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Everything posted by TRI0N

  1. Been waiting for a Fan Control for ages. There was once a Z-Wave one that the company went under and nobody picked up the idea till now with a Zigbee one. Up until I found this there was only WiFi ones that are complete junk. Will see what happens when it gets here. Cheers, TRI0N
  2. Yeah I checked that. Didn't see it. It's a fan controller. https://inovelli.com/products/zigbee-blue-series-smart-fan-light-canopy-module I'll post it there too if it doesn't work out.. Might as well find out if it works. Can always use my HA sever to make it work like the Govee devices since Govee for eISY is not being developed. Cheers! TRI0N
  3. Late response but have you tried the default username and password? I have had eISY reset the password several times after updates to the point that I haven't changed it back because it's a royal pain in the rear end. Try admin/admin. Cheers! TRI0N
  4. Is Zigbee ready to use for the eISY? I have the dongle of course. Just found a Ceiling Fan controller that is based on Zigbee. So I want to make sure before I spend $50 on it. Cheer! TRI0N
  5. I will have to test it more from the office location. Maybe it was a momentary problem. But I still like adding external IP's to my white list that I trust. Like my domain database connecting to my home server to update the external backup databases. Just a peeve I suppose. Cheers! TRI0N
  6. Yes I have a portal account. So what I need to find out is how that portal or other other request are sent from what IP? That's all I'm asking for. I want to white list UD server so it can't be blocked from an external service that is designed to block unknown connections. The local hostname is NOT what I'm looking for. But I'll continue my search.. Cheers! TRI0N
  7. I did some testing. Since I have T-Mobile as well and notice my Battery Notification mail was not working since I read your post and found some sensors were below the threshold of my programs that were suppose to notify me. So I checked my email settings in eisy to make sure there were there and such for the group that is to be notified and everything is as it was suppose to be. Using the default SMTP Setting I performed a test. It failed to send SMS/MMS but did send my email copy. Note that I do put the country code in my number as I talked about above. So I tested it without the country code and it failed again with email copy working. So I setup a eisy email account off one of my domains, setup the SMTP to use my domain MX Server, put the 1 country code back into my address for SMS/MMS and performed the test again. Both the SMS/MMS and email copy were successful. This might have to do with either UD in house MX Servers or MX Providers. If providers they may not allow phone numbers or specifically @tmomail.net due to SPAM problems to mobile phones using this. It's something UD will need to look into.. Cheers! TRI0N
  8. Yeah my network is all reserved IP's... But that's not what I'm thinking about. This is more of a service that monitors all incoming connection via WAN. But earlier I was seeing connection failures in the UD Mobile App to the home system from the office location but the office location was fine. But when I returned home the home eisy restored it's connection and the the office eisy was still fine. I'm sure the eisy uses a UPnP call for making a outside connections for ports but what I want to do is add the eisy portal IP's that all this connects to into the white list table of the NETGEAR Armor (external service - not inhouse software) so that it will not block any suspicious connects. I'm pretty sure eisy is pretty unknown to these services. Cheers! TRI0N
  9. Have you tired using your 11 digit number that includes your country code? 1xxxxxxxxxx@tomomail.net? It's suppose to work both ways but I have heard that it only works in some areas if you include the country code. 1 being United States. You can just simply test this with your email client before doing any changes to eisy. Just send an email to your mobile number. Cheers, TRI0N
  10. So I upgraded my router to support 10GB LAN and WAN with a RS700 from NETGEAR. It comes with a 1 year subscription to their NETGEAR Armor by BitDefender. My question is what is the IP that is used to communicate with the UD App? I want to add that IP to the white list so that I don't have connection problems for suspicious behavior from an outside source. Thanks, TRI0N
  11. The last line just keeps repeating the same thing about the API. But the Node Server is the only thing using the API. Cheers! govee_ud.txt
  12. (Bump) This is still an issue. Thanks!
