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Everything posted by Ross

  1. @MrBillI don't have IoP. I have a Polisy and a separate ISY. I just got a new SSD for my Polisy when it conked out about 3 months ago. I'm surprised that my version (3.0.63) is so out-of-date that I need special help to get it updated, but I'll open a ticket. I'm not sure if 3.0.63 is the Polisy version or the PG3 version - I'm not sure of the difference between the two. I saw a thread recently about updating v. not-updating-as-long-as-it-works. I've been in the latter camp but I am starting to see the folly of my ways. Thank you.
  2. @Geddy Tried to login at the link you provided, but when I click on "Login with ISY Portal", it goes to a page that just says "client_id is not valid" in the upper left.
  3. @GeddyHow can I tell what my Polisy OS version is? Also, I have already purchased "a brand new and updated SSD" when my Polisy conked out a few months ago. It worked perfectly when I put the new SSD in. I'll open a ticket. Thanks.
  4. Bob, my PG3 version is 3.0.63. My Admin Console is 5.3.4. I looked at your instructions (just above) for upgrading to 3.1.13 and it says "In the Admin Console, click on Configuration, Upgrade Packages". However, when I click on Configuration in the Admin Console, my choices are System, Emails/Notifications/IR, Electricity, Networking and Portals. I feel dumb as I know it's somewhere right in front of me, but I just don't see it. I am not running IOP - I have a Polisy with an ISY. Maybe that's the difference? Thanks, Ross
  5. @Panda88 It stopped working sometime last night (I believe). Attached is the log. Thank you! YoLink_9-11-2022_70215_AM.zip
  6. @Panda88 I don't have the log from the night of 9/7-9/8. I'll make sure to save a log if it happens again.
  7. @Panda88 Regarding "It seems it came back online at the end of the log file", I restarted it (resulting in it working again) and then I created the log file after that. So, that's what you're seeing. It also stopped working last night. In looking at last night's log, the time was 12:09. I don't think it can self-recover, but it does work when I restart it. I'm happy to assist in any way possible. I just need instructions. I'm hopeful this can replace my balky wireless tags. - Ross
  8. @Panda88 Just a note that at some point today, the Yolink NS stopped talking to the ISY. I restarted the NS in Polisy and the ISY is now being updated with current info. I believe somewhere in these 7 pages others may have had a similar issue, but I thought it was figured out. I'm attaching the log in case you want to investigate. I'm certainly not above unintentionally causing the issue either! Please let me know if it's something I did. - Ross YoLink_9-7-2022_90721_PM.zip
  9. @Panda88I revoked, recredentialed and restarted and it now works with Fahrenheit. I recredentialed yesterday and it didn't work for the rest of the day; however, it worked when I logged into Polisy this morning. Thank you for your help and I'll keep you posted on any other issues. - Ross
  10. @Panda88 The log file from my Polisy is attached. I hope that's what you wanted. Now that I'm looking more closely, the Admin Control Panel is not being updated by Yolink. If I stop Yolink in Polisy, it still says that the Yolink Setup is "Up" in the AC. And, the temps are not changing. I have restarted Yolink and restarted the AC a few times. I have not rebooted Polisy nor ISY - I wasn't sure if that's what you meant when you said "restart the ISY session". Sorry for being so literal but I know just enough to be quite dangerous... Thank you for your help and I'm looking forward to paying for this NS when it gets to Production. - Ross YoLink_9-5-2022_111957_AM.zip
  11. I installed the YoLink NS today. It works great except the temps are in Celsius. I changed TEMP_UNIT to F and restarted the NS. I also restarted AC. Yet, the temps are still in Celsius. Do I need to reboot either Polisy or the ISY? I'm running 0.5.1 (Beta) Thank you, Ross
  12. @MrBill I've seen your past messages on the subject and I understand and appreciate them. It's hard for me to wean myself from texts. Just when I'm to the point of frustration, they seem to work instantaneously again for a few weeks. But, I now understand that the only way for ISY to get to texts is through email and that is an unreliable method. I have a few phone numbers and a couple of Google phone numbers. I was hoping there was a node server that could somehow go from phone to phone. I was just waving a magic wand. Thanks.
  13. @larryllix I have that in place; however, I'm experiencing multi-hour delays like many others have. Sometimes it's instantaneous; so, I ride it out until the delays set in somewhat randomly.
  14. @Geddy Thank you. I don't really care how it's done (email, ns, etc.), as long as I can receive the notification via a text. I'll check out the Notification NS and see if it does the trick.
  15. @MrBillIf possible, I (and my wife) would still like to receive notifications via text. It's sort of a one-stop shop for all incoming info. Does the Notification NS do this? Is there a best practice or is it just impractical? I have a Verizon phone. Thank you.
  16. Closing out this thread regarding losing my Polisy due to a power outage. The ISY upgrade from 5.0.16B to 5.3.4 went fine as did swapping the cards in Polisy and locating PG3. Even bought my first node servers from @bpwwer and they're working great. I didn't realize that I now have 2 ISY's: one on my Polisy (I suppose this is IOP) and my "regular" one. I'm sticking with my old one for now unless I can be convinced otherwise. Thank you @Geddy @MrBill @Michel Kohanim!
