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how do I find address of a module with out a label?


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Initiate Start Linking, then press the ApplianceLinc Set button for 3-5 seconds. That will add the ApplianceLinc to the ISY by its Insteon Address.


If that does not work manually Set button link the ApplianceLinc as a Responder to a SwitchLinc (or similar device) as a Controller. Then do a Show Device Links Table for the SwitchLinc. The last active link record will normally contain the ApplianceLinc address. This must be followed by a Restore Device for the SwitchLinc to get rid of the Set button link.


I am not familiar with the 2002SHL3 designation. Are you certain this is an Insteon device? Could it be an X10 device.

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2002SHL3 is an original X10 ONLY ApplianceLinc. Is a one way type. No power line transmitter in it to respond to things like a Status Request.

It is not an Insteon Module.

Your ISY controller can send X10 commands. So you maybe able to at least send it On Off and Dim commands.

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