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External state


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I'd like the state of the security system be available to ISY programs.

For this I have a Java program that gets informed about zone changes. These changes in turn control insteon lights using the ISY Java API.


Doing this, however, puts the logic (e.g. which security zone controls which light) into the java code. I'd rather use ISY programs for this.


--> I need a means to make this state available in the ISY.


How can I accomplish this?




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Thanks so very much for the info and quite impressed by your use of JSDK and ISY.


This requirement is already on our list of todos with Medium priority so you should see it either in our final 2.7 (within a month) or in 2.8 (within 3 months).


Thanks again and with kind regards,



I'd like the state of the security system be available to ISY programs.

For this I have a Java program that gets informed about zone changes. These changes in turn control insteon lights using the ISY Java API.


Doing this, however, puts the logic (e.g. which security zone controls which light) into the java code. I'd rather use ISY programs for this.


--> I need a means to make this state available in the ISY.


How can I accomplish this?




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  • 2 months later...

Hi Bernhard,


You'll find the instructions to download/install 2.6.4 here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewforum.php?f=25


You will be notified with 2.7/8 are officially released.


If you have enabled Internet Access using File->Enable Internet Access, then simply choose File->Disable Internet Access. Otherwise, you will have to close the ports you have already opened in your router.


With kind regards,


How do I get version 2.7 or 2.8?

Also, what's the "password" for 2.6.4?

And how do I "disable internet access"?



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Userid/password are in the instructions in the same link.


Reason for userid/password: this is a beta release. For official releases, you do not need userid/pwd.


Thanks and with kind regards,



what are the user name and password it asks for?

(Why does it even ask? I have an ISY-99, without this would be useless, not?).




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  • 5 months later...

How can I get external status (security system zones) into the ISY? I was trying to do this with Java a few month ago but the right version was (is?) not available. Now I see a new technology, WDSL, can this do the trick?


What I need is status plus event.




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Hi Bernhard,


We are working on it ... it will be available hopefully early next year.


With kind regards,



How can I get external status (security system zones) into the ISY? I was trying to do this with Java a few month ago but the right version was (is?) not available. Now I see a new technology, WDSL, can this do the trick?


What I need is status plus event.




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