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Everything posted by FloridaGary

  1. I also have landscaping lighting in my front/back yard totaling 23 lights. All running off of 3 small Intermatic Transformers and controlled by Insteon Outdoor On/Off Modules purchased 14 years ago. I purchased one additional backup transformer just in case, but have never had to replace the Intermatics, however I did replace 1 Outdoor On/Off Module. I never gave much thought about what I would replace them with, so I'll be following this thread for suggestions. One thing is for sure, I will not be using @kzboray 's solution. That is a beast and it will probably last until the next century!
  2. Restart Polyglot and that should resolve it.
  3. iOS 15.5 was released to the public today. It may not fix your problem, but it would be better to resolve your issue with the latest update.
  4. Thank you. I still had a question which I posted in response to Mr.Bill. You show the "wait time" in the Then section, but the author of the program I am following shows it in the "If" statement. Trying to figure out how he did that.
  5. Thank you @MrBill. This helped, but how did the programs author add the (+ 25 hours )?
  6. Hi All - I need some assistance programming the Timeout program for my Leak Detectors. As I learned from @MrBillcomments do nothing and I am not sure how to follow these instructions. The programming I have followed - https://www.termpro.com/asp/pubs.asp?ID=443 What I know - The 9 Leak Detectors all work and trip the electronic valve to shut down water supply to house. New Energizer Lithium batteries in each. After testing each Detector, I pressed the re-set button to return to dry status The programming I followed to measure the Detector's heartbeat has been sending updates within every 24 hours for the past week. This is what the programming should look like: This is what I have: ( I know this is not correct ) I have // Time is Last Run..........as a comment. When I click on Add And (...) I can not figure out how to add Time is Last Run Time for 'Guest Bath Sink - Heartbeat' + 25 hours without it being a comment. Guest Bath Sink-Timeout - [ID 001E][Parent 0012] If $sGuestBathroomSink is not 3 // Time is Last Run Time for 'Guest Bath Sink - Heartbeat' + 25 hours Then $sGuestBathroomSink = 2 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') What am I missing? Thanks in advance for anyone's help. Gary
  7. For the last 8 of 10 years using all Insteon devices, my controller has been the Hub and Hub II. This device made it easy to set up your home automation, but with many limitations. I have known about the ISY software for most of my 10 years experience, but was hesitant due to the learning curve so many have commented on in other forums and repeated on this one. Well, Insteon didn't give us a choice last month when they shut down their server without notice. Fortunately, within a few hours of seeing the solid red light on my Hub, I knew something was wrong and started searching online. I came across this forum confirming what we now know. Fortunately, a forum member (don't remember who) made a reference to ISY on Polisy and if we had an Insteon PLM, plug-in or USB (selling on eBay) that it will work with the Polisy controller. Knowing that Insteon devices were difficult to get for the past year, I saw that this very popular seller of the USB PLM had 10 left. I quickly purchased well before deciding on the Polisy controller, which I eventually purchased. Everything I read about Universal Devices and CEO, Michel Kohanim was extremely positive. Once the Polisy arrived, I had a question before setting up the device and much to my surprise, Michel answered my questions. I was expecting someone from tech support. So, setup was easy and went smoothly. Since the Hub was still controlling everything, I started with devices that are not used daily to get some practice and to make sure all worked before the "great migration" as I like to call it. Every time I had a question, Michel would respond to the point that I was afraid I was taking him away from more important parts of his business in addition to other customers who may need him more than I do. What I have come to learn is that Michel sees any request as important and cares that all of us are up and running smoothly. For that, I can not thank him enough. He has made the process of switching from the Hub to ISY on Polisy controller a painless one. I also have to thank the many on this forum for their advice, suggestions and support throughout this setup process. They are true ambassadors of UDI and Home Automation.
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  8. Thanks @lilyoyofor the examples. I have something similar to what you described, but I use Alexa to trigger the scenes. Example: In the morning, I just tell Alexa to turn on kitchen scene and TV. Lights, TV, Apple TV device and Stereo Tuner all turn on. When I sit down, I just select the streaming app and show to watch. Conversely, the opposite shuts everything down.
