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Everything posted by apostolakisl

  1. Indeed I should have included this change. Yes, that to, I edited my above post.
  2. Solve this by splitting the program in 2. And of course keep the change that runs the "if path" not the "else path" as indicated. If From Sunset To Sunrise !!!!! NEXT DAY !!!!!! And Control "Main hallway Keypad C" is switched on Then Run program 2 'then path' Else -No actions- If no action Then Set Scene "Garbage Night" On Wait 8 mins Run program "Landscape Lights" (If Path) << Else no action In program 2, if you wanted to purposefully interupt it (allow the lights to stay on), you can always add something to the "if" clause that would evaluate false. Alternatively, you could put the stuff in the "else" section and put something in the "if" section that evaluates to true.
  3. Thanks, I kind of thought that was the case. So, you would have to write the programs as I listed, otherwise, for example, if the 5 minute button were already running, and you pushed the 10 minute button, the 5 would keep going and shut off the fan prematurely.
  4. I use a regular switch to control the fan rather than a kpl. It is a lot cheaper and doesn't confuse anyone. Tap on once it stays on for 5 min. This is what happens if someone uses it who has no idea about anything. Tap on twice (fast on), it stays on for 10 min. You could expand on that if you wanted more options. Fan off, click off, turn on for x minutes fan off, double click off, turn on for y min. Fan on, click on, stay on for z minutes. And so forth. As far as using kpl buttons. If kpl button b status is on Then turn on kpl load turn off kpl button a turn off kpl button c turn off kpl button d wait 5 minutes turn off kpl load turn off kpl button b If kpl load is turned off Then turn off button a turn off button b turn off button c turn off button d You could write 4 programs for each of the 4 buttons just like this. What will happen, if you push the load button only, it will just work like normal. It will stay on until you turn it off. If you pressed any of the 4 other buttons, it would turn the fan on (or leave it on if it were already on), turn off the other kpl buttons and abort their programs if already running. And after the specified wait, it turns the fan off. Potentially you could use the "radio buttons" mode which automatically turns off the other kpl buttons when you push one of the others, but I am not sure if that would also send an Insteon "off" mesage to the ISY so as to abort the other program if already running.
  5. That is accurate. But it would only apply sparingly to me since I pretty much do every single update as it comes out and most of those updates don't make changes to the admin console. This is why I can be running 3.1.15 console and 3.1.16 firmware and not have any issues. But if I were someone who upgraded once per year, yes, things would be significantly off. In my experience however, the ISY is the only device I have ever used where the admin console is capable of being out of whack with the hardware. I think the most conclusive way to deal with this would be to have the admin console code on the ISY itself and when you log onto the ISY it downloads it to your computer. In this way you could never be running the wrong Java ware.
  6. By "terminal" do you mean that console fails to function completely or is so riddled with errors that it is nearly unusuable? Personally, I have not found that to be the case. Of course, I am usually only accidentally running a console that is only a small revision different than the current. But I have discovered on a number of occasions that I forgot to upgrade my Java control panel on a secondary computer and had successfully used it extensively (only by chance discovering the wrong version).
  7. While this may not be the best solution, perhaps it is a simple one that can be implemented with little or no issues. Can the "insteon finder" that pops up first before the admin console put the version in its title? Similarly, can the ISY show the version number accross its title? Or maybe at the login box? From my perspective, I have a number of computers I use to access the AC. After a firmware upgrade I always load the new admin console on that machine, but it would not be unusual for me to forget to do it when I run it at a different computer.
  8. Every once in a while when I load the admin console it doesn't connect properly to ISY. Logging off then back on fixes it. I have never had to reboot the ISY to fix anything, except one time after a firmware update.
  9. Things to test 1) Do a "show device links table" under the tools/diagnostic menu for the devices you replaced. Hi the "compare" button once it completes and see if it is the same as the ISY links table. If they are different, restore the device. 2) Did you check the actual programs? Are the programs truly running scenes or are the running devices directly? If it is devices directly, I have seen where ISY failed to properly replace devices in programs after a doing a "replace with" function and it then shows "not specified" (or something like that) where the device is supposed to be. In that case, you have to put the correct device in there.
  10. Connecting from offsite is not hard. 1) Assuming you don't have a static IP address for your location, set up a dynamic dns so you don't have to keep figuring out your IP address. Try this one for free. http://www.no-ip.com/ (note: is dyn.com not doing free service anymore. I can't find on their webpage where to sign up for it. My current account still works however) 2) Port forward your router's 443 to whatever IP your ISY is on. 3) Type this into your computer http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.1.16/admin.jnlp (substitue 3.1.16 for whatever firmware version you are running) 4) When it says "not found" click "add" and type in https://yourdyndnsname.biz (or .whatever it is) 5) Then double click on it.
  11. Yes, but only to the extent that those programs run as a result of the home being occupied.
  12. I think what he was trying to say is does the following exist" IF Status of "any linked switch" changes Then do something. Sadly, No. You would need to have a gigantic if clause including every switch.
  13. As Lee said, don't do anything prior to a "replace with". Don't change programs, don't change scenes, don't change anything. .. except, you need to remove the device from a folder if it is in one and just have it under the main "my lighting" area. After a "replace with" command has completed, it should automatically close the admin console. If it didn't you would need to manually close it and re-open it. If it looks like it has "hung", you should close and re-open your admin console. After a "replace with" has completed, I do check all the programs to make sure they went through correctly. Scenes on the other hand shouldn't need to be checked.
  14. I leave several of mine unplugged. I also repurpose some of them. I have a "holiday" program which sets a variable to 1 during holiday season. The programs that turn those lamplincs on/off won't run unless that variable is 1. It starts at Thanksgiving. The first program below defines Thansksgiving. It requires you install the entire block of programs I wrote for keeping track of days/months/years and so forth. It is in the wiki. Thanksgiving If ( $iDay.of.Week is 3 Or $iDay.of.Week is 4 Or $iDay.of.Week is 5 ) And $iWeek.of.Month is 4 And $iMonth is 11 Then $iHoliday = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This turns the variable on (to 1) If Program 'Thanksgiving' is True Then $iChristmas_Lights = 1 $iChristmas_Lights Init To 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This turns the holidays off (variable back to 0) If $iDay.of.Year is 7 Then $iChristmas_Lights = 0 $iChristmas_Lights Init To 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  15. That is not true! Legionella will not grow in a tank that is too hot no matter how long it sits, the same is true for too cold. You should keep the tank at a minimum of 130 to prevent legionella growth but 140 is recommended. I do not know what the "too cool" temp is for legionella but turning the tank off would probably get you there in most climates, especially if you heated it back up before use to a "kill" temp. But you would not want to leave your tank say at 120, this would be prime growth opportunity. Flushing of the tank (either by regular use or purposeful flushing) is neither possible nor recommended for controlling Legionella. The bacteria grow on the walls and on deposits (calcium) in the tank. You could not flush your tank fast enough to "wash it out". If it is growing in there, you would only be able to remove it by getting the tank sufficiently hot for a sufficient amount of time to kill it. Legionella would enter your system from the water supply. It is rare, but it is possible and many people have died. You don't save hardly any money turning your tank down into the danger range, and your risk a very expensive or even deadly infection.
  16. I have a bunch of those programs. For example: If Status 'Alexis Room / Alexis Bed-Closet L' is not Off Then Wait 4 minutes Set 'Alexis Room / Alexis Bed-Closet L' 45 (Beep Duration) Wait 1 minute Set 'Alexis Room / Alexis Bed-Closet L' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I upgdraded to .16 yesterday, and all of these programs have been running just as usual.
  17. I agree. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it weren't the issue with ACK's. It looks very much like the programs I had that would run incorrectly (too often). . . at least prior to 3.1.16 installation yesterday.
  18. The cleanest way to fix this is to use a resistor soldered in between the hot and neutral in the wire to the LED lights. Or to use an Insteon product that doesn't have the sense function. The resistance needed is quite high. You could buy a few and test them out. It could be that 20,000 ohms or even higher is all you need. At full voltage (120v) that is about 3/4 watt. What size resistor will depend on the actual LED light set you have. The resistor will "drain down" the current from the sense function so that it doesn't go through the led's (or at least less of it). This current that is provided as a sensor is present regardless of whether you have the resistor or not and is just a few milliamps so standby power consumption is not changed. When the light is on, however, the resistor will still "drain down" current which results in additional power consumption above and beyond what would have been there without it. But, as I mentioned, your resistor will probably be so high that it is less than 1 watt.
  19. It would appear that 3.1.16 has fixed the problem. I have tried to get it to screw up and it has not even after many many attempts. Only time will tell for sure, but certainly I would have seen dozens of screw ups as it was before in the number of tests I did.
  20. Keep in mind that Legionella grows in water tanks that are not hot enough. It might be better to shut it off completely than let it sit at an "incubating" temp. I would take care to research this before implementing.
  21. apostolakisl

