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Everything posted by TRI0N

  1. Home Assistant on Pi4-B Due to recent disappointments with UD, Developer Wiki being completely irrelevant and never finished, lack of support when asking about their proxy abilities with curl, etc and felt like I was just being run around trying to avoid answering the questions or just point to something that isn't published in 2014 that doesn't means squat with their current product. So I put together a Home Assistant Pi4-B unit. If things keep going the way they are, the eisy will be more of a tool (device) rather than the brain of my home automation system when I'm developing my own interface. Here is what I put together this afternoon. TRI0N
  2. Lame. Have you seen the shortage of device on many things? Sounds like they want to be Insteon or something where people are dependent on their product. I've been trying to get my hands on Z-Wave Fan Receivers for the indoor ceiling fans. Out of 3 manufactures that make one, none are in stock. Then there is Z-Wave Buttons that just multi-press for scenes etc. That's also on back order. So if they want to sit on their patent product till their rights run out, go for it. Someone else will pick up the pace when it does. Belkin must have some interesting designs if they think waiting for others to release their own matter devices is going to benefit them, doesn't sound like a good idea. TRI0N
  3. Did you change your password in the UDAC recently? If so that doesn't sync with the PG3X as one would expect. I changed the password in UDAC and PG3X lost connections, so I just went into PG3x config and updated the password and things were back to normal. The initial setup does sync your password for the first time it seems. Note: Kinda... The SSH login password does NOT sync at anytime and the default password is admin. TRI0N
  4. Problem resolved after restarting Kasa Node Server with update to 3.0.21.
  5. Since the PG3x update I pressed a scene controller button just 5 minutes ago on my ZEN32 that will turn the hallway Kasa Switch on. That was up until last nights patch. I press that button and the attic lights come on now. It's like there is a break somewhere and its targeting the wrong device. I have checked all my button programs and have checked to make sure no kasa devices have changed or missing in the programs. So I'm stumped on that... Going to hold off a few hours for a response here and then try restarting the Kasa Node Server to see if that helps. TRI0N
  6. Right, that's exactly what I'm talking. After the 5.5.9 Update of IoX that went away. Last night it pop-up, but that was legit. It was for the new version of PG3x 3.1.24. So I did the update packages, logged back in, got the System Needs to Reboot Pop Up. Did that and now the Update Packages pops up every time I log in and something just out of the blue while inside the AC. Note: Think I remember someone saying they put the update into a closed testing environment to test and that apparently caused the system to send out the notice that updates are available but not public yet. TRI0N
  7. The pop up has been coming up ever since the 3.1.24 PG3x Update and after the reboot. I'm not seeing any announcements on any newer updates here in the forms or minor releases. Asking because rebooting is not fun right now... Is there a 3.1.24.x (minor release) since then? TRI0N
  8. Try doing a Forced Refresh on the page by pressing CTRL->SHIFT->R This makes it clear the cache for the page your currently loading and reload the page, sessions, etc... TRI0N
  9. In the right click menu/Z-Wave of a device does have "Remove Failed Node" and "Replace Failed Node", but I personally never had to use those. I would assume he will need to "Remove Failed Node" if he can't get them to restore or exclude from eisy before including them again. TRi0N
  10. Right click the device -> Z-Wave -> Synchronize -> Update with Interview Might need to exclude it first. Seems eisy is protecting the already identified product. These are ZEN32 Scene Controllers.
  11. Matter does not exist in the eisy environment yet. Nobody here knows the answer till it's released by UD. TRI0N
  12. Did you delete their instances inside Polisy? If not, have you tried update with interview? TRI0N
  13. TRI0N

