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Everything posted by apostolakisl

  1. I am not so sure that this is true. As you pointed out, each 'off' statement triggers an evaluation, at which point it will halt the program and start it at the beginning. This assumes that the motion sensor sends repeated off's, which I suspect it will (after the motion sensor time-out period). The only problem that I can see is if the motion sensor time-out is longer than the program wait period. Based on the original post, however, it sounds as if the motion sensor wait period is less than 5 seconds. I was making the assumption that continuous motion would keep the motion detector in a continuous state of "off". In that situation the program would run its timed course to conclusion and shut the light off. If the motion paused, the motion detector went to "on" state, then back to "off" state it would work fine. So maybe if you did a jumping jack, stood still for a few seconds, then did another jumping jack. If the motion detector continued to send "off" commands despite already being "off", I think it would work I was just reading my last post and think I may have miss-spoken on one item. I said that status changes reset a status program no matter what the change is. In fact, I believe that a status update also resets the program, even if there is no change. For example, an Insteon switch may be off already and you hit "off". That also will reset the program despite no change at all.
  2. Probably the reason that this didn't work the first time is because of the concept of triggers. In ISY, a trigger is something that causes the If section to be evaluated. When the If section is evaluated it will restart the program. "Status" is a trigger every time the status of that device changes, regardless of what the status changes is (on to off, off to on, partial on to some other partial on, etc). So, the motion detector is tripped, it becomes "off", this starts the program. But, since the motion dectector switches back to "on" when no further motion ocurrs, the program restarts when the motion stops long enough for the motion detector to switch back to "on" status. This time however, the if section is no longer true (because this change was to the "on" state) so the else section is exectued, which you had empty. Since the program was interupted prior to the delay you wrote in, it never finished the then section. If you stood in front of the motion detector and did jumping jacks, it probably would have finished and shut off even though motion was still going on, becuase there was no status change. "control" is a trigger only when the device was controlled as written. So, your program written as "control off" only gets evaluated when the motion detector changes to off. When it swtiches back on again, the program keeps running, unless it is tripped again prior to completing and this starts it over. But, now you want it to start over which effectively keeps the light on until the motion stops happening for a while. While writing the program using "control off" as you did works, it does have a flaw in that continuous motion will not keep the light on. I would suggest writing this as two programs, one that switches the light on when the motion detecotr switches to "off", and one that turns the light off several seconds after the motion detector switches to "on".
  3. The IR Blaster that comes with the unit shoots 15 feet to where it is picked up by my channel plus whole house music system which repeats it in my media closet. I made no special provisions for this and it works very nicely.
  4. You don't need to enable internet access, in fact, you don't even need an internet connection to get your sunset/sunrise. Under "configuration" tab, "system" subtab, you will see where to fill in your city. This sets the sunrise/sunset. An internet connection (or at least a home network connection) is necessary if you want to control your isy from anywhere but plugged directly into it. An internet connection is completely necessary for weatherbug. Please note, an internet connection and internet access are not the same thing. Enabling internet access automatically configures your home network to forward external requests to your ISY. This only works with certain routers so if you don't have one of those you need to do it manually. An internet connection is necessary if you want your ISY to be able to pull info from the internet (like weatherbug), or send stuff to the internet (like emails), but otherwise is optional. It will still control Insteon stuff without it.
  5. The issue of devices being written to without progress bars and the flag at the bottom saying ready is consistent. I have now seen it happen on several occasions.
  6. My upgrade went through fine. I even copied the directions to MS word so as to keep the instructions up with browser closed. The only odd thing was that after the upgrade, it indicated a device needed a write even though no changes were made to it. When I tried to activate the write nothing happened. I logged off, then back on a couple times before it would actually do the write. Then it quit doing the write (according to the progress bars), but still had the "writing" tag next to the device. Finally it went away. I am thinking that perhaps it was doing the writes in the background even though the "ready" flag was up and no progress bars existed. It is working fine now.
  7. If you could communicate with everything fine before the firware update and now you can't, I doubt resetting devices will work since you would just be writing the same thing back to the devices. But my bet is that you won't be able to write to them anyway. Will it let you reinstall the firmare? Try downloading a fresh copy and install that again.
  8. Try clearing your java cache again and logon using the http://your.ip.address/admin I did an update once and accidentally used the wrong version number in the java applet http and it opened a non-functioning console just like you describe. Once correcting that, all was fine. If this does let you logon, try redownloading the firmware and doing another install.
  9. Excel blocks my ISY logs because I have a self signed certificate (I believe that is the reason). Anyway, I can set the security to low and view the files. But I hate doing that because I know I will forget to put it back. They have a feature for "trusted publishers" in the macro security section. Does anyone know how to set that up to allow my ISY logs?
