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Everything posted by Ross
@bpwwer Hi Bob, I am on v3.1.4. I thought all I had to do was to Restart the plugin and it would automatically upgrade to 3.1.8. However, it appears I'm still on 3.1.4. Do I need to re-install it? @Andy P Thank you for bringing up this topic. I've noticed for awhile that this was always zero. I just figured that's the way it was. I'm happy to have better-minded folks in this forum who think of things that I don't! Ross
@n4bos Glad you're up and running again. I am interested in the leak detection report programming/Resource. Would you mind leaving some breadcrumbs here as to what you've done? Thank you, Ross
Kasa NS also showing disconnected for me.
Best ISY supported "smart" water main shutoff valve?
Ross replied to Merlin's topic in New user? Having trouble? Start here
The Yolink devices have worked really well for me (I only have wired and wireless temperature sensors so far). I had nothing but trouble with the CAO Wireless tags. They would stop reporting and I'd have to go and remove/install the battery to get them working again. -
@johnnyt I have had DST issues in the past, but I didn't this month. Maybe it's only the "Spring Forward" time that I have issues. However, I do occasionally have an issue where my Polisy and ISY stop talking to each other if I have a power outage. I bought 2 Kasa plugs and plugged the ISY and Polisy into each. Kasa has a simple app to turn the plugs off/on. I was recently in Japan and received an alert that my house had a momentary power outage. And afterwards, my Polisy wasn't talking to my ISY (I could tell that the weather info wasn't being updated). I simply opened the Kasa app, turned the Polisy off, waited 1 minute, turned it on - and all was well again. Just a note that I first turned the ISY off/on, but that didn't change the situation. So, maybe the Kasa plug only needs to be used on the Polisy. I believe there is a Kasa node server - so what I did above might be able to be automated through an ISY program. However, I like the app just in case the ISY needs a hard reboot as well. Ross
@pz1122 I prefer text messages to other methods of receiving info from the ISY; however, about every 4-6 months, things go wonky. The carrier (mine is Verizon) throttles the messages and either none come through or they're delayed. Things go back to normal within days or up to 3 weeks. When this happens, I change a variable and then the ISY also emails me the message. When the texts start working again, I change the variable back and I only receive texts. I wish notifications in UD Mobile acted the same way as text messaging - it's close, but you still have to do an extra click or two to clear the message. Ross
I would ordinarily use an I/O Linc for a momentary relay; however, I don't have electricity nearby. I also have searched the forums and have seen some ideas. With the pace of technology, I just want to know if anything new has come along in the past year or so. Therefore, I would like to ask if there is a relay I can use with the following conditions: Momentary relay just like how the I/O Linc provides- I need 2 relays (both for a momentary on) Not cloud-based Wifi, Z-Wave or other Controllable via Insteon Node server is fine A Network Resource is fine if someone would help me configure it! Somehow can be powered by a 12V 7A battery (which is recharged via a solar panel). Thank you, Ross
@bpwwer If available for the DavisWeather node server, I would enjoy having rain_storm. Although, I don't know what the 709 represents, I'm sure I could figure it out after a storm. I also don't know how that differs from rain_storm_last. No hurry - it's not going to storm in San Diego until October
@larryllix Larry, I should have given credit where it was due. I "sampled" your program to create mine. I tucked it away a few years ago and finally found a way to use it in my house. So, thank you! @EW1 Thanks for your suggestion. I'm an Android guy myself and I don't know the Apple stuff. And, I have issues with the Android tablets that seem to always need updating and whatnot. Pressing 4 buttons isn't that bad and it seems like "magic" to guests. Of course, so is Alexa - but I haven't gravitated to the spoken word yet. Ross
@MrBill I saw the I3 which gave me this idea. However, I didn't think about capping the load wire as I know next to nothing about electricity. I'll get one and start tinkering. It doesn't have to look living-room-beautiful. I could put a pointer on the dial and create a thermometer-type display behind it. I was also thinking about an Arduino - I'm just not up to speed on how to set the variable from one. By the way, the pic is what I'm using now to change the variable based on pressing 4 buttons (I use the clear buttons). I just have to make sure my 4-letter codes for each playlist are all different. Thanks, Ross
I would like to turn a dial, then press a keypad button which would cause a variable to change based on where the dial is pointing (e.g., 1-100). My use case is: I have 100 (and growing) Sonos playlists. Currently, I can set a State Variable which runs a program to load/play that particular playlist. I have rigged a couple of keypads to have lettering similar to a phone. If I keypress S-U-R-F, the Beach Boys play. Keypressing J-A-Z-Z changes the variable accordingly. It works fine, but I have other ideas. So, I was thinking of some kind of dial. I'd appreciate your thoughts. Ross
My ST-Sonos NS fails about once a week or even longer now (it failed either today or yesterday), but it's not every 3 days when I started this topic. @bpwwer In your 2nd March 31 post above, you mention that you'll be monitoring the situation. I assume you haven't seen anything since then? If not, would you kindly prompt whomever it was you were engaging to get a status update? Thank you! Ross
@macjeff 1) I found an Excel formula for Easter online (assumes the Year is in A1): =FLOOR("5/"&DAY(MINUTE(A1/38)/2+56)&"/"&A2,7)-34 I can't vouch for it, but I've checked several dates and they appear correct. Now, you "just" need to put it into ISY math. 2 There is a HolidaysGoogle node server. I don't use it, but Easter might be included. 3) The Timedata node server has a "Days since Unix Epoch" number. You could brute force enter 25 variables with the next 25 Easter days and run a formula at 12:00:01am checking to see if this DsUE= one of those 25 variables. This will keep you going until the year 2048. The EISY might be a museum piece by then. Good luck, Ross
@TriLife In case Bob's response is that the NS's are providing all that there is to provide, you can write programs to determine when a storm begins depending on your definition of a storm (mine is .02 to eliminate dew days) and when it ends (mine is 24 hours after the last rain). Hourly and daily accumulations can also be determined with programs and variables. I'm not sure how one would record "current rain rate" as it changes minute by minute when it's raining.
