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Everything posted by palayman

  1. I've been thinking about the best way to create some instructions for visitors and guests to my home to become acquainted with use of the basic voice control of my home. I have Home Hubs in every room and have been playing around with the idea of creating short instructional videos covering both the guest rooms they may be using and the major public spaces. Through some careful naming of videos on youtube I can get a Google Home routine that responds to a specific voice command to display a list of my personal account videos that cover use of the automation in the rooms I described. So far they are place holder videos but the plan is to both record the home hub screen and the resulting actions in a very condensed video for each. I may also create routines that cycle through the automation actions as an additional demo. Before I spend time doing this I wanted to see what others may be doing to address this issue. Paul
  2. I see they show up in the event viewer, not the log file.
  3. How do you check them? I am setting a state variable in a program and don't see it in the log. Is there a log setting that I am missing?
  4. Anyone have an ISY above the Arctic Circle? Sunrise (next day) could be interesting on certain dates.?
  5. I would hope that it follows some standard like ISO where 0:00 is the start of the day and 23:59 is the end. This should mean that 12:00 to 23:59 should be almost the same (one second short) as 12:00 to 0:00 (next day). This means 12:00 to 0:00 (same day) should never be true.
  6. Shouldn't be an "ism". Should have behaved as oberkc described in detail. Order of operations should have "AND" take precedence over "OR" without exception.
  7. Glad the parens worked. The behavior you originally described is still disturbing.
  8. If I run the "Then" clause to the following program should all the changes to the state variable "sTemp" show up in the log? Test - [ID 0020][Parent 0001] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then $sTemp = 1 $sTemp += 1 $sTemp += 1 $sTemp += 1 $sTemp += 1 $sTemp += 1 $sTemp += 1 $sTemp += 1 $sTemp += 1 $sTemp += 1 $sTemp += 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  9. Guessing here - maybe you need some parens around the "or" clause.
  10. FYI I am currently using a ZOOZ Zen15 Z-Wave+ to monitor power on my sump pumps. I am having problems. Somewhere along the communication chain my program is getting erroneous data. I check it every 5 minutes. Once the log indicated that more 100GWh have been used in those 5 minutes only to return to the previous value on the next update. This is happening on 2 devices. I can no find no reports of this type of problem on ZOOZ site or on the public internet. I have reported to UDI and provided logs at Michel's request but have yet to get a response.
  11. Sorry, there are no Insteon devices that monitor power. There are Z-Wave plug options.
  12. I was actually going to suggest it when you first posted your issue. Sorry, but I didn't want anyone to think I thought Alexa wasn't culturally sensitive.
  13. This is long shot. Try changing the spelling of Theatre to the US spelling Theater. One of my systems is in Canada and I use US spellings exclusively. Paul
  14. Have fun!!!
  15. Unlike Larry, I like the way GH groups devices. I fully populate room info except for a few devices which logically are not in a room. It saves me doing a lot of Insteon programming and lets me ask for example "Turn off all the Outside Lights". I don't mind the staggered effect when the go off. If it bothers you then you must create the Scenes Larry talks about. I also find that visitors/guests adapt more quickly to this room concept that having to learn a bunch of device names. YMMV
  16. I'm also very happy with MyQ and Polyglot Node Server.
  17. Larry is talking about Google Home. You are using Alexa. Their implementations and behaviors are different.
  18. There is a "The Source" commercial that plays at my Cottage in Northern, Southern Ontario, that constantly triggers my Google Home to play some Party Music. I actually reported it to "The Source" and they sent me a 50% off any web purchase coupon.
  19. Well this is one place where using the ISY portal has the Mobilinc implementation beat. In the portal you can choose the Category and make sure lights are all in the right one. Using Mobilinc you can't and any light connected to a non-dimming switch (2477s) is assigned to a switch. Any lights I have connected to them I make a point of having the word "Light" in the spoken. I have mentioned this to Wes and maybe one day we'll see an update.
  20. I'd prefer that Google said a lot less. The light coming on is confirmation enough for me or at most "OK". My biggest peeve is that I have to say many words "Help Me Google" or "Hey Google" . I wish google would let me choose a single word like "Computer".
  21. I find it better to leave rooms out of the names and make use of the room assignment. You can still turn on the Kitchen(room) Pots(device) from any room by saying turn on "Turn on Kitchen Pots" but when you're in the Kitchen you can just say "Turn on the Pots". I find this works best in bedrooms so you can just ask for the ceiling light to be turned on and only the one in the room you're in turn on without needing to know it's name.
  22. Not sure about Alexa, but using google home I try not to give devices the same name as the room they are in. It causes confusion. Perhaps Room-Theater, Spoken-Light Room-Basement, Spoke-Dim Room-Andrews Office, Spoken-Light etc.
  23. If all the fixtures are wired together you can you put the inline module in the first box fed from the switch.
  24. Like asbril I prefer Google home over Alexa. I have a few Google Home Hubs and really like them. Similar devices from amazon seem to be more expensive. Google Home is also integrated into my Sony TV and I have Android auto in my Car. Nice to ask the car to turn up the heat at the cottage on the way there. Paul
  25. Sorry to hear this. I was thinking about moving back to ISY Portal from Mobilinc connect. Wanted to be able to define icons and store room info. However, my Google Home has been more or less rock solid since before Christmas except for a couple of short network outages that last only a few minutes. Need to rethink this move. I have found google support to be very good. Find it easy to get chat support and if the problem persists they will call you. Spent several hours on phone to support in Malaysia in the fall sorting out an issue with google home hub. They even seemed to fix a software issue that I reported overnight.
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