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Everything posted by sfhutchi
Works like a champ...Thanks!..... and is one simple program. So just to be sure that I follow the logic.. the then runs when the 'IF' is true... so THEN runs immediately making the IF false, so ELSE kicks in?
I have at least one room where I have the set level at less than 100%, and I think that I have only succeeded in training my wife to use a double-tap every time so that she can get all the light possible instantly. I guess she didn't like my smooth ramp-up. Maybe I need a program run on double-tap that then slowly ramps the light back down to the lower setup.
Good point. I have another program that looks for the light > Off and turns it off after a specified time.... but in theory this program could cause a continuous loop. With testing, the program doesn't seem to re-trigger itself... but it does look like I need to update it to something like this: If ( Control 'Front Bath Light' is switched On Or Control 'Front Bath Light' is switched Fade Up ) And Control 'Front Bath Light' is not switched Off Then Wait 5 minutes Set 'Front Bath Fan' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Yes. This is an example of how I do it with a 'Morning Scene' that is initiated by a toggled KPL button. As you say, I had to put the KPL-Button as a responder in a scene by itself and then call that scene to turn it off after the completion of my timed scene. If you abort the scene by manually toggling the KPL button the program aborts and both light and fan shutoff immediately. If Control 'Master Bath Light - Morning' is switched On And Control 'Master Bath Light - Morning' is not switched Off Then Set 'Master Bath Light' 20% Wait 20 seconds Set 'Master Bathroom Fan' On Set Scene 'Slow Master Bath Light' On Wait 1 hour Set 'Master Bath Light' Off Set Scene 'KPL - Morning' Off Else Set 'Master Bath Light' Off Set 'Master Bathroom Fan' Off Used to preset the bathroom light to a low dim level, then start a very slow ramp from there. Bathroom fan is also initiated after 20 seconds and will be automatically shutoff by a separate program that is looking for a bathroom fan 'on'.
For a guest bathroom, I decided to tie in the bath fan to the use of the light with a little simple logic. My thought was that if the guest had the bathroom light on for 5 minutes or more... than I should initiate the fan for them. If they were in the bathroom for less than 5 minutes and turned off the light on their way out... then the fan never is initiated. Of course, they can manually use the fan as desired. If the bath light is turned off before the 5 minute delay, the program aborts because the 'light >Off' condition goes false. If Status 'Front Bath Light' > Off Then Wait 5 minutes Set 'Front Bath Fan' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I have a second program that looks for a 'fan on' and turns off after a specified delay. This works any time the fan is turned on for any reason. If Status 'Front Bath Fan' is On Then Wait 15 minutes Set 'Front Bath Fan' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Seems robust so far... but if anyone has pointers to improve this, I am always looking for ideas.
For many rooms, I added a simple program that would turn the light on at a very low level by pressing 'Off' on the paddle. It was simply a way to quickly walk into a room at night and avoid standing there for a few seconds to dim up the light or press 'On' and blind myself or the occupants. This has worked fine, but now I decided to add a built in delay and then shut-off. Unfortunately, the program goes false immediately after initiating the program and aborts before the delay is completed. Do I have to use 2 programs to do this? If Status 'Master Bedroom Light' is Off And Control 'Master Bedroom Light' is switched Off Then Set 'Master Bedroom Light' 20% Wait 20 seconds Set 'Master Bedroom Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Thanks. I guess that I should have figured this out. I was trying the 'right-click' thing and also trying to select the text in the right window and not the program summary.
Here is what I have for the program to use the KPL button 'school' as the indicator that the next day is a school day and also as the override. I am not sure that it is very robust since it only runs when the switch is turned off. What do you think? Also, it seems that I had to but this KPL button in a scene (by itself) as a responder to be able to toggle it. Can I toggle it directly? If On Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur From 12:00:00AM on 2010/01/01 To 12:00:00AM on 2010/06/04 And Status 'Family Room Light - School' is Off Then Wait 24 hours Set Scene 'School Button' On
Is there any easy way to cut and paste programs to post in a forum or elsewhere?
Thanks for the ideas. I will post my first attempt here soon. I am going to have one button that serves as the indicator of a school night and also act as the 'override'. The school day programs will run in a folder that will look for the school indicator to be on. Due to this, I will probably set the program to leave the indicator light from Sunday night through Friday afternoon.
Right clicking should work. Every button on a KPL should be listed in your device list. What do you see in your device list for the KPL?
I have setup multiple programs in a 'School Day' folder that run M-F with sunrise scenes in the kids rooms and handle some other morning lighting tasks. As a next step, I wanted to dedicated a KPL button to highlight that I was in 'school mode', and have a way to override 'school mode' if the next day was a holiday or the kids were not going to school, etc. I have gotten a bit rusty with my programming of the system and could use some pointers. For the specific folder, I was going to add a restriction to run only when this KPL button 'School' was 'On'. Then I was thinking that I needed to automate this KPL button so that if I turned it off one night, it would reset 24 hours later. I was thinking that I could do this with one program. Something like: If KPL-School is OFF Then Wait 24 hours Set KPL-School ON How does this logic sound? I will be playing around with this and will report back, but if anyone has done anything similar and can pass along any lessons learned, that would be great. For example, can I set this KPL button directly or do I need to put it in a scene (by itself as a responder?) and call that?
Now that would be an excellent addition. Imagine having a pro-active home!! That is an awesome idea.
For what it is worth, I seem to have the same limitation with the Palm Pre. Not sure if there is anyone else successfully using the Pre to view the 'advanced' pages.
Very interesting. I guess that is what the '1st Floor Timer Lock-out' is for. Interesting idea. Neat concept to give advance warning on changes that people can override.
Since I continue to learn from other people's examples, why did you choose to do the multiple dims and then an 'off' rather than a long ramp to off. It seems that the current approach will make the 'steps' to off fairly pronounced.
Thanks to Jim... here is a place that sells a good IR extender. I recently bought one through an Amazon.com merchant for $44.48 including shipping. I have my ISY located in a closet with my other electronics and use this to transfer the IR from the entertainment center in another room. The link in the attached seems to sell this for $37.99 with shipping. http://cgi.ebay.com/X10-POWERMID-Remote ... dZViewItem
I use Firefox as my primary browser with the ISY and no issues.
Thanks for the insight. Since this is a different request than I have seen on here in a while, I was curious if there was a new issue floating around.
Mike, Out of curiosity, what do you use this for? Do you do this with several devices or have you found this specific device to not stay consistent with what the ISY is seeing?
I think that Mark sets the record for number of posts.. currently at 482 or so... The UDI folks have really put out a great product with VERY active development and AMAZING customer communication. This seems to be the perfect recipe to create the type of customer enthusiasm that you see in this forum.
Thanks for the tip.
Out of curiousity... what would you use this for? Keeping kids in bed after bed time?
I guess that I should have paid closer attention to the 'status' options. I used '> Off' and it works very well. I am curious why all the 'Or' commands caused this program to immediately end though.
I am trying to create a simple 'turn light' off if forgotten program. I have had this working on other lights, but this is one that is controlled from other locations also, and has a default 'on' state of 80%. So... I am trying to capture any scenario that has the light either being controlled locally or remotely. This doesn't seem to work though. The program ends the same second that it starts. If Status 'Room Light' is 80% Or Control 'Room Light' is switched On Or Control 'Room Light' is switched Brighten Or Control 'Room Light' is switched Fast On Or Status 'Room Light' is On Then Wait 1 hour Set 'Room Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')