And just to clarify, my ISY disables all of my programs each night and then enables the "appropriate" programs based on past and forecast weather conditions each day. My dedicated Google Sheet then displays which sprinkler regimen is active. I'm happy to share programs if anyone is interested.
I second brians' recommendation of OpenSprinkler. However, I don't have the ISY turn on/off the sprinklers. On is fine, but I'm always concerned that an Off might not get registered. So, I created several programs in OpenSprinkler and then my ISY programs tell OpenSprinkler to run the appropriate program based on recent/forecast rain and temperatures. Maybe misplaced, but I trust OpenSprinkler to turn off the sprinklers when the program is done. Ross
@photogeek54 The node server runs well and is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you! I aspire to be able to do what you did; however, I'm afraid I don't even know where to start. I need a Node Servers for Dummies book. Everything I've seen online quickly goes into Beautiful Mind territory for me. I notice there's a few things in the NS that are blank for me because I don't have the inputs. Just curious what SolarEdge product would allow me to see, for example, Consumption? I assume this NS is ready for the production store. Thanks again and thank you to @bpwwer for assisting us here. Ross
@photogeek54 @bpwwer Thank you both. It's now connected. I see 5 nodes: my name, Energy Last 15min, Energy Today, Inverter 1 and Production Overview. I'll keep an eye on it for a few days and report back to you. Many thanks, Ross
@photogeek54 Just to clarify and sorry if I use the wrong lingo: My PG3 resides on my Polisy and my ISY resides on my ISY994. I've never used the ISY on my Polisy (IoP). When I deleted the NS and reinstalled it, I did it on the PG3 on my Polisy just as I did before. I believe (but I certainly could be wrong) what @bpwwer was saying is that the NS was trying to contact the ISY on my Polisy (since it was having an issue with which is IoP). I don't think it should care what is going on with that ISY since I loaded it for the ISY on the ISY994 ( As far as I know, I don't have any problems with my Polisy as all of my other NS's are working. And I don't believe I have the necessary skills to fix a Polisy programming problem in any case. Let's see what Bob says after he reads the posts after his. I appreciate your help, Ross
@photogeek54 @bpwwer I deleted the NS and reinstalled it in slot 9 (for the ISY on my ISY994 which resides in my "cave" - not on the ISY on my Polisy). Please see attached which shows that I downloaded it to my ISY994. All my other NS's are connected. I also attached another PG3 log. I did all of this soon after 19:55 on 4/28. Perhaps this is an Eisy v. Polisy thing? The Eisy has the same IP address as PG3 (I assume) whereas I have 2 different IP addresses: ISY994 is on and the Polisy/PG3 is on Perhaps the old version I have is affecting it? My Polisy is on 3.1.13. I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not. I ran into trouble updating it a while back and haven't had the time to focus on it. My ISY is 5.3.4. I'm happy to keep plugging away at this if you are. Thank you, Ross pg3_4-28-2023_75940-PM.zip
@bpwwer is my Polisy. I see ISY/IoX on there (when I launch), but I don't use it. I use my ISY at I'll reload the NS this evening (Pacific time). I have 10 other NS's and I haven't had an issue like this with them. Maybe I selected the wrong IoX. But, the NS showed up next to all of the others - just disconnected. Thanks for your assistance, Ross
@photogeek54 and @bpwwer Per your request, I deleted the other SolarEdge NS. And, as you surmised, it didn't fix the Disconnected Status for the solaredge_poly NS. I have an ISY994 and a Polisy. From what I've gleaned in these forums, NS's should work the same on Polisy and Eisy. I'm attaching another Log (from the PG3 menu) after deleting the other SE NS and restarting/stop/starting your NS. pg3_4-28-2023_70104-AM.zip
I prefer receiving texts rather than using Pushover and UD Mobile; however, it's just my personal preference. Geddy and MrBill are absolutely right when they say texts are unreliable. When they work, they work great for several weeks to a few months. But then they randomly shut down for about 2 weeks or so. For me, Verizon was not working at the end of March and beginning of April, but it's worked fine since then. When I notice the texts not working, I change a variable so that the notifications go to UD Mobile (and texts). When the texts start working again, I change the variable back. My notifications are not critical - just informational. If you do have critical ones, MrBill's suggestions appear to be tried and true. Ross