  17. Long (much needed) vacation. I'm going to start working on the "project" I outlined in my previous post just above. I'll read the 5-7 pages of the forum discussing upgrading the ISY to 5.3.4. But if anyone has any egregious watchouts, I would appreciate knowing about them. Thank you!
  18. Just an update on my issue. I guess my Polisy died so one of Michel's recommendations was to order this: https://www.universal-devices.com/product/polisy-ssd-mpcie/ and swap out my old one with the new one. Therefore, this is what I plan to do and I apologize if I may need some assistance along the way: I'll need to delete my node servers from the ISY. It seems I've had issues in the past doing this in the ISY (as opposed to doing it in Polisy), but it's anecdotal and I don't have examples. Upgrade my ISY from 5.0.16B to 5.3.4. I'll research to see if there are any watchouts. Swap the Polisy cards Upgrade Polisy to the latest version (if need be). Figure out where PG3 resides (I still don't know. PGC and PG2 were just a click away) and download my desired node servers. Attach my programs to the new node servers.
  19. @Geddy@MrBill I have no z-wave devices. I haven't done any upgrades because things were working so smoothly! I'm always afraid of screwing something up. I tried logging into Polisy from another computer, but I got the same result - a login screen that doesn't change when I click the login button. I also tried admin/admin - same thing. I have a sneaking suspicion I have an un-updated Polisy. I'll open a ticket in the next couple of days. Thanks again, Ross
  20. @Geddy Thanks for your continued help. I use Chrome, cleared the cache and also did the hard reloads. I also used MS Edge. Same result. I'm not on PG3 yet. I didn't know one could be without IoP, but now I know. These are my choices when I start the ISY finder: I haven't opened a ticket yet until I've exhausted the crowdsourcing. I don't have any critical node servers; however, I do miss them! Ross
  21. @Geddy Thank you for your response. Before I open a ticket, I'll reply. After unplugging/plugging: Steady left light only then the left flashes and the middle and right also come on flashing (in progression) with 3 low pitch beeps then the right goes off and the middle goes off with 3 higher pitch beeps followed quickly by 1 higher pitch beep then the right goes off leaving the left and middle flashing Finally, 1 more high pitched beep and only a steady left remains. When I log into the router, it does see the Polisy at the location I reserved. I am not on IoP (yet). I'm using the ISY 994i with Polisy. I am getting the normal Polisy login screen (mostly black screen with the 2 long white bars for the username and password. Thank you, Ross
  22. We had a power outage and now I can't login to Polisy. I get the login screen, but it does nothing when I click the login button. The lights on the back of the Polisy are flashing-green and steady-yellow (left-right). Also, the node servers aren't populating the ISY with info. My search of the topic found that one needed to open a ticket. Is that still the case? I don't know how to "ssh" and I'm probably not using that term correctly, but hopefully you get what I mean. I don't want to start resetting or clicking buttons until I know it's safe to do so. I won't be able to work on this until Sunday, but I thought I'd put it out there now so I can hopefully solve it then. Thank you, Ross
  23. @WHaas If you wanted to press buttons, you could get a mini-remote (or two). Pressing buttons on it can change state variables to control Sonos. They hold a charge for a long time. I have one on my desk to control Sonos: Play, Pause, Vol up, Vol down, previous song, next song. You could have another one for your favorite playlists.
  24. @stillwater @Athlon @MrBill Here is my Excel file. You need decent scissors (and eyesight) - you'll get it right on your 6th attempt. Don't laugh at my designs, please! Athlon - since it's behind the acrylic button pane, the type of paper may not matter much. The acrylic gives it a nice pop. The thickness was more important for me to control the amount of LED light that bleeds through. Regular copy paper is too thin and the light washed out the design. I had some 32 weight paper in my drawer and that's as far as I got as it looked fine to me. Finally, when you pop off a normal button, you can see - behind where it was - there's a clear acrylic pane on the keypad. Make sure that stays on there (they can fall out) as that is what keeps the paper snug between it and the clear button. Ross Keypad Buttons - UDI.xlsx
  25. I print them on white, 98 brightness, 32 pound paper. A normal printer can handle it and it's thick enough to see what's printed on them even when the LED behind it is on. I've only played with regular copy paper (not thick enough) and this. I use MS Paint to color in the backgrounds - a sometime tedious process. Cutting just inside the lines and a trim or two makes a good fit inside the button. I print more than one because my eyesight isn't all that great and I don't get the cut right sometimes. Just drop it in the button and put it on the keypad - it stays in place. Nothing sticky necessary. The spa button doesn't turn the spa on (but it could, I guess). It just lights up when the spa > 95 degrees. I don't like stepping into a spa not realizing the heater didn't work. By the way, Excel columns need to be 44 pixels (and 2 cells merged together) for the 2 wide buttons on a 6-button keypad. I'm afraid we're about to get in trouble for hijacking this topic...
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