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Everything posted by RPerrault

  1. and that is important enough to me to drop zwave from consideration - for lighting scenes
  2. i have installed 600 billion - if that matters i don't do this for a livelihood - i'm a nerd your experience might work for you - understanding the concepts works for me - might work for others if you'd stop bashing us i understand the concepts of the internal combustion engine - can work on them a bit too - don't need to understand the concept to drive a car though you can drive - that is all - which is ok for setting up devices like you do - but you do NOT understand communication basics - if something is causing a communication problem, you can only guess why you have no idea of if wifi is constrained - and certainly never prove what the problem is - but you would probably drop jargon and sell a customer more devices - 'read it on a forum' like others, i am looking for a replacement for insteon - to make that decision, i need to understand the concepts and market direction and capabilities of each solution - limitations - cost - migration path - cost i read - not just copy and paste - others might read too - i doubt that is you (your analogies are even lame - trumped you there too - only needed one lane)
  3. and - have something like a receptacle... sigh
  4. and would never use ra2 - or ra3 until it can support more than 200 devices
  5. what i posted above do that and many other scenes with zwave - insteon did - lutron does i don't dislike zwave - or married to lutron - scenes are important to me - as far as i know, zwave can't do what i want
  6. you might snipe at others from behind your keyboard on this forum and get by without a response - i will respond so you can vomit up how many people you have helped yet again i know i am not the big fish in this pond and i understand that this pond is important to you i also understand that most here do not want to discuss concepts - especially you because you do not understand them - you can't ignore a thread i created to discuss wifi and its use for home automation - you could not ignore that thread - but felt compelled to bring in your snark you are not as smart as you think you are - as revealed by what you post - and your language is off-putting if not offensive this will run you off - what is the constraint in using wifi for home automation - post the resource utilization for us
  7. 2.4 is NOT a protocol
  8. zwave do this instantly and simultaneously?
  9. its not bad 2.4 reaches farther than higher frequencies - higher frequencies are faster transferring data generally, lower frequencies penetrate better
  10. 2.4 is the rf frequency - nothing says it has to be wifi protocol while lutron can use that frequency, that does not mean its wifi protocol - i suspect its not - its their 'clear channel' generally, wifi repeaters are not the correct answer - unless its to extend the signal wifi access points are the answer to most problems a repeater STILL sends traffic through the access point it is connected to home access points are not some huge technical feat only a nerd can set up - most homes need good wifi coverage for devices other than homeautomation - just be aware that if you want to 'roam' between access points in your home, you will need a controller of some type to accommodate the handoffs between access points probably need good home wifi already - its a no brainer to use it for home automation (though dealers can't make more money saying 'robust' and 'add more') i agree that reducing single points of failure is always a good thing - as i understand insteon, the traffic does not have a path the packet must traverse - if one device dies, most likely another device will pass along the packet - with zwave (way outta my league here), the route is set at setup or until some kinda 'heal' process is initiated - the new 700 standard might have addressed that
  11. Autelis - bummer that it went away The Lutron integration protocol will allow third-party equipment, such as touch-screens, universal remote controls, and software applications, to control and monitor devices in a Lutron lighting control system. The protocol supports three basic types of integration operations: • Execute an action in the Lutron system • Query the status of the Lutron system and Lutron devices • Monitor responses from the Lutron system Integration Access Points communicate with external systems using RS232, Ethernet or both. The Lutron integration protocol will allow third-party equipment, such as touch-screens, keypads, and software applications, to control and monitor devices in the Lutron lighting control system through an Integration Access Point. For more information, check the page specific to the Integration Access Point being used. An example of an Integration Access Point is the QS Network Interface (QSE-CI-NWK-E). For a listing of all the available Integration Access Points supported by a particular system, see the Integration Access Points section for that system in the table of contents. start coding
  12. um - dealer only - sealer - jeez