    NGINX + eisy

    Anyone got any information on getting that setup so I can show whatever to internal use of the UDAjax and HAD? Got NGINX up and running on the eisy just fine. Funny it was missing a faviocon.ico out of the box but cleared that problem up right away. But I can't seem to find anything discussion the use of NGINX. Examples on storing credentials etc. The WiKi talks about a HAD editor "coming soon" but that was 2014 and no link to download any HAD editor and of course accessing the HAD or UDAjax to copy to a development server to tinker with is not possible as access is denied trying to access directories. A push in the right direction is all I need here... Thanks, TRI0N
  14. Not sure how that would be a problem since PG3 and eisy already have authentication between one another. We can check the status if a node server is Disconnect/Connected in programing. Adding something to allow eisy to send a restart to a node server really shouldn't be that hard. No idea why you would even need a API for it either... TRI0N
  15. What log would you like to see now that I'm here? Now that I'm at a computer and not messing with 720 volts of electricity. TRI0N
  16. I have posted on Node Servers with such, letting people know there is a problem. But to dedicate my time on being a beta tester is limited. That's how I see it. Even when I submit tickets to UD (I have maybe 4 tickets ever) where they requested logs and I was in the middle of installing a 3 Phase dry pot transformer at a on-site location. So yes my time is limited. But the time I got around to looking at the logs 5.5.9 was released and the issue was resolved. TRI0N
  17. Hate you tell you this but everyone doesn't have all the time in the world to stop what they are doing and send logs to the developer. I'm one of them... TRI0N
  18. Here is what you do... The Keep Awake doesn't appear to do anything but I still use the procedure just incase it gets fixed. So set the Keep Away On, then click keep awake button to the left of that. That sends the Keep Awake Link Beat (which isn't really working), right click the device on the left and select Z-Wave -> Set Configuration Parameter. Now once you have that open. get ready because this is what I mean the Keep Awake Link Beat is not functioning as one would expect. You would expect it to keep sending a Keep Awake Link Beat to the device to keep it from going back to sleep in 15 seconds. Not the case but still I follow this procedure. Now get Param 16 or 17 set in there. Now press the button on the ZSE44 4 times (this is annoying because the button is so damn small and you have to press it 4 times real fast compared to other devices) to put in in Manuel Wake. Now press Query. It should be able to query that parameter and give you what it's set for and the byte size required for that parameter too. You might get away with doing that on a couple of them before it goes back to sleep, or even Query to see what it is and then set the parameter to what you want before sleep. Long story short, you will need to press that Manuel Wake each time your query and set before timeout. Once you have all your Parameters set right click again and this time you are going to Synchronize - Update with Interview. But don't press OK to perform it just yet. Again set the ZSE44 to Manuel wake and now press Ok to perform the Update with Interview. Let it do its thing... If all goes well it won't have any Waiting to Write to Device indicators on each of the device nodes. In the event that the Waiting to Write to Device Indicators do show up, don't panic. It's all good. You can either put the device in Manuel Wake again and right click "Write Changes" or you can just let the device do it on it's own after it's next timed wake interval which is 12 hours for the ZSE44. I prefer to write them immediately. Lastly, set the Keep Awake back to Off. You're done.... PS - If you miss press the button on the ZSE44 and accidently put it in Inclusion/Exclusion Mode, just let it time out, Once the light stops indicating it's in Inclusion/Exclusion Mode you can try again for 4 quick presses. Cheers! TRI0N
  19. This would be more of a fail-safe it happens and the ability to restart the node server. Right now already have NOAA crap out every time the eisy reboots. The Kasa server I have no idea why is disconnected. But this isn't the first time and I'm most confident it won't be the last. TRI0N
  20. The ZSE44 set for reporting intervals, parameter's 16 and 17. They are default to 240 minutes. This is the Reporting Interval when the temperatures/humidity have NOT changed from your set params for Thresholds 3 and 4. This is not you waiting for eisy, you're waiting for the ZSE44's to report to eisy on timed intervals. I have all mine set to report (16 and 17) for 10 mins and the batteries are working great. Note: The outside one under the eave of the patio fluctuates when tempters get below 45 degree F and report that battery is at 39% but soon as the sun comes out he battery is back to 100%.. LoL so don't rely on battery info for the outside one too much. I had a notifications set for that and it's disabled now.. Which I think I'll just add a if Temp is > 60 and Battery < X for notifications on that one, now that I think about it... TRI0N
  21. There was a post earlier asking about this and it was closed but this is the answer you are looking for. Anything that says it's USB 3.x has a maximum cable length of 59 feet. Otherwise it wouldn't be USB 3.x. I also recommend if you are running this through walls where low and high voltage cross paths, that you use a good shielded cable (gonna cost more) to protect against EMF interferences. Cheers! TRI0N
  22. Todays the Kasa Node Server and eisy lost connection. The fix was a simple restart of the Kasa Node Server. The idea: The ability to run a program that will monitor the Kasa Server inside eisy. Yes the status was Disconnected during the connection issue. So a simple script would be AWESOME! 'Kasa Controller' NodeServer Online is Disconnected Wait 60 seconds Polyglot Node Server 3 Restart. That would be very beneficial for node servers I would think. TRI0N
  23. -r is Reboot. -h is just shutdown... TRI0N
  24. Running that command is fine.. But I don't think it changes the front power button color. I never really looked. TRI0N
  25. Press the button 6 times and wait for the light to turn red and then remove power is the correct way. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Multi_Function_Button TRI0N
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