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Everything posted by sfhutchi

  1. I found out the hard way that I have to 'save' all updates to the programs including changing the name, descriptions, etc. Is it possible to have this done on the fly? For example, if I make a link or a scene, I don't have to say that I want to save this new scene or link. When I opened the console again today I found that all my updates were gone. I then saw the nice little 'Save Changes' button. My bad... Just wondering if there is a way to make this updated on the fly like some of the other stuff.
  2. Right-Clicking on Program Folders and Programs -Would be nice if you could right click a program or folder name to bring up the dialog to rename it, delete it, etc.. Under Actions, increase width of 'Set' box (with the device names). I have many device names that need more room to differentiate between similar names. Remove Folder -'Remove' button does nothing unless you first remove all programs in that folder. Since this is the same button that removes the folder once the folder is empty, I would expect at least an error message or ideally a pop-up asking if I really want to delete the folder with existing programs in it. Program Summary -I am trying to start with a simple 'look for an 'On'', wait 12 minutes, and then shut off device. When I turn on the device, the ISY sees that it is on.. but I see nothing in the Program Summary. Last run time is blank. Should this run time start when the conditions are met? or when the final action is started (after the wait time). Either way, this 'program' seems to have missed the 'On'... so I'll try again with a much shorter wait time. Weird... still nothing at 30 seconds. I'll keep trying and probably try another device. This is a Switchlinc Relay. Random - How random is random? Consider adding a comment next to this to indicate the +/- that should be expected... or maybe even make the +/- configurable.
  3. In Programs, when clicking on 'New Folder', it seems to create a folder, but it puts the default name as 'New Program'.
  4. Just updated to 2.5... -Initial Impressions: Glad you changed the pink to a darker color on the 'My Lighting' list. It is much easier to read now. After upgrading, and the application on my pc closing... I likely didn't wait long enough before invoking the application again. (the device is out of sight in a closet so I didn't knows its status) The console opened but wouldn't accept my login id... In the background, the system appeared to be querying devices and failing. I closed it and started again with no problems. On initial start, ISY prompted me that it couldn't communicate to a few lights that I had no problem communicating to just before the upgrade. After start-up, I quered everything and everything seems okay. Persistant Query windows: While querying the system, it forces the query window to the foreground making it difficult to do other tasks like responding to this forum. I thought that this was fixed in the last release? Programs: This looks like it was worth the wait! I'll be playing more with this over the coming days. Thanks UDI!
  5. I agree. Keep up the great work!
  6. Sounds great. I added some additional details about 'resetting' timers in the 'product request' section, but I thought that I would mention it here because that thread is very long and has had much recent discussion.
  7. This thread made me reflect on the UPnP thing. My experience to get this working was anything but trivial. It basically works now, but it seems that UPnP is not extensively used in Windows and at least in my case wasn't simple to 'turn on'. This type of thing could be a road-block for many future users. Many might give up very early on this one. Since this is really a 'Windows' problem and not an ISY problem, you might point to your link for the administrative console as the primary path and offer the UPnP route as an option for those that are familiar with this or want to use it. I know that this probably seems to be opposite to what you are trying to do (with the link from your site as a backup), but this UPnP thing can be a stumbling block to get this to the mainstream. Possibly also consider a local app that can be load on each client pc to dowload the administrative console. This would also cover any concerns from others about access problems from your site to get the console loaded.
  8. Specifically the timed triggers. For example, with Houselinc I have some triggers that look for an 'on' press (at an exhaust fan for example).. the exhaust fan turns on, then I wait 10 minutes, then send an off command to that fan. I have some other scenarios ready for morning scenes and things like this, but I need some timed elements added to the triggers. I don't have a problem being patient though. If some of this is added soon, great... if I have to wait, I have work-arounds for now.
  9. Thanks for the update. I can be patient. I believe that I have a fairly stable configuration now and am ready to move all trigger / timer functionality to the ISY. Currently, I still rely on Houselinc Desktop for some of this.
  10. Thanks for the update on v.2.4. Based on the latest update, it looks like enhanced triggers/scheduling will in all likelihood be pushed to a future release. I hate to ask, but what is the ETA for 2.5? I know that many of us are anxious for this.
  11. I agree, that this could get a lot of use. This has definitely been overlooked by Smarthome as a major limitation of the KPL. If Universal Devices comes up with a work-around that is semi-automated by the ISY, then that would be fantastic! Also, another great selling point.
  12. Michel, Could ISY handle this same 'work-around'?
  13. Thanks for the pointer Mark. I may try that some time, but since I can't set this up through ISY or anything else for that matter, it would be 'un documented' on my network and likely over-written at some point. Good to know though. Possibly Smarthome can get this resolved at some point in the future. ... Or maybe Universal Devices can come up with a reversed engineering solution to mimick this work-around.
  14. I have separate buttons for 'All On' and 'All Off'. I have these set as 'non-toggle'. Basically they are two different scenes that I call. I have these buttons on more than one keypadlinc. Since I can't control the loads on these KPL's, I also have a trigger that looks for the 'All Off' button press (for example). This trigger then turns off all the KPL loads. Not ideal, but it works well. I would like to know more about this 'undocumented' feature that you mention.
  15. I vote for 'no vote'. I believe that Michel and the team are truly aware of everyone's requests and are rolling these out as quickly as they can. This product has improved quicker than any other Insteon device that I have dealt with.
  16. Not sure... Just brainstorming on the question about how to have a KPL button control a scene that includes the load on that KPL.
  17. Don't know if it would be feasible... but is it possible to have the button control another 'controller' that is not on the KPL? This way the scene could include the load on the KPL because the scene is 'actually' controlled by another device or button. I understand that the traditional way to do this wouldn't work... not sure if there is a way to work around this.
  18. For what it is worth, I plan to use the soon to be updated triggers in ISY to do this. I have setup this functionality today with Houselinc Desktop and it works well. Basically I look for a local 'on' press at the switch, wait 10 minutes and then send an off command. The time element is not currently part of the ISY triggers, but I understand that it is being added soon. Eventually I plan to eliminate the need for Houselinc Desktop.
  19. Excellent. Thanks.
  20. Since you mentioned GUI, please consider making the difference between a controller and a responder a bit more obvious. Possibly a different color for the controller? The italic lettering is a bit too subtle.
  21. Understanding the issue about a KPL button not being able to include its own load in a scene... what is the best work around that others are using. Specifically, I have multiple KPL's with an 'All Off' button. I have also created an 'All Off' scene. As you would expect, this 'All Off' scene includes all loads with a KPL also. I am thinking about having the 'All Off' scene include all loads that are not KPLs and having one separate trigger that will manually turn off all KPLs. I would initiate this trigger with any one of the All Off buttons. Any other ideas out there?
  22. When creating scenes with several switches, is there a way to select multiple switches at a time? Dragging these one at a time is tedious while waiting for the links to be updated. I realize that I won't be doing this every day, but if someone has a tip to speed this up, that would be great.
  23. sfhutchi


    What is the proper way to setup a 3-way? Do I need two scenes? One with switch A as the controller, switch B as responder. The second scene reversed?
  24. I think that the 'Restore Devices' is what I need. I am still getting accustomed to your 'scene' functionality where it is writing the links vs. the Houselinc desktop approach that doesn't clarify the scene (as far as I know) and you simply look at what is linked to each of the devices. As someone mentioned, you may include this in the documentation as a 'strong suggestion' to use the 'Restore Devices' feature otherwise you will have some odd linking activity that you may not have visibility to.
  25. This primer helps to explain some things. I am guessing that I am not the only one that has both Houselinc Desktop (or another pc based system) and ISY running. Why can't ISY read the current links of each device (maybe a menu choice) to get up to speed with where we are already set? Understanding now that ISY first 'ignores' and then simply starts overriding the links previously written but possibly not all... explains why I am starting to see erratic behaviour in my system. It sounds like the options are to use ISY to reset all links, or use Houselinc Desktop to remove all links, and then start from scratch with ISY. I would think that a high percentage of ISY's user base installs this system AFTER they have many links already existing (either manually linked or with external software). At least having a menu option to interrogate the devices and reflect properly with the ISY software would really help. I am not too excited about starting from scratch on this. It also will be an ongoing problem for people that continue to use something like Houselinc Desktop to program their devices.
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