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Everything posted by sfhutchi

  1. Okay. I'll do this. Sounds like an anomaly in the way that the switches are designed. Since I am commanding the device directly and I only have the option to command light level, intuitively I would assume local ramp.
  2. I have a motion activated bathroom light and a separate program to turn off the light. If someone manually turns off the light as they leave the bathroom, the light comes back on immediately (due to the first program activating). What is the best way to suspend this activity for a period of time (30 seconds, 1 minute, etc.) and then reactivate the programs? If Status 'Motion - Master Bath-Sensor' is On And From Sunset - 2 hours To 9:59:59PM (same day) And Status 'Master Bedroom / Master Bath Light' is not On Then Set 'Master Bedroom / Master Bath Light' 80% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Status 'Master Bedroom / Master Bath Light' > Off And Status 'Motion - Master Bath-Sensor' is Off Then Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Master Bedroom / Slow Master Bath Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  3. Possibly this is a 'feature' and not a bug.... I have a program that calls a light to go to 80%. If Status 'Motion - Master Bath-Sensor' is On And From Sunset - 2 hours To 9:59:59PM (same day) And Status 'Master Bedroom / Master Bath Light' is not On Then Set 'Master Bedroom / Master Bath Light' 80% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The light is later turned off using this program. If Status 'Master Bedroom / Master Bath Light' > Off And Status 'Motion - Master Bath-Sensor' is Off Then Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Master Bedroom / Slow Master Bath Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') When the light is turned on again by the first program, it uses the ramp rate from the scene that shut off the light (very slow ramp)... not the local ramp rate. What is the best way to resolve this? I would like to use the local ramp rate... or do I need to use a 'set scene' command or create a new scene?
  4. Fair enough. I have seen talk of variables throughout the forum, and since I am 'catching up' again after being out of the discussions for a while.. I wasn't sure if this was near term, or just on the wish list. I still have plenty to play with for now. Steve
  5. I know that this is pushing it considering that the latest revision was just released... but anyone have an idea when variables might be added? Now that I have added a bunch of motion sensors, and trying to add much more interdependent activities, I can see the major benefit. I have played around with using programs as flags, but this has significant limitations.
  6. This was my thought exactly. I have been out of the forum for over a year, so I am not sure who is UDI and who is just an active forum participant. I didn't intend to 'assign' this to UDI. I only mentioned Rand's name to help put some general structure on it because he had something about 'wiki' in his signature line.
  7. I may give this a shot again. Depending on how 'slow' the fade to off is... it may be enough for the effect.
  8. Thanks for everyone's responses. I guess I'll put it back in. As long as it doesn't seem to create some other problem... no harm in adding it.
  9. Mine was that way originally also... but then at some point in the last couple years I removed it. I wasn't even sure if that is part of the standard install anymore. Anyone have any data that says that their setup is more reliable with or without?
  10. Is anyone actively using 'Query' commands on their whole network... say once a day or on a specific interval? What about a query as part of a program to ensure reliability?
  11. This is a good topic. How are others handling occupant sensing and motion today? When variables are added, it would make this easier I believe. One thing that I was thinking might be a simple start is for night time lighting... If motion is detected in one area, start lighting all adjacent areas (paths) and then if no motion is detected in these new areas within a very short period of time, then turn them back off. Not real efficient, but I wasn't sure how to guess which way they will go and waiting for motion in the new area will provide a delay for lighting.
  12. sfhutchi

    Panasonic Camera

    Great write-up. Thanks aLf. Sounds like a future project to add to my list.
  13. sfhutchi

