature can take MobiLinc/Android users to the next level of integration between their phone and ISY/home automation that we're excited to introduce.


If you would like a refund or to discuss further, please contact me at support@mobilinc.com with your Google Play email receipt and we'll issue you a refund for your app purchase.



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I tend to find insteonnut's arguement pretty compelling. I don't recall a law being passed compelling iOS and android versions of an app to be identical on function and form (a lot of companies would be in trouble if that were the case). I found that android mobilinc does what it says it does. I have trouble understanding folks being upset because android mobilinc doesn't do something it makes no claims to doing.


As an aside, I am not even sure I see where having mobilinc view cameras to be any more beneficial to using a dedicated camera app. It would probably not save any effort to switch from lighting control pages to video pages, whether within a single app versus a separate app. There is no integration with the ISY and camera (at least not native, maybe through REST). I am curious why so many view this as something having such high value. What do you want to do with your camera imagery that only mobilinc can give you?

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Ah, a good point indeed!


Why is it I want camera support in my Mobilinc. One is a hope they come out with something I haven't thought of in a capability. Two Wes, cares and I suspect the program will not get abandoned like so so many I have bought in the past and never seen an upgrade past 4 versions of Android OS ago.


Perhaps getting a notification that shows who pulled into my driveway on the phone whenever there is movement. But I think tablets embedded in the walls with mobilinc HD for Android that will show me that stuff with the cameras.


I'm not exactly sure what I am going to do with the tasker integration yet either. I started putting in the one where it knows you are home by detecting your own wifi signal. Haven't finished that one quite yet.


if Tasker can respond to ISY events via mobilinc, then perhaps a different more pushy notification can be done when the laundry is done or the water sensor goes off.


Really part of the fun is what will all you other users come up with that is unique and usefull. I'm nearing the end of insteon implimentation, as in ever switch I intend to have automated will be. A couple of LED's will get a trailing dimmer if Smarthome comes out with them, or Meanwill finally get's there's out that is compatible with a standard triac.

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Two Wes, cares and I suspect the program will not get abandoned like so so many I have bought in the past and never seen an upgrade past 4 versions of Android OS ago.


I agree...I have seen no reason to be concerned about this.


Perhaps getting a notification that shows who pulled into my driveway on the phone whenever there is movement.


I am not sure that mobilinc is the solution for this. I don't think mobilinc has logic built in or notifications. I have always understood that camera integration into mobilinc simply provides the limited ability to view cameras, rather than adding broader integration of camera and insteon. For the insteon integration (notifications, triggers, based on camera signals) to take place, I believe your argument would be that the ISY-994 (as opposed to mobilinc) should have camera integration.


Alternatively, while I have not tried this with mine, I understand that some (perhaps all) of the cameras I use (Panasonic, Dlink, Foscam) have the notification function built-in. The cameras, themselves, can be configured to send notifications. Perhaps yours have this capability, as well?


I'm not exactly sure what I am going to do with the tasker integration yet either


One of the obvious things would be to use cell phone location as a trigger for when one arrives to a certain place . Using location as a trigger, one could theoretically turn on lights (or open doors or gates or blinds) when one gets home, for example. This, of course, assumes that where you go, so goes the cell phone.

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Not to stir the pot here but on iOS, Mobilinc's IP cam screens can include favorites from the favorites page. This allows me to operate the garage doors and lights while viewing my garage cam or the living or basement lights while viewing either of those cams. Sure I could do this with two different apps but it sure is slick the way it works in Mobilinc.


I also have Mobilinc for Android. On Android, I can have widgets that sit right on the main screen and operate those without even launching the app. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can accomplish with Tasker in conjunction with Mobilinc.


I have to agree that I haven't felt taken advantage of in anyway with either the Android or iOS versions of Mobilinc. And like Michel and UDI, Wes has always been very responsive to any support request, suggestion or comment that I have had regarding this software.


IP Cam support will eventually come to the Andriod Mobilinc and I will welcome it when it does. Until then, there are plenty of IP cam apps in the PLay store.



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This allows me to operate the garage doors and lights while viewing my garage cam or the living or basement lights while viewing either of those cams.


I must admit, that would be nice. I don't have the iOS version (I don't think, but I loose track).


On Android, I can have widgets that sit right on the main screen and operate those without even launching the app.


Yes, another difference between android and iOS.

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Xanthros, have you tried grouping the widgets like google lets you do with apps? I haven't played with that yet, don't know if it would work.


The wife said she wants a camera or two, but I want 1080P and not $500 to buy it. Need some resolution so I don't look like a convenience store camera that you can tell it was a perp, but nothing else!

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No I haven't. Didn't know that was possible. I'll have to look into it. Thanks.



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