    Ramp Rate

    I'm confused here. I understood him to say that the lamplinc is the load device and that the keypad linc is the scene controller (non load button). My understanding of scenes is that the controller sends out a "scene on" command. Each responder (the lamp linc) has it's own internal instructions on what to do with that "on" command. Which would mean that the lamplinc has not accepted the proper ramp rate. by the way, what is an SWMBO?
  22. apostolakisl

    Ramp Rate

    I think LeeG was getting at this, but you probably set the wrong ramp rate. Make sure you are bringing up the scene by tapping the scene on the left hand side of the screen in the "tree". It will list all the ramp rates for each device in the scene at the bottom of the screen. Make sure the load device has the ramp rate you want. Typically I check the "apply to all" box as rarely do I want different devices in a scene to respond differently.
  23. First try at trying to screw up the "ACK" situation. I ran the "if off and switched off" program from one of my switches about 25 times without a single error. I re-enabled all of the programs that work that way so we shall see. At this point, it is really the "wife test" as she will certainly inform me when/if it screws up.
  24. Installed like clockwork. I see no problems. I did not experience anything out of the usual on the first query time nor do I have any problems with the program summary page display. Look forward to seeing if it those ACK issues stop giving me headaches.
  25. Yes, I wrote those programs. http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... _Variables And yes, I use them for situations just like this where things recur on a schedule. I have it set up so you can have things recur on virtually any date type situation from every so many days, weeks, months, years, and so on. So, if you have a recurring situation, it might be worth the effort. But a one-off situation wouldn't make sense. You can also use ISY's date function to activate/de-activate the program on certain dates just like oberkc did above, but if you don't plan on ever using it again after the end date, you probably would want to just delete it. I do use that date function above to set all the kids school vacation days at the beginning of the year. But I have to say, it is kind of a PITA putting all those lines of code in for each vacation and I may just foget about next year and simply manually enable/disable it.
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