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Everything posted by apostolakisl

  1. Very well then. I will make some folders to tidy things up a bit.
  2. No, the scenes were created using the isy initially and then later I changed them using the isy. It was my impression that when you do a restore device that it is supposed to clear all old links and then drop in the correct links. I also was under the impression that when you pull a device out of a scene using the isy that it removes those links on the spot.
  3. I went to change a scene around removing a kpl button. I added that kpl button to another scene. The problem was that then light switches in the old scene were turning on the new scene. I went through and did a restore device on each device in the scenes and still it didn't behave Finally I removed everything from the scenes and put them all back in. That worked. But my question is, why did I have to do that? Shoudn't it have worked by just removing the one thing and adding that same thing to another scene?
  4. I am wanting to use an IR remote to toggle an insteon light switch with the press of a single button. I have to believe there is a way to do this by writing one program, but have found that I can only get it to work by writing 2. If Status "kitchen light' is off and IR "IR_001' is pressed then set scene 'kitchen lihgt' on else no action This turns the light on If Status 'kithchen light' is not off and IR 'IR_001' is pressed set scene 'kitchen light' off else no action This turns it off So again, the question, is there a way to merge these two programs into one program to toggle the light on/off with the press of the IR button?
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