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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Xathros

  1. The PLM connects to the ISY not to your PC. There is an ethernet type cable that runs between Port A on the ISY and the PLM. Another ethernet cable runs from the Network port on the ISY to your router or switch. Your PC connects to the ISY via the network, not serial. All necessary software runs on the ISY with the exception of the Admin console which runs on the PC in Java and accesses the ISY via the network. The ISY will NOT work with a USB PLM. -Xathros
  2. Hi tunamangye- First, post the programs as you have them in your ISY. Right click the program name in the tree, select "Copy to Clipboard" and paste into a reply here. Second, Describe the current jumper settings in the motion detector and the settings in the options dialog for the motion sensor in the ISY. The configuration of the sensor can have a bearing on how the program should operate. Third, in the ISY admin console, select Tools / Diagnostics / Event Viewer. Set to level 3 at the bottom. Clear the viewer and then move in front of the motion sensor. Post any captured traffic and the address of the motion sensor. -Xathros
  3. You can easily work around that as follows: If $s.StateVariable = $s.StateVariable Then $i.IntegerVariable = $s.StateVariable Else Then use the integer version in whatever program that you don't want triggered by a change in the state variable's value. Without seeing your program, it's hard to offer further advise. -Xathros
  4. Hello pintu1228- You should have 2 wires connected to Com & N/O terminals and running to the opener. What happens if you short those together for a second? Does the door move? The wires on Gnd and S should be running to the magnetic door sensor. As for your programs, you only need one program to do the open/close and there should be nothing in the If section. The then should just set the relay on. Your IOLinc momentary delay is longer than necessary, set that to 1 second rather than 4. Post your results. -Xathros
  5. Just to be clear, I don't believe the lack of status on local control from these devices is a failure of the ISY but rather a limitation of the z-wave devices due to a patent issue if I remember correctly. -Xathros
  6. Assuming this is Insteon, your router is in no way related to the ability of your keypad to control your lights. Something else must be wrong. Restart your controller, air gap the keypad for 10 secs then return to normal position and try again. -Xathros
  7. Other options that I can think of would be: A) Use Insteon switches for the affected areas. Use the right brand of ZWave switches that DO report status on local control (Leviton maybe? NOT GE or Intermatic for sure). -Xathros
  8. Both will use the same. It does mean that you will need to keep the firmware in sync between the two ISY's so that the Admin console version can match the firmware in both ISY's. You will simply add the other ISY's remote URL to the Admin Console's Finder window. -Xathros
  9. jmed999- There have been some recent posts that indicate that many zwave outlets and switches (certain brands) do not update their status in the ISY unless they are communicating directly to the ISY. If they have to use a repeater, the ISY can't see the change. This is also dependent in the ISY firmware version as well. I believe there was something added in 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 to get the status from those devices in direct comm with the ISY. You can check this by watching the status of the various devices in the ISY while operating them locally. If the ISY status does not update, then the program will not work as you want. A possible solution would be to write a program to query these devices once a minute. That may sort of fix the problem at the cost of added zwave traffic. -Xathros
  10. I believe all you need to do is remove it from whatever scene that you want it to control then add it back to the scene and select "Make controller" during the add to scene process. This will work as long as it is not controlling another scene already. -Xathros
  11. Shouldn't be a problem. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Sorry, missed that. -Xathros
  13. Just out of curiosity, are session tokens/cookies on the roadmap for the network module? I just bumped into this limitation again today with my Unifi access point controller. -Xathros
  14. Barry- You may want to pick up some Ram Sinks similar to these and chop them into 1/2" sections and adhere your DS18b20's to these before placing them in your wall boxes. -Xathros
  15. I am assuming that the variables are State variables. If that is the case, anytime a state variable's value changes, any If statements that reference it will be triggered and evaluated true (then) or false (else). In this case, since you have a notification in both the then and else sections, you will get notified anytime the temp changes. I think you need to remove: And Status 'Outdoors / Pond - winter pump' is 100% It's pointless. Remove the notifications from this program altogether. Create a second program to notify on status change of the pump: If Status 'Outdoors / Pond - winter pump' is 100% Or Status 'Outdoors / Pond - winter pump' is Off Then Send Notification to 'Tom' content 'Pond' Else Hope this helps. -Xathros
  16. I am assuming that what you want is the light to run automatically via the motion detector after sunset but to stay on if you have switched it on manually. If this is the case, here is how I would do this: Define a Scene: Entrada sala, Make the device Entrada sala a responder. Set the Ramp rate to your desired "Fade Down" rate. Program 1: EntradaSalaMotion If Control 'Sensores Motion / Motion Entrada Depa-Sensor' is switched On And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Run Program 'EntradaSala1Min' Then Path Else Program 2: EntradaSala1Min If Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched On or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Fast On or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Fade Up Then Set Scene 'Sala / Entrada sala' Fast On Wait 1 minute Set Scene 'Sala / Entrada sala' Off Else Program 3: EntradaSaleMotionEnable-Disable If ( Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched On or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched Fast On or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched Fade Up ) And ( Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Off or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Fast Off ) Then Disable Program 'EntradaSalaMotion' Else Enable Program 'EntradaSalaMotion' The reason for the scene is to get your fade rate without using Fade Down. A Fade Down or Fade Up should always be followed by a Fade Stop or the device may be left in a unknown state. Fade Down is the equivalent of holding the bottom of the paddle in, fade stop is the equivalent of releasing the paddle. Using the scene for the ramp rate avoids having to deal with this issue. Set the scene fast on for instant light with motion. Set the scene off for the fade to dark. The third program watches the local control for Entrada sala and disables the motion sensor program when you have manually turned on the lights. It re enables the motion program when you turn the local control off. The If in the second program will terminate the 1 minute timer if you switch the lights on while the countdown is already running preventing the timer from turning the lights back off at expiration. Hope this makes sense and addresses your requirements. -Xathros
  17. I can second that suggestion. In addition, you can embed URL's in a prowl notification to: Display images/video from a network accessible camera, Launch a specific app on the iPhone, Issue a /rest call back to the ISY to perform an action, whatever you can dream up... The prowl notifications are much more reliable and timely than MMS/SMS at least on the AT&T network here in the states. That said, there have been a few times that I have seen "late" prowl notifications. Those times have been far less frequent than the times I have encountered late or never delivered SMS/MMS messages on my phone. There are other alternatives as well: Push4.0, Boxcar and a few others that I can't remember at the moment all do push notifications much like prowl. Prowl is free - some of the others are as well I believe. MWareman put together a nice writeup on this in the WiKi here:http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/index.php?title=ISY-99i_Series_INSTEON:Networking:Mobile_Notification -Xathros
  18. Certainly. I only did 2 timeframes in my example but you can continue what I started adding more to the if in the same structure that I provided. If left blank, it would have the limitation of having to wait till the next schedule arrived for the automatic changes to occur again. The folder will become enabled as soon as the 2 hr delay expires but that won't trigger the schedule programs rather will simply allow them to be triggered. The next trigger would be the first schedule time that occurs AFTER the delay has expired. If you ad Run If's of the schedule programs to the Else of StatWatcher, we can eliminate that delay. Exactly. Where Program A, B, C... are your schedule programs withing the folder. Your existing schedule programs can use either format. For the watcher, ther need to be in the From...To range format. Anytime. Happy to help. -Xathros
  19. Hi Matt- Place all of your tstat schedule programs in a folder. Create the following program outside of that folder: Program: StatWatcher If ( On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 5:25:00AM To 7:59:59AM (same day) And ( Status 'Thermostats / LR Thermostat - Main' is not 69° (Heat Setpoint) Or Status 'Thermostats / LR Thermostat - Main' is not 74° (Cool Setpoint) ) ) Or ( On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 8:00:00AM To 10:59:59AM (same day) And ( Status 'Thermostats / LR Thermostat - Main' is not 70° (Heat Setpoint) Or Status 'Thermostats / LR Thermostat - Main' is not 72° (Cool Setpoint) ) ) Then Wait 2 Hours Run Program StatWatcher (Else Path) Else Then set the folder conditions for thefolder with the schedule programs to: Folder Conditions for 'Testing' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If Program 'StatWatcher' is False Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. Obviously, you will need to duplicate the schedule and values for Heat and Cool set points in the StatWatcher If section. Be careful to get the Or's and And's in the right places. I only did 2 time frames as an example, you will need to continue with the remainder of yours and adjust the times accordingly. Also, my stat is Venstar/Insteon - the set points are represented on the "Main" node. Your Zwave stat may represent these differently. Adjust the code accordingly. This will prevent scheduled changes from occurring for 2 hours after a manual change is made. After 2 hours the folder will re enable and the next scheduled change after that point will happen normally. If the previous change was missed due to the hold, it will NOT take effect after the hold expires. If you wish for the changes to take place at the hold expiration time, we will need to trigger the schedule programs within the folder. To do that, we can modify the Else section of StatWatcher to include a "Run If" of each schedule program. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  20. Nope. Pick up an ISY-994 and a new 2413 s PLM for the remote location. Install, enable port forwarding for the ISY through your router and possibly set up a ddns account and configure router to use it. You will want to factory reset the insteon devices before adding them to the new ISY. This will eliminate the links to the Smartlink. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I don't see enough info in your previous post to help you form a resource rule. Need a complete url to start with. Be aware that you will only be able to build static messages with the current net resource capabilities as we have no access to substitution variable in the resources yet. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. You don't use network resources for that. Instead, use custom notifications to send email to the provider's email to sms gateway. Try @pcs.rogers.com as the address. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. wmcneil- I think it is possible to flash your 994 with the 994Z (zigbee) series firmware. The Z series firmware does not enter safe mode when no PLM is detected at startup. This would allow the ISY to operate in the event of a PLM failure at power up. As mentioned above, you can use a test of "Responding" against one or more Insteon devices to determine the PLM status and notify based on the outcome. Michel- Can you confirm that this is a viable approach? -Xathros Edited to correct typo.
  24. I love that digital loggers din relay. Combined with the ISY and network module it is very reliable and quite useful. I use the first 3 relays to cut/re-establish power to my ISY, CAIWebcontrol, RaspberryPi and my Cable modem/Router. Modem and router share a relay, CAI and RPi share another. The remaining 5 relays are controlled by the ISY via state variables as follows: Program: Relay_4_Control If $s.Relay_4 is 1 Then Resource 'DINRELAY: Relay 4 On' Else Resource 'DINRELAY: Relay 4 Off' This allows me to not only control the relay by simply changing the value of s.Relay_4 from 0 to 1 but to also trigger other actions based on the state of the relay. The din relay unit allows you to define the default state of each relay on power up. If you simply set the INIT value for the corresponding state variable accordingly, the ISY and relays can/will stay in sync even through a power failure. ie: If relay 4 is supposed to be on by default, I would set the Init value for s.Relay_4 to 1. In addition, I have the DIN relay ping my ISY , CAI board and the Outside address of my cable modem (Static) every few minutes. If anything doesn't respond, the relay will power cycle the appropriate devices. -Xathros
  25. Yes. -Xathros
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