    Panasonic Camera

    Do you or others have a brief description of what you have done with the web cams and integrating them with ISY and the network module?
  14. This was my first attempt. The problem is that the IF condition of 'Master Bedroom Light' goes false and the program aborts as soon as the first THEN (Set Master Bedroom Light to 20%) initiates. This is why I then broke it into two programs... but as I found out, this then caused some other problems. It seems that the fool-proof solution is 3 programs as another poster recommended, but I am just playing around trying to find a simpler way if possible.
  15. Good to know. I wasn't sure how I would use this... but I am sure that we would have come up with something fun.
  16. I have updated the second program and surprisingly it seems to work. Just to refresh, the first program initiates the 'Night Light'.. but before the If conditions go false by the light turning on to a dim level, I call a second program that initiates a 'timed off'. If Status 'Room Light' is Off And Control 'Room Light' is switched Off Then Run Program 'Light Dim Off' (Then Path) Set 'Room Light' 25% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') In the second program, instead of adding a Wait, and then turning the light off, I made a scene that slowly dims the light over a few minutes. It gives a good effect. Light turns on very dim... and slowly decays to off. If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set Scene 'Slow Room Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The interesting part is that technically I am turning the light off before I set the light directly to 25%. It seems very repeatable though. The light has always come on first to 25%, and then the slow decay starts. I only tried this as a long shot to avoid 3 programs for this effect, but it seems repeatable. Anyone have a good technical reason why?
  17. Interesting question. Can a Switchlinc recognize an open circuit and report it?
  18. I probably didn't give it enough of a chance. I tried one as an experiment and was having reliability problems so I put the project on the back burner. Now that the Insteon ones are out, I will probably give it a try again.
  19. Thanks for pointing this out. I'll try it with this modification.
  20. Good lesson. I have almost no other situations where I use 'Else' so I will probably stay away from it for now. Here is what I have put together that seems to work as intended. If Status 'Room Light' is Off And Control 'Room Light' is switched Off Then Set 'Room Light' Query Run Program 'Light Dim Off' (Then Path) Set 'Room Light' 30% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') *I added the Query because during testing, there were a few times that the ISY didn't seem to have the appropriate status of the light. This was likely due to my continued playing at the switch. I will probably take this out later. I used this program to call the 'timed' off before the 'If' statement goes false. I call the 'Then' directly so this program has no conditions. Light Dim Off If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 5 seconds Set 'Room Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') So if all works as intended this time, pressing 'Off' when the light is off should give me a short-lived dimmed night light. Outside of this the light should function as normal. I will likely change the 'Room Light' Off to a slow ramped scene to make it a more elegant fade out.
  21. Okay. I see what you are saying. I guess I didn't wait long enough when testing this. When I come up with something new to fix this, I'll repost.
  22. I have it working on 3 lights right now. I was just a little confused by your post saying that you agreed that it needed 2 programs to accomplish.
  23. Your suggestion works well with one program. If Status 'Master Bedroom Light' is Off And Control 'Master Bedroom Light' is switched Off Then Set 'Master Bedroom Light' 20% Else Wait 5 seconds Set Scene 'Slow Master Bedroom Light' Off Is this not working for you?
  24. I should have explained that I do have a second program: "Front Bath Fan Off" This program kicks in any time the fan is seen 'On'. It works if the fan is manually turned on... or is turned on by a program. I have a folder called 'Timed Off' that actually has similar programs for different fans throughout the house and different bedroom lights, bathroom lights, etc. They are basically catch-all type programs to monitor for something that has been left on too long. I don't have any motion sensors yet (tried the X10 ones before the Insteon ones were available and it was more trouble than it was worth).. so I rely on other logic to shutoff lights and other devices. It has worked out pretty well because in most situations where I turn a light on with various programs.. I don't have to worry about how it is going to get turned off.. .I just fall back on the 'Timed Off' programs that I have. If Status 'Front Bath Fan' is On Then Wait 15 minutes Set 'Front Bath Fan' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  25. Rand, What do you think about starting to add some of these tested ideas to the Wiki. I noticed that the section on 'How To Guide' could use a lot more examples. I know that this would be helpful for anyone starting out. I am not sure about what the best structure is to organize this... but we could have examples grouped by different topics: - Using Motion Sensors to Control Room Lighting - Bathroom Lighting and Fan Control - Night Time Scenes - Away from Home Programs - etc... I can see how this can become fairly disorganized, so maybe if we can put together a basic structure to start with and then gather a lot of what each of us are using.. and start putting it in there. Much is in the forum today, but not easy to find. Another option is to have people start posting their examples to a thread and have one or two people volunteer to start pulling them out of there and putting them in the wiki. There have got to be hundreds of examples out there today.
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