  10. You shouldn't have this extra level of dhcp addressing. You should shut off the dhcp server function on that unit. Don't use this router as a router, only a swtich. When using a router as just a switch, plug nothing into the WAN side, everything goes to the LAN ports (the wireless connections should automatically be "LAN")
  11. Michel, I tried to edit out the extra \n's in the resource editor followed by pushing "update" then "save". After closing the dialog box and then reopening it, the extra /n's are still there. I also noticed that some of the codes have a /r prepended to the line of code. This also does not get saved when I remove it. Making other changes is saved. Lou
  12. jcanter, Did you try unplugging the isy and repluggin it in?
  13. Michel, It is working now on gmail but they (the real messages) are going to junk folder. Why the "test" messages don't go to the junk folder but the actual ones do is a mystery to me. And the real messages from the default mail server still are not showing up anywhere. The test messages do go through fine to the regular mail folder. Thanks, Lou
  14. Two things: 1) I upgraded from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 and my "about" menu also continued to say 2.8.8 despite the updates being there and despite clearing the java cache. I installed a second time and it fixed it. 2) I believe this happened when I went to 2.8.7, but I lost my ability to use mobile linc pro from outside of my local network. I would get an error stating the ssl failed. I redid my self signed SSL certificate and it looks like it is fixed. I have never had to do that with any past upgrades.
  15. Michel, I was testing the program by using the "run then" command. I used the same program and changed the "to" section from an email address to a text message address. I left everything else the same. The texts come through but the emails do not. ISY is not indicating any errors. Again, when I test email from the configuration page I do get the test email. And yes, there is content in both body and subject and it does come through to the text message address. The email gets nothing, and I did check junk folder. Lou
  16. Sort of related but different problem. I can't get notifications to send me emails from programs. It sends text messages fine and I can send emails using the "test" button on the configuration page. But executing emails from programs, well, it just doesn't happen. I am using your default email server.
  17. I just noticed the \r\n change to 2.8.8. So I checked out my network resources and noticed that the \r\n does show, but it added extra "n's" Sometimes just one, sometimes several. \r\n\n\n\n or \r\n\n for example. Not sure what to make of this. I use this to send the ir commands to my global cache which seems to work fine though I haven't checked every single code. What do those stand for anyway? carriage return?
  18. Go to control panel, java, temprorary internet files, settings, delete files. This will clear the java cache and start you from scratch. Then go to http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.8/admin.jnlp This will create a new icon on your desktop which can be copied to anywhere you want.
  19. Michel, Just now I was using the ISY console and then switched over to this forum. It had only been a minute or two when the ISY console screen popped up over this screen with the password entry box showing and exclamation marks next to all devices. I had never had this happen before prior to this 2.8.8 firmware. This has happened many times since the update. Logging back in fixes it (it has the password filled in already so I just have to hit enter). Prior to re-logging in, I went to the subcriptions irl you listed and below is what returned. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - it.
  20. Michel, Yes, I see that it turns the scene on and that is wonderful and more than I had hoped for. I had just expected a message telling the user to do that rather than ISY actually doing it for you. But, my question is a little different. In the scene test that fails, some devices in the scene are set to be "off" when the scene is "on". So, turning the scene "on" turns "off" some devices and then turning the scene "off" just leaves those things "off". How, if at all, does this affect the results of the scene test. Lou
  21. My scene testing has gone quite well but for one scene that is very large. It is the only scene where I have some items set to be off. Does having items in the scene set to "off" mess with the scene test?
  22. I have a similar issue. I leave the console open all the time as well and after a few hours it has lost connection and placed excalamation marks next to all of the devices. Shutting down and reopening solves the problem. I would rather have this the old way, where it stays connected.
  23. Ditto on LeeG. The scene should have been there with just the single kpl button in it. I have several such scenes whose only function is to trigger a program when pressed.
  24. I never turn the power off. I just pull the power disconnect tab on the Insteon device to prevent arcing which can damage the switch. If that makes you nervous then don't do it. I take no responsibility for you if you do it and get shocked so do it at your own risk if you like. I have done it hundreds of times and have a standardized approach that keeps bare hot wires exposed only while I am actually uncapping/capping them. It is possible to handle hot, uninsulated wires directly if your body isn't not part of a path to ground. I rarely do this but have. You must have rubber shoes and can't be touching anything at all that is grounded. That includes the chassis for the switch. I watched an electrician once handling my hot 220 main house feeds with his bare hands. I don't do that personally. As long as your body doesn't provide a path to ground you won't get shocked. The biggest trick is when you have regular switches in the same box since they have exposed lugs on the side. Again, I have a standardized approach which moves them out of harms way, but you can also do a wrap with electric tape. I really hate turning the breaker off as it tends to mess with all kinds of stuff and furthermore my electricians didn't do the greatest job of labeling so there is that pain to contend with. Plus, when the breaker is off you need alternative light source. Also, I have had troubles getting my v35 switches replaced. How do you get them to do it?
  25. Exactly, but just to be a little more clear, even if you don't have a multi-button scene, still create a scene for the kpl button and just put the button in all by itself.
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