  13. https://www.lutron.com/en-US/Residential-Commercial-Solutions/Pages/Residential-Solutions/WholeHomeSolutions.aspx also - not listed on that page - is https://radiora3.lutron.com/us/en as i understand it, radiora3 and homeworks are sealer only - you can either take their courses to get certified or find a dealer that will sell to you (though probably not kosher with lutron) its a maze to understand the components that are compatible - lutron's radio (clear connect) as i understand it can be 2 types - a or x - different radio frequencies - but if you go with x, its like 2.4 ghz - from lutron "Type X and Type A are terms that are coupled with Lutron's Clear Connect Wireless protocol. Type A refers to devices that communicate using 431 to 437 MHz whereas Type X uses 2.4 to 2.48 GHz. RadioRA 3 utilizes both of these protocols in order to provide flexibility. The most important aspect is less the Type and frequency and more just remembering the key device rules. seeTouch, Maestro, Pico Wireless, Radio Powr Savr sensors, and wireless window treatments should all be placed within 30ft of the processor or a Repeater and Repeaters should be placed no further than 60ft apart from each other. Sunnata keypads, dimmers and switches utilize more of a mesh topology and should be placed using the following key rules: 1. all Sunnata devices within 75ft of the processor 2. at least 2 Sunnata devices within 25ft of the processor 3. at least 2 Sunnata devices within 25ft of other Sunnata devices" not sure if there is a polisy node yet for anything lutron but the specs are public https://www.lutron.com/TechnicalDocumentLibrary/040249.pdf until competing standards shake themselves out, its pick a hole and jump on it - lutron has some integration with other devices but my elk security system is not one of them - some stuff (like roomba) i don't need - but the beauty of polisy is the integration of most anything that someone can develop a node for (assuming its legit) and make those resources interact with other unrelated resources - with most 'solutions', you can only relate disparate resoutces the manufacturer had integrated with lutron is expensive but it works - from a dealer post - "The common complaint I see here is that iTs NoT aN oPeN sYsTeM - which to me just means that you have some limitations to work with. You have to use Lutron products and can’t sub in random switches or other controls. I like that the system as a whole is easy to setup, maintain, and forget about. It’s all self contained and when I sell my house, I don’t have to rip everything out because it’s held together with shoestrings and raspberry pi. "That all said - it’s expensive. I get a discount cause I’m a dealer and it’s still really expensive. But like another poster said, it’s a Cadillac where other systems are a little more back catalog go-cart"
  14. scenes - 20 or more devices simultaneously fade up or down - ability to include the same resource in multiple scenes - ability to have different settings on different controllers in the same scene data integrity checking - crc - doesn't need more than that ack/nack - confirmation of packet delivery not sure its a plus, but its interesting - hop counts - wondered how they would prevent a broadcast type storm wrong thread i know - but the worst is yet another rf 'mesh' with no problem determination tools for rf or powerline isy kept insteon afloat - at least for probably 10 years - they had nothing like the isy for setup, management and programmatic control its more fun - and easier - to complain about the craplincs - i was all in on the x10 switchlincs - went full insteon on their advice - lived through all the deceptions - so the demise should not be a surprise to me sigh
  15. what lutron system?
  16. do we know if nokia is moving ahead with their devices? no mention on the nokia site do we know if the nokia devices use the insteon protocol unaltered? probably need at least something to provision a device as either a switch or dimmer
  17. i'm thinking an analogy needs something in common for a comparison so i'll be blunt i understand the anger - when you start dropping the genitals of females in your posts - we get that you are mad you do not know that the ceo's plan was or was not perfectly executed - by your own admission - the fact that you can't imagine a plan might be to close the company is on you - or that external events caused its closure - or a myriad of other possibilities maybe be did a mark cuban - he might be on a bar stool in jrs next to cuban now i am surprised that you post about what successful companies are doing wrong - if bill gates only had your wisdom, he'd be righ
  18. this comes closer to a single pane of glass for disparate devices and opens the possibility to relate them to one another - if roomba starts, turn on the pool heater you are not bound to a single manufacturer or protocol - only the availability of a 'node' for the device(s) you want to buy THAT is what i see as the biggest selling point for polisy - and if nothing else, a graceful path to move away from insteon gradually i am leaning toward lutron - homeworks - no 'node' available for polisy though - and not a fan of yet more 'mesh' crap - probably limp through until the matter standard begins to mature
  19. as i understand the polisy implementation, the polisy is a unix based computer that will replace the isy originally, the isy only supported insteon - elk security and z-wave support was added - the evolution led to polisy, its ala carte - the platform provides a java based interface to manage devices - insteon devices - if you want, add roomba - it will show up as a device to be managed alongside your insteon devices - you could label an insteon button to control the roomba the code for roomba is not necessarily provided by ud - they make the platform available for developers to write the code for roomba - or sonos - or...
  20. saying its ironic that you say you don't know what the plan was the next sentence - you declare the plan was a failure
  21. with all due respect - you make a lot of assumptions about them - came close with this Nobody will every truly know what the overall intent was with this guy. But, his and the companies actions prove out their plan was a epic failure. first part is probably true - we don't know - but then you declare the plan that you don't know - a failure
  22. good catch as for all the captains of industry - bain - worked for romney
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