  13. This final step of "Restart" Kasa Node Server did the trick too after about letting it just sit for 30-40 mins while I went out. Cheer!
  14. No dice. I did that in order. Rebooted. Nothing. Did another Upgrade Packages just in case that updates dev packages if they exist and rebooted. Then I tried to update the NS in Poly. Still Disconnect. Same results as others...
  15. Same issue here.. Updated NS to 3.1.0 with Disconnected status and devices are not working as they should.
  16. Govee Node Server is no longer working correctly. Using eisy 5.7.0 and Govee Node Server 3.0.0 Production. At first after upgrading to 5.7.0 and the latest Govee Node Update. It stopped working. When you first start the server you can get about 10 seconds of it actually reading the devices in Admin Panel then drops everything reporting it "off". So I thought maybe the API Key. So I redid my API Key and update the node server with the api_key field with my new API Key. Reboot the node server and you get about 10 seconds of it connecting to devices correctly and reporting their status then boom again everything back to "off". I've tried rebooting the eisy, restart Govee Node Server, Stop / Start etc, etc.. Still same results. Unfortunately I didn't notice the Govee Node Server not working correct till yesterday when I installed new covered patio lighting. The other Govee products I have are not lighting so I never had to add it to eisy but have been wanting to add them. Such as a Air Purifier and Air Quality Monitors. Cheers, TRI0N
  17. Did that 3 times so far. I was able to get into Polyglot but 90% are all disconnected. Really trying to keep my cool with this....
  18. Updated to 5.7.0 and it's really messed up now. I realize you're doing the hostname over IP which is fine but no Polyglot V3 can't even be reached. Neither by https://eisy.local:3000 or by using the IP. Then you login to eisy admin and the password is now reset to admin. Once inside the configuration it no longer shows it's assigned IP address. but is connection via hostname which is odd that it's not reporting its assigned IP from the DHCP. I've done the Reboot after upgrade and did the Press 5 times to power off twice. Good lord. What's going on now?
  19. Did all of those. Re-Booted from Admin Panel. Did Restart IOX from Admin Panel. Did Hard Power Cycle. It's been sitting now for 12+ hours since to see if it corrects itself but, no go. TRI0N
  20. After taking a few months away from the massive frustration of eisy and coming back to upgrade my eisy to the latest version 5.6.4 so that I can complete an assessment for a client that is due in October for about a dozen of their locations. ALL the z-wave devices are no longer communicating with eisy. Apparently I didn't miss a damn thing in the frustration department. Here is how I'm going to do this. If this can't be fixed without resetting all the z-wave devices to reconnect to eisy. It's going into the trash along with our other one at the office and will now be recommending alternative solutions to clients. So how do I fix this without having to reset/re-add/re-configure all the z-wave devices? I would hope that there is now a easy way to do this because I had to do this a half dozens times prior to this version. That is unacceptable for any practical or commercial use. Any 411 on if there is a way to restore communications to each device "without" having to do something with each individual device would greatly be appreciated. TRI0N
  21. Thought that was what I did in the start. I guess it never installed after purchase. Thanks, TRI0N
  22. The node server does not appear in the dashboard to even see that. Yes, I've rebooted and restart PG3 and eisy, several times. Dashboard: Purchases (Re-Install): Update: Pop-Up TRI0N
  23. What "Authenticate" button? I have the exact same problem as @gldixon. Tried your steps, but there is no "Authenticate" button. There is the "Activate" button for the Trail. Which I didn't install, I purchased the node server straight away, and there is a "Update" that doesn't do anything other than show information about the node server with no "Install Update" button inside that pop-up. TRI0N
  24. Those should have worked. Maybe you had the wrong IP address. That is the failsafe way to connect without the start.jnlp isy finder. But glad you are in and all is good. TRI0N
  25. Try going to this location using your IP address... https://your-ip-address:8443/admin.jnlp - or - http://your-ip-address:8080/admin.jnlp Lets see if you're using an old start.jnlp that doesn't see the new eisy. TRI0N
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