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Everything posted by Brignolo

  1. Michel: Don't worry about the tardy reply...I know what the travel thing is like. I have a static IP thru my ISP and the Router has assigned but it does not show in the status table. Where am I assigning the DNS? (Which would be Sorry for the incompetence factor... Joe
  2. Michel: Thanks for the prompt reply. No joy. Here is the part of the log which shows my email attempts: 0 univers Mon 11/10/2008 09:05:18 PM System -50010 0 univers Mon 11/10/2008 09:06:55 PM System -50010 0 null Mon 11/10/2008 09:07:51 PM System -60006 0 univers Mon 11/10/2008 09:14:59 PM System -50010 0 univers Mon 11/10/2008 09:19:29 PM System -50010 0 univers Mon 11/10/2008 09:19:48 PM System -50010 0 univers Mon 11/10/2008 10:04:38 PM System -50010 These log entries are edited from my log to show only the email attempts.
  3. Michel: I have never been able to send an email notification from my ISY to my gmail account since it became available. I've followed all the instructions, set my gmail account appropriately, but never received an email. I realize there is a "From" field now; exactly what goes in that field? Joe.
  4. Ok, Followed all the directions and kinda sorta got it working. For a few weeks if I pressed my KPL I would have to press it again to shut off Output 1. So, I ordered a PLC 2414S from SH (Got a good deal) and (FINALLY) got it to talk to my EZIO 2x4. How do I set the output to only stay on a second or two then turn off? Hex codes? I have opened the SimpleHomeNet utilty and looked at the pages and have not a clue. Can someone help me? Thanking you in advance, Joe P.S. I'm one of the unfortunate; my EZIO 2x4 and ISY don't speak...
  5. This would be an excellent addition. I, like many others, have been chasing the "status" issue (see http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1752) for several months. This would enable me to resolve communication issues at the device.
  6. I have a fairly lengthly program which fires off a series of events that last about 30 minutes when it's time to go upstairs for the night. From the same or nearby control point I want to be able to start the program (which obviously I can do) but if I change my mind I would like to stop the program from the same switch by the program reading something like: If the "program" is true and KPL A is pressed Then Stop the "program" The trick is that I need the program to change its status to False so I can cause the program to run a few minutes later from KPL A. Any suggestions?? Joe
  7. I'm coming up on one year after installing my ISY. Although my actual electricity bill are relatively on the high side, I have been able to realize a $50-75 on my electric bill per month. I can quantify this savings by logging on to my account with Duke Energy. I will do so and repost when I have this data available. But like everyone else, the lights don't go on full and don't stay on long. I think the real savings has been with the ability to control my heating/cooling from anywhere in the house. Did ya ever wake up in the middle of the night and were too cold in the summer or too hot in the winter and were just too darn lazy to go downstairs and change the temperature? - - C'mon we all have... Well not anymore, my friend.... Joe
  8. Michel: The same thing is happening on my Verizon network with a Palm Treo 700wx running Windows Mobile 5.1.195. Joe
  9. Mike, That would be great to know. Are you going to run the touch screen controller with an ADDITIONAL PLM? I have another ISY here as well as a PLM and I often wondered if they would play nice on my network. Let me know! Joe
  10. Is the INSTEON Compatible In-Wall Touch Screen Controller (Item#: 12005) Compatible with the ISY-99i-IR/PRO? If so, how so; being that it needs to interface with a PLM. Joe
  11. I'm using a Treo 700wx with Mobile 6 and I am experiencing similar problems. Occasionally, things go well...for a while...then I get a IE error message. The Administrative Console in never accessible and it just gives me the UD first screen without login fields. At one point I was able to access the Device menu successfully with my Treo. So much so that I was able to turn several of my devices on and off in rapid succession. This resulted in locking up my 99i to the point where it dissappeard from my network all together. Recyling the power brought it back. I was able to recreate that phenomemon by repeating the fast off/on of some devices. The power cycle fixed it again. Now bear in mind that my PLM is undersized for my devices/programs/*lincs, etc. Tomorrow I will get the new upgraded PLM and will try to recreate the failure. More tomorrow. Joe P.S. It would be really nice to be able to access the Administrative Console with a smartphone.
  12. OK! This is what happened: I still couldn't telnet into my ISY-99 no matter what I did; kept getting the error displayed above. I had noticed that after the last power failure the ISY-99 pulled from the DHCP router. On a hunch I decided to reset my router and workgroup switch which are involved with my ISY because I thought that the error messages may be related to the ".100" Sure enough, when it finally rebooted-it pulled (and that's a story in itself) I was able to telnet in, change to the static IP setting, and all is right with the world. Thank you everyone. Joe
  13. Dave: Thank you. Tried that, but I have an ISY-99i/IR Pro, and it seems I can't telnet into it as I could the ISY-26... Hmmmmm.... Joe
  14. Jim: Good Idea! So I gave it a try. (Without conformation I may add.) I accessed the proper address and got the user name and password lines in the cmd prompt ok but.... This was the result: LOGGER:-10103 : n=[null] c=[null] a=[null] H_ERROR:-10103 : Authentication failed Connection to host lost. So it isn't the same as the ISY-26, but I'm sure there is an answer! Joe
  15. People: This may have been addressed before, but I spent 45 minutes or so looking for the answer: Much like the Network Attached Storage Device on my LAN I would like my ISY-99i to pull a consistant IP address from my DHCP router. This would prevent me having to chase port forwarding every time I experience a power failure. That may be tough when I'm traveling. Is this possible without changing my router (Linksys WRT54GSV4)? Joe
  16. I have come to a fork in the road. I realize this is waaay off any ISY-PLM-Insteon topic, but my thoughts are that I will ALWAYS receive the RIGHT answer in this forum. I am unhappy with the six 1000w UPS's I have scattered throughout the house. Some power computers, and some my plasma TV's and AV component stacks. I will eventually have whole house generation capabilities, but the main interest is powering the plasma installations. So, the question is: What sort of damage, if any would I do to my plasma and AV component stack by using a modified sine wave inverter? The basic concept here would be to use several car batteries in parallel and the inverter to power the entertainment area(s). The draw is about 500w per area so I would use a 1000w inverter. The pure sine wave inverters are more than twice the price of the modified ones. Any input anyone? Thanking you in advance, Joe
  17. Brignolo

    New PLM

    What would be the advantages of upgrading to the "new, improved PLM?" Joe
  18. Wayne: This may sound too simple...BUT, it's happend to me. "Usually when something does not work, it's either not plugged in...Or not turned on." Try swapping out your ethernet cable between your ISY and router. Joe
  19. Sub-Routine: Thanks. I knew I was missing the simple approach. I'm a newbie here and just getting into it. The problem...as you well know...is the deeper you get, the more you realized what you don't know. Joe
  20. I want to be able to not completely turn a Christmas tree off. 1-3% would be perfect. 10% I'd settle for. There are some logisticals reasons why I would want this to work. Currently, this is my program: If Control 'Master Bedroom KeyLinc C' is not switched On Or-( | Status 'Master Bedroom Christmas Tree' < 30% | Or Status 'Master Bedroom Christmas Tree' is not On -) Then Set 'Master Bedroom Christmas Tree' 10% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Is there a better way to accomplish this? Also while we're at it, is there any way to control the OFF ramp rate using ISY? I do not want to set the local control for the slow ramp rate. Joe
  21. Is there any release date planned for a detailed User's Manual for 2.5?
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