  9. Are you using Cable? With streaming through an Apple TV or Roku, I can't imagine I can program the node to turn on to a specific channel since everything is App based. Back in my cable days, I had full control of the TV, Channels, Volume, DVD Player etc through Harmony and Alexa.
  10. Hi All, Now that I have my Polisy installed and programmed, I am exploring PG3. There are a few servers that caught my attention, but since I have never used a feature like this before, I was wondering what functionality it would provide? Is there anyone in this forum that has tried/used any of the following: August - Although the caution listed is not confidence inspiring IAquaLink - For some reason I don't see this anymore. I believe I saw it on PG Cloud, but its not on the current version of PG3 (3.0.61) Rachio - For my irrigation Harmony Hub - We've had this a few years now for our AV setup and since my initial setup and programming, no changes have been needed. Do I need this because Harmony isn't selling/supporting their Hub? Tesla - My wife and I both drive Tesla vehicles and their app works well. What would this node provide? As always, all feedback is welcome. Gary
  11. If not the switch wiring, did you try replacing the bulb to confirm?
  12. I have also completed the programming for “Timeout” and “Wet” in addition to “Heartbeat”. I am currently reviewing all 27 programs and will review again tomorrow with a fresh set of eyes. I haven’t spent this much time on a laptop in 4 years.
  13. @MrBillTo close out this thread, I'll leave you with the result of your guidance and patience. Also, your suggestion about starting with basic programming is a good one and I plan to follow through. I have been very fortunate to retire early 4 years ago and although I stay busy with personal interests, learning how to program will be something I pursue locally. As they say, you're never too old to learn something new. ?
  14. Great advice and much appreciated. By the way, I see what you mean about using “Variable”. That made the difference. You are right, I was not aware this was not the bunny slopes. I was trying to blindly follow directions that were laid out well. Up until now, it has not been difficult to get all devices up and running on IoP except for the 2450 module that I couldn’t read with glasses on. However, the rubber hits the road when it comes to programming. Clearly out of my league.
  15. Ok. If it’s running as expected with 1 less line of code, I can’t complain. At least now I feel like I’m headed in the right direction. I’ll take the win! Thanks again. Some day I may actually understand what I did. ?
  16. @MrBillI went to the Program Details page to address the following “Comment” I added…… // $sLeakPoolBathSink is not 3 The only options I have to maintain the format it’s in is to use “Comment”. I looked at Status, Control, Program, X10, Variable and Module. None will give me the option to enter this command. So, I looked back at the Program Summary page and it shows the Pool Bath Sink-Heartbeat program ran today at 12:15. Isn’t this proof that it’s working and I am indeed the next Bill Gates?
  17. I’ll give that a try or reconsider the example you provided. #ChallengeAccepted ?
  18. Ok. This screen is difficult to navigate and it seemed like the only way to match the format from the publication I am using. Back to the drawing board. Thanks again for the feedback.
  19. Thank you @larryllix . MrBill suggested the same re: copy/paste, but I thought this looked better. Interesting info re: you and Bill Gates. So, what I am hearing is that I am as good as he was before you had to disassemble his code? Lol.
  20. @MrBillOk, I finally got my to-do list completed and now back to programming. You previously suggested I should maximize my screen in the program, which it already was. Please review this when you have a chance and let me know if I am the Bill Gates of ISY programming yet. lol
  21. Once again, thank you for the information @MrBill. When you spend hours trying to learn something new, I had to chuckle when you stated "you're missing part of the logic." From a lay perspective (me) there is no logic in programming, much like someone trying to learn the English language with all its nuance etc. However, I'll get there eventually. I just hope my house doesn't flood while learning to program these sensors. haha
  22. @MrBillThank you for the feedback. Sorry for the crude screenshots. I was posting from my phone. I'll add the 2 parentheses, but not sure where I missed "Or". I did just notice that "And (" needs to move up one line. This is the first time I have programmed anything, so appreciate the patience. Now I am unable to find the Program to edit for changes. This type of controller is a whole new world for me.
  23. Hi all, Feedback needed from the pros. I just completed a water leak sensor - heartbeat program in IoP by following a very detailed description posted back in 2019. I provided a pic from the directions and also a pic of what I produced. Please review and confirm I didn’t miss anything. I wasn’t sure I needed the 2 parentheses at the bottom of the “If” section.
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