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How to get thermostat to notify me of temperature drop?


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I have "if status of thermostat < 60 degrees" then "send notification to my email". Problem is, it doesn't work. Do I need to get the ISY to make a query first? On a regular schedule?




Hi starmanj,


All status changes from the thermostat should immediately appear in the Admin Console. I suspect that your thermostat is not sending any change of state events back to the PLM. This could be attributed to 3 things:

1. You have too many links in the PLM. To verify, go to Tools | Diagnostics | Show PLM Links Table ... Start, wait for it to complete, and then click the Count button

2. Your thermostat is not registered in ISY properly. To validate, remove the thermostat, makes sure it's in the off position and then add it back using Start Linking method

3. The thermostat is defective. If neither of the above - and barring communication issues - you should get the thermostat replaced


With kind regards,





Thanks for the tips. I did the link count-- it's 532. I don't think I have 532 linkable objects in the house, but it's possible-- every light switch, EZIO relays, etc. Don't I get 1000 links in a PLM?


The program worked at 3am when the ISY does its standard nightly "Query All". So I must do a query for it to work.




Yep deleting and re-adding fixed it. Now updates in real time. Question-- how often is status checked by the ISY? I get notified about every minute, is this the